  • Why the hair is cut off. Masks for split hair

    Secular hair is usually called hair, the ends of which are split. They have a property to be confused, easy to break and look pretty dim. In particular, long hair is affected, hair that has a length of more than 30 centimeters, in any case begin to delaminate at the ends, as they do not withstand the effects of numerous environmental factors.

    Having such a protective layer of any hair, namely the cuticle, it is susceptible to destruction, and as a result it turns out that the structure of the inner layer of the hair, a short layer and the medulla itself, can be delaminated, and the horn flakes in turn ruffle and can no longer nestleto the trunk of the hair, as they should. Mostly it concerns the tips of the hair, but it is possible that such a process can affect the hair along its entire length. The ends of the damaged hair, as a rule, reach 2-3 centimeters, besides they have a lighter color than other healthy hair.

    The reason for the appearance of split hair, as a rule, is their frequent coloring or curling, the use of a hot hair dryer or alkaline soap. It can also happen as a result of their regular contact with the sharp comb, including the cause may be a strong burnout in the sun and sea wind - all these factors lead to the fact that the hair is overdried and lose natural lubrication and moisture. Including fragility of hair and the formation of split ends can be formed due to wearing the same kind of hairstyle, it can be fleece or horse tail, parting, etc.

    Article plan:
    • How to help hair?
    • Mask for split ends of hair
    • Care for split hair

    How to help hair?

    It is quite possible to help the hair. It begins with the fact that you need to change your shampoo to a healing restorative shampoo with lecithin, vitamin B5, chamomile extract, wheat germ, mint, lime color, and also use a wooden or plastic brush with large and at the same time rare teeth. The tips of the hair will help protect a special balm or cream for split hair, which must be directly rubbed into the ends of the hair after washing and do not rinse.

    Cream or balm with a protective film covers the hairs, and at the same time it helps to restore them from the inside. Vegetable soft proteins, which are directly contained in such products, fill the ruptures formed at the tips of the hair, keratins, beer and henna help to strengthen the hair without making them heavier. As a protection, weekly masks of olive oil or almond oil, which should be applied 30 minutes before washing your head, are perfect, making such a mask you can simultaneously make a head massage.

    Sometimes, split ends need to be sheared, it should be done approximately every 6-8 weeks, and in case the hair is long, the tips should be cut at least once a month. In the best way, you should do this in a beauty salon or a hairdresser, using hot scissors for this, since they have the property of sealing the ends of split hair.

    Masks for split hair

    Treat hair according to the recommendations of traditional medicine, it is necessary with the help of warm compresses, which are carried out 2 times a month before washing your head.

    In the scalp it is necessary to rub burdock or any other vegetable oil, it should be slightly warmed up directly. Next, wrap the head with cellophane, and top with a towel. After an hour, the hair should be washed with shampoo and rinse with a little acidified with lemon juice water.

    As a rinse aid, it is recommended to use infusions of peppermint, linden, birch leaves and chamomile.
    You can also rub warm scalp into the scalp, and then put on the hat afterwards. After half an hour, the yerk is again rubbed, and the head is washed with a mild shampoo.

    Including for the split hair, the following recipe is perfect: one egg yolk with sunflower( olive) oil, henna powder, honey, cognac should be carefully mixed - all the ingredients must be taken one teaspoonful.

    Egg mask
    To prepare this mask, you need to mix one egg yolk, one tablespoon of lemon juice and one tablespoon of vegetable oil with 0.5 cups of warm boiled water. All components of this mask perfectly nourish the scalp and hair, the lemon improves and moisturizes the structure of the hair, oil in turn softens the skin and prevents loss of moisture.

    The mask should be applied to the scalp for 30 minutes. After you should thoroughly wash your hair first with cool water, and then warm with the addition of 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar with a calculation for 1 liter of water.

    Dimexid mask
    Dimexide in turn makes the cell membranes of the scalp permeable, thereby improving the penetration of nutrients into the hair follicles.

    To make this mask, you need 2 teaspoons of dimexide, 3 teaspoons of vitamin A, 3 teaspoons of vitamin E and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, all ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the hair. After an hour, everything should be washed off with water and shampoo.

    Homemade masks should be applied 1-2 times a week and your hair will gain strength, get stronger, will be beautiful and shiny.

    Peach mask
    Peach has the ability to smooth and close the scales of split hair.

    To prepare the mask, you need to mash the two peaches, add 3 tablespoons of fresh milk, 6 drops of oregano oil. The mask should be applied to the hair for 30 minutes, after washing off with warm water and shampoo.

    Care for split hair

    Taking care of hair, it is necessary to dispense with a hot air dryer, use only with cold action, it is also not recommended to use thermal rollers and curling iron. In no case can you scratch your wet or still damp hair, to avoid their direct stretching. Serrated hairpins are not recommended, as they can also contribute to the formation of damaged hair.

    Sequin hair needs good protection from wind and sun, rain and cold. The use of such products as fixing varnishes and mousses also does not help the restoration of hair, since they contain drying alcohol. In the case when you do not have the opportunity to refuse the coloring of hair, it is best to give preference to coloring agents with a curative effect that directly nourishes and moisturizes the hair, making them shiny and beautiful at the same time.

    But as for the chemical wave, it should not be done, the hair should rest for a certain time. To such a hair condition can directly lead to malnutrition, lack of a healthy lifestyle, so it is worth paying special attention to it directly. For split hair, active movements, prolonged sound sleep, lack of fatty and sweet in the diet, as well as the presence of greens, nuts, vegetables and fruits are useful in the process of recovery. Clean water in the right amount is simply necessary in order to fully maintain the body's water balance in general and hair, among other things.

    Complex approach to

    The problem is best solved in a complex way.
    1. It is necessary to add fat fish and nuts to your daily diet: they contain a large amount of calcium, fatty acids and phosphorus, which in turn give the hair elasticity and shine. You should also drink plenty of water. Nutritionists recommend drinking at least 5 glasses of clean water a day. Water is a universal solvent and a conductor for nutrients.
    2. Shampoos, balms and masks should be used for split hair, which should be purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetic store - the main thing that should be taken into account is your hair type and carefully read the instructions.
    3. Combing is best with a ceramic comb, as it does not tear your hair.
    4. Specialists recommend cutting hair in a hairdresser using hot scissors. With this technique, the hair is sealed and not split.

    Adhering to these rules and feeding hair through various masks, you will regain healthy and beautiful hair. Especially considering the fact that split hair requires special care, and gentle handling. A good way to help hair, is to cut the tips of the hair, in order to further the hair grew healthy and nothing burdened. Look after your hair, they give you special beauty and charm.