  • How to make a massage?

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    To date, there are hundreds of different massage techniques, dozens of techniques and their variations. What kind of massage you choose - it's up to you. However, there are general rules of massage, which should be followed in any case - then the massage procedure will be as effective as possible and will not cause harm( in fact, with a wrong massage, harm to health will be much more than good).So, the basic rules of how to do massage:

    1. Any massage is performed strictly along the lymphatic path , i.e.in the direction where the nearest lymph nodes are located. So, the neck is massaged from the hairline downwards towards the clavicles. Hands should be massaged from the wrist to the elbow joint and from the elbow joint - to the armpits. The legs are massaged from the foot to the knees and from the knee to the groin area. The chest is massaged from the sternum towards the axillary basins. The areas of the pelvis, sacrum and waist are massaged towards the groin. Straight abdominal muscles are massaged from top to bottom, oblique - on the contrary, from the bottom up. Lymph nodes can not be massaged!

    2. During the muscle massage of the human being, which is done the procedure, the should be as relaxed as possible .
    3. Massaged should not experience pain during massage - if the threshold of pain is exceeded, you need to reduce the force when performing massage techniques.
    4. If you want to know how to make a massage properly, do not forget that it is especially important during this procedure that adheres to the precise rhythm and pace of .The rate can be rapid( increasing the excitability of the nervous system), medium and slow( reducing the excitability of HC).
    5. Strong in effect receptions should alternate with weak, each time to repeat 5-8 times. There should not be pauses between massage receptions - after completing one procedure, immediately go to the next.
    6. The maximum effect is achieved with nude body massage .Massed must first take a shower or wipe with a damp towel.
    7. Lubricants for massage are not a mandatory attribute - rather, on the contrary, massage will be more effective without using them. But if the hands of the masseur sweat or the massaged has a significant scalp, you can use special massage creams, ointments or oils.

    The basic techniques of massage

    There are 8 main massages in total, which must be remembered for those who want to know how to do massage. This is stroking, kneading, squeezing, moving, shaking, vibrating, rubbing and shaking. Each massage has its functions, differently affecting the skin, nervous system, fat tissue, blood circulation.

    Classic massage assumes this sequence of techniques: it starts with strokes, then follows squeezing, kneading, rubbing, active and passive movements, strokes, stroking, shaking. However, different types of massages can have a different scheme of action - the only common thing is that rarely what kind of massage is limited to only one method. It is precisely certain combinations of different massage techniques that guarantee the highest effectiveness of this procedure.

    Contraindications for massage

    Do not forget that for some diseases massage is a prohibited procedure. It is unlikely that you will need information on how to properly massage, if you:
    - suffer from skin diseases( eczema, lichen, rash, ulcers, boils, inflammation of the lymph nodes);
    - are in an acute febrile state;
    - have damaged or irritated skin;
    - suffer from acute inflammatory processes, bleeding;
    - you have problems with veins( inflammation, thrombosis, varicose veins);
    - have tumors of any origin( both benign and malignant);
    - suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    Ideal - consult with your doctor before starting the massage procedure.

    How to make a back massage

    Back massage is perhaps the most popular, because it is on the back pain at the end of the working day that we complain most often. At home, a back massage that does not require special skills and preliminary training is suitable. So, how to back massage properly?

    Preparatory stage .Massiruemy falls on the table, comfortable in height for the massage therapist. A pillow is placed under the chest massaged.

    Strokes of the .Back massage begins with stroking. With two closed palms smoothly lead in the direction from the lumbar region along the spine, then spread your hands along the scapula. Repeat 5-7 times.

    Mashes .In the same direction( from the waist upward with the dilution of the hands on the shoulder blades), hold the bones of the fingers in a spiral, applying a small force and grasping the different parts of the back. Repeat 3-4 times.

    .External edges of the palms perform movements on the back like "sawing" - first on one side of the back, then on the other. After this, take 3-4 strokes.

    "Roll-out" ."Pinch" the area of ​​the muscular tissue of the loin from one side of the back and, fingering it with the thumb and index finger, alternately, "roll" it up to the neck. Repeat on the other side of the back. Grind your back with your hands.

    .Relax the hands halfway, knock with the palms of the entire surface of the back.

    To finish the back massage
    you need the same movements that were used at the beginning - smooth strokes.

    The average duration of such a back massage is 15 minutes.

    Correctly done massage will normalize your tired muscles, will have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body and, of course, will raise your spirits. After all, a massage session, among other things, is a very pleasant relaxing procedure.

    Often it happens that after a hard working day or strong physical exertion, the muscles "whine" and "pull", and the body refuses to fully work. In such cases, massage helps well - but in fact not everyone has a familiar masseur who will come running to the rescue at your first call. And in order to every time turn to the services of paid massage therapists, most do not have any free time or extra money. Fortunately, to master simple methods of general massage almost any person can. How correctly to do massage in house conditions?

    General massage rules