
Arrhythmia: symptoms and treatment. How to treat cardiac arrhythmia with folk remedies

  • Arrhythmia: symptoms and treatment. How to treat cardiac arrhythmia with folk remedies

    Our cardiovascular system consists of bundles and nodes of the nervous tissue, and they are located in the region of the myocardium, it is there that pulses of the heartbeat and their conductivity appear. On the number and quality of impulses depends on heart health, if the rhythm is knocked down or the impulses are not sufficiently intense, a disease called arrhythmia develops. There are different types of this disease, for example, if the number of contractions increases, tachycardia appears. If their number drops sharply, a bradycardia appears, while the intensity of contractions is not disturbed. It is very easy to notice changes in the heartbeat, since any person's heart beats at a speed of 65-70 beats per minute, any deviation from the norm indicates the development of the disease.

    • Arrhythmia symptoms

    • Arrhythmia reasons

    • What are the types of arrhythmia

    • Arrhythmia treatment folk remedies

    • Arrhythmia prevention

    Arrhythmia symptoms

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    In most cases, symptoms do not appear at all, but there are other cases when a person is worried about his heart rate. The main symptoms of the disease:

    • Accelerated heart rate;

    • Missed or insufficient heart contraction;

    • Very strong sensation of a palpitation, as if it just about will jump out of a breast;

    • Frequent fainting or darkening in the eyes;

    • Discomfort or pain in the chest;

    • Weakness or fatigue;

    • Shortness of breath and accelerated breathing.

    But to say that all the symptoms signal the presence of the disease can not, because they can occur in the case of normal stress or fright, when the nervous system is strongly excited.

    Reasons for arrhythmia

    It's hard to tell why exactly arrhythmia appears. There are two main causes of the development of the disease, namely, a violation in the nerve nodes of the heart, which causes arrhythmia after a while. Also, the disease appears due to chronic diseases, including GI and CNS diseases. If there is a violation in the nerve nodes of the heart, blood supply in the body can change. All internal organs work correctly only in those cases when the correct blood circulation is restored, which depends directly on the work of the heart. The rhythm is determined depending on the conduction system of the heart, for which the network of nerve nodes is responsible. All nodes have a complex structure that allows them to conduct all electrical impulses into fibers and bundles that have a variety of nerve endings. Because of impulses, the muscles of the heart contract at the right pace, forming the right frequency, uniformity and synchronism of the cardiovascular system.
    The main node responsible for the cardiac system is at the very top in the right atrium. It is also often called the sinus node or the Kis-Flake, as it controls all heartbeats, which depends directly on the person's activity, the characteristics of his CNS, and the time of day. Each impulse in the sinus node is controlled by the atrium, and provokes a contraction, directing them to the atrioventricular node. Also it is called an atrioventricular node, and it is located in the region of the ventricles and atria, approximately on the border between them. In some situations, it produces impulses, but if it works normally, it slows down the impulses, while the atria contract, and transports blood into the ventricles. Further, the impulses are transmitted through the tissues to bundles of the Gis, and then into the ventricles, after which the contractions occur. The bundle consists of two branches, whose fibers consist of Purkinje, which lead to the ventricles. This is what ensures synchronization of work. When the contraction occurs - the heart begins to rest and expect another reduction.
    Sinus rhythm is characterized by 60-80 strokes per minute, this is the normal number of strokes in the cardiovascular system, when the deviations occur, their number changes. If the rhythm has changed and the strokes have become more or less, you need to undergo a medical examination, as this indicates the development of arrhythmia. This is mainly due to a violation of the quality and number of pulses, and only one of the nerve nodes, but even a violation in one of them causes problems in all areas. The heart stops if the rhythm is broken by 17%.Usually, the protection function of the conductive system is triggered, and the heart begins to be controlled by another node.
    But the disease can appear for other reasons, for example, in the presence of chronic diseases in humans. If the adrenaline rises in the blood, the sugar falls, the amount of the hormone of the pancreas increases - the heart rate increases or slows down, which leads to arrhythmia. The disease can provoke a violation of the water-salt balance in the body, this reduces the amount of potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium in the body. There is a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the blood, so there is a violation in the work of the heart. There is an arrhythmia and for the reason that the work of the cardiovascular system has changed, for example, atherosclerosis has developed or heart defects have appeared. The most often affects the appearance of the disease lifestyle, habits such as drinking, smoking cigarettes, taking antibiotics and so on - cause heart problems. General intoxication of the body also affects the heartbeat. Reduce the intake of medications, use them only if necessary after consulting a doctor, as this can cause arrhythmia.

    What are the types of arrhythmia

    As mentioned above, the node responsible for the appearance of electrical impulses is sinus, so sinus arrhythmia is distinguished. If a person has a sinus tachycardia, the heart muscle can contract at a rate of 90 beats per minute, which is very much. In general, there is a similar symptom in the form of a strong palpitation, which occurs due to increased stress on the body and nervous breakdowns. The disease can occur due to an increase in body temperature during a cold or bronchitis. Of course, we can not say that it is these symptoms that characterize the disease, it can appear by itself.
    Sinus bradycardia is characterized by a sharp decrease in heart rate, the number of strokes reaches 55 per minute or even less. There is a disease absolutely for everyone, even for physically healthy people involved in sports. The rhythm is lost not only during wakefulness, but also during sleep. Usually, it appears together with heart disease and hypotension, the main cause of the appearance of the disease is worsening of thyroid function. The feeling of pain in the heart is increasing every day, besides the disease is accompanied by dizziness and weakness.
    Sinus arrhythmia is determined by the fact that a person is knocked down by the alternation of cardiac strokes. The most common disease occurs in adolescents and children. Far from always the disease has a connection with the respiratory function, when a person breathes in, his heart contractions become more frequent, and when he exhales, they become less. As a rule, because of respiratory arrhythmia, a person does not experience very severe discomfort, the symptoms are almost not felt, so the disease can not be treated. Check the presence of sinus arrhythmia is very simple: hold your breath and measure the number of beats per minute, if it is normal - the disease is not dangerous to health.
    Extrasystolia is characterized by indiscriminate contractions of the heart muscle. People with a healthy heart can have extrasystoles, which are provoked by all sorts of diseases or bad habits. The standard sensation of this type of arrhythmia is the tremors and powerful strokes in the heart, sometimes it feels like the heart is frozen.

    Paroxysmal tachycardia is not so dangerous to health, usually a person feels his heartbeat and it is frequent enough. Over time, the disease may worsen and the frequency of beats per minute reaches 200 beats per minute, as a rule, a similar number of strokes abruptly appears and disappears. The main signs of the disease: weakness, increased palpitations, sweating.
    Atrial fibrillation is differently called fibrillating arrhythmia , it is characterized as a disturbed contraction of several cardiac fibers. Usually the atrium does not completely contract, so the ventricles do not have a certain rhythm and the frequency of strokes reaches 150 per minute. Further, the heart rate is markedly accelerated, the number of cuts per minute reaches 300 strokes, which is very much. A similar condition occurs in people with heart disease, people who drink alcohol and have thyroid disorders.

    Treatment of arrhythmia with folk remedies

    If there is a violation in the work of the heart, you need to find the underlying disease and take care of its treatment. Often the main problem is rheumatism, cardiosclerosis, cardiac neuroses and myocardium. Cure the disease can be even folk methods, but it is better to visit a doctor before taking herbal medicines.
    Brew 10 grams of calendula flowers in 400 milliliters of boiling water, then allow the mixture to infuse for 2 hours. Strain and drink half a glass several times a day. Mix 2 pieces of cones of hops, millennia grass, melissa leaves, and valerian root in 3 parts. About 20 grams of brew brew 200 milliliters of boiling water, let it brew for one hour and strain. Use 4 times a day for 50 milliliters.
    If you have heart attacks, you can brew blue cornflower flowers about 40 grams per cup of boiling water. Infuse flowers for one hour and strain, consume one third of the glass several times a day for 20 minutes before eating.
    For combating atherosclerosis, rowan bark is used, about 200 grams are thoroughly crushed, and then brewed in 500 milliliters of water. Boil for 2 hours a mountain ash, and then strain and use 5 times a day about 50 milliliters of broth.
    Mix the leaves of the watch, the flowers of the clover, the rind of the apples, millennia( grass), strawberries and fennel, then boil with boiling water and let it steep for 12 hours in the thermos. Use 50 milliliters of decoction every three hours, but first carefully strain.

    Take the grass of sweet clover, leaves of strawberries, hips, hawthorn, asparagus roots, peppermint grass and foxglove leaves. Do everything the same as in the previous recipe. You can eat 5 times a day.
    Mix the fruits of fennel with leaves of whining, watches, wild strawberries, foxglove and shoots of Ledum. Take everything evenly and mix, crush thoroughly, so that the mixture turns into a powder. Pour 20 grams of powder in two glasses of boiling water, and then boil for 10 minutes. Wait until the mixture has cooled to room temperature. Use 50 milliliters several times a day, but pre-strain. You can use other ingredients, take the motherwort grass, peppermint, Adonis grass, apple peel, blackberry leaves, burdock root and mother-and-stepmother leaves. Also mix the ingredients in equal amounts and chop, then boil and strain.
    Healers recommend reducing the amount of food so that the disease recedes. The fact is that when the stomach is filled too much - nerves are irritated and affect the sinus node, which provokes a violation of the rhythm and intensity of heart impulses. Try not to lift the weight, because they provoke an increase in blood pressure, which irritates the heart. Because of the loads, the tempo and rhythm of the heartbeat can change. You can also use liquid extract of hawthorn to relax the heart, drink 30 drops half an hour before meals several times a day.
    You can prepare a collection from the leaves of the watch, the root of valerian, peppermint, pour boiling water all the ingredients taken in equal amounts. Insist about 50 minutes, then strain and eat on a tablespoon 20 minutes before eating, it is advisable to drink broth 4 times a day. Together with the broth you can use figs, and in any form, it is very useful for the heart.
    Make a salad of onions and apples, grind them to the state of gruel, use it recommend for problems with the vessels. Basically appoint at an atherosclerosis which is localized in cardiac vessels. Magnolia large-colored is used to treat increased heart rate, heart pain and hypertension. Mix 100 grams of finely chopped magnolia leaves, and then insist in 500 milliliters of alcohol. Infuse the mixture for about a week in a place protected from sunlight. Strain the magnolia thoroughly and consume 10 drops with clean water several times a day before eating.

    Mix fresh juices of radish, beets and carrots in the same proportion, then use them daily for several months. Such treatment is prescribed for any heart disease. If after treatment with juices the disease has returned - reduce the consumption of sugar, animal fats and foods in which there is a lot of cholesterol. For example, in yolk and brains, cholesterol is very harmful, it disrupts the work of the heart. You can not eat a lot of salty foods and just salt, cut down on coffee and tea, and most importantly - alcohol.
    To reduce the risk of arrhythmia, you need to consume more raw and fresh foods with calcium and natural minerals and vitamins. It is the oranges, beets, beans, honey, dairy products, currants, cherries and so on that normalize the work of the heart and bring the heart rate back to normal. Try to reduce the intake of fried foods, which contains many harmful and dangerous fats. Use cranberry juice and add peppermint to tea, preferably green, it has a very positive effect on the vessels and cleans them.
    Seafood and especially brown algae are very useful for heart health. To increase the amount of potassium in the body, you need to eat apple cider vinegar, about 2 teaspoons a day 50 minutes before eating. For one spoonful of vinegar it is necessary to drink a glass of water with the addition of a teaspoon of dark honey.
    It is desirable to consume more cottage cheese, cereals( especially oatmeal) and fish with a minimum amount of fat. Use vegetable oil instead of animal, it is much more useful. Try to eat more fruits and vegetables, cleanse the body and especially the large intestine - green apples. With food eat garlic, horseradish, tinctures of hawthorn and dog rose, they are recommended even by doctors. If you have extra weight - you need to get rid of it, since it loads the cardiovascular system. Spend unloading days on kefir, apples and cottage cheese. Never drink dirty water, buy a filter or drink spring water. Often go out for walks, a very important role is played by the flow of clean air into the body. With serious heart disease you need to completely quit smoking, it's difficult, but without this in any way. It is desirable to go in for sports, at least to do gymnastics in the mornings.

    Prevention of arrhythmia

    Most often the disease appears along with other health problems. Arrhythmia is characterized by a heart failure on the background of pathologies associated with the thyroid gland, hypertension or infection. To cure the disease, you need to cure the underlying problem. It is necessary to reduce the flow of harmful substances into the body, namely - to quit smoking and drinking, to stop nervous over trifles, as this provokes the production of cortisol.
    You have to visit a doctor, so that you get prescribed medication. The most commonly prescribed adrenoblockers and antiarrhythmic drugs, along with vitamin and mineral complexes, which contain a lot of magnesium and potassium. This is necessary to restore the amount of minerals in the blood, since ordinary food can not deliver to the body 300 or 400 milligrams of magnesium.
    The correct combination of minerals should be supported by Group B vitamins, they increase the absorption of magnesium and improve the work of the intestines, so magnesium is more quickly delivered to the body cells. It is worth noting that magnesium is absorbed more quickly in the liver thanks to vitamins B, especially B6.
    Treatment can not affect a person in the event that he drinks a lot of tea and coffee, smokes cigarettes and uses alcohol. Smoking disrupts the balance of electrolyte metabolism, which provokes violations in the vegetative system. It is because of smoking most often there is an arrhythmia and other problems with the heart. Also it is necessary to support physical activity, namely - to go in for sports, but not heavy. People with obesity, diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system and so on are mainly affected. These diseases depend not only on genetic factors, but also on the way of life. That's why you need to consult a doctor and start doing sports, you can train in the gym, but do not work with too high weights. Preferably skiing or swimming, but again - without fanaticism, high loads are prohibited.
    Recent studies of scientists have confirmed that there is a connection between arrhythmia and imbalance in lipid metabolism, which leads to obesity and diabetes mellitus. It is because of the lipid metabolism that a too strong cardiac impulse or an increase in the number of beats per minute may occur, so any problems related to lipid metabolism should be avoided.
    Emotional people are more prone to arrhythmia due to the fact that they often suffer from depression and insomnia. That the disease does not appear, you need to rest more, observe the regime and go to bed on time. It is not advisable to take antidepressants and hypnotics, it is better to take advantage of natural medicines, such as St. John's wort, valerian, hawthorn, mint and so on.
    Be Healthy, dear our readers!