  • What is a poltergeist?

    Poltergeist - in German this word means "loud ghost".Poltergeist called unexplained phenomena occurring in the house and accompanied by various leprosy and destructive actions. The above flights of various objects and strange sounds of unknown origin, cases of spontaneous combustion, unexpected breakage of furniture and household appliances, the falling of the chandelier from the ceiling, the arrival of a large amount of water where this is impossible - all this is a vivid example of the manifestation of poltergeist .Your house and its components seem to begin to live their own independent life, "not being interested", whether they like it to their master.

    Poltergeist, starting suddenly, can last several hours - and may drag on for months and even years( the latter, however, happened much less often), ending as unexpectedly. However, a few minutes of observation of such phenomena is enough to make the hair on the head stand on end - and the poltergeist clearly likes to be watched by

    , because it always begins at the moment when one of the tenants is at home. Sometimes a poltergeist even chooses a person as the object of his "jokes" - in most cases these people( investigated as agents) were girls under the age of 20.

    With , the phenomenon of the poltergeist was encountered by people in ancient times. So, in one Athenian palace every night there was a roar of iron chains - supposedly they were thundered by the ghost of the old man. And the ghosts of Caligula and Nero harassed the townspeople until the body of the first was reburied, and the church was not erected over the grave of the second.

    In the period from 1800 to the present day has been recorded more than 600 cases of poltergeist .Until the end of the nineteenth century, the poltergeist was attributed to the wiles of the devil, to the spells of witches, spells of sorcerers and ghosts. To seriously engage in research poltergeist as a paranormal phenomenon began in the 1890s. Parapsychologists and other researchers of the phenomena of the psyche took up the matter.

    The first person seriously involved in poltergeist research was Sir William Barrett, an English physicist who lived in the nineteenth century. He himself witnessed the phenomenon of poltergeist, staying on a visit in Ireland. Observing the poltergeist, Barret came to surprising conclusions - poltergeist is able to satisfy the requests of the person .So, Barrett mentally asked him to knock several times( thinking of a specific number) - and poltergeist exactly fulfilled his request.

    What is poltergeist ?Non-mystical scientists believe that this is just nonsense, hallucinations or peculiar tricks of pranksters-pranksters .But if in the case when a poltergeist visits one person or one family and lasts for several hours this can still be explained from a rational point of view, then the recorded facts of monitoring the poltergeist neighbors and friends of the victims in no way give in to the general logic.

    Another group of poltergeist researchers is confident that this is a paranormal phenomenon that does not lend itself to any explanation from a rational point of view. This also includes the various theories of spiritualism - supposedly meeting with a poltergeist is one of the forms of communication with the spirits of the dead.

    This theory is supported by some modern researchers, for example, psychiatrist Jan Stevenson proposes the theory that the poltergeist is the spirit of the deceased person , which was forgotten.

    One of the last appeared a point of view, according to which poltergeist - some type of psychokinesis , the result of flow of energy of the human psyche .Such a flow can come from a person who is in a state of psychological crisis-experiencing anxiety, despair, hatred, anger, and stress. In this case, the "agent" himself consciously or unconsciously produces a poltergeist in his mind.

    Similar poltergeist studies are widely represented in the works of William J. Roll( USA, Durham).It was he who confirmed the theory of psychokinesis experienced by a person( an "agent" poltergeist).Often such an agent is a child who has a high potential for internal aggression more often because of the stressful atmosphere in the house. This negative psychic energy and caused as a result the phenomenon of poltergeist - and the "agent", by his own admission, experienced happiness after its termination, as if freed from negative emotions.

    Studies conducted by specialists showed that agents suffer from mental disorders and poor physical health. Often on time, the help of a therapist would release the family and the house in which she lived, from the phenomenon of a poltergeist.

    By the way, the theory of poltergeist as leprosy of the dead spirit is also considered as one of the variants of psychokinesis .The only difference is in the agents - in one case it is a living person, in another - a disembodied spirit. And the difference between these poltergeists is obvious. In the first case, it focuses around one person, is characterized by meaningless tapping and moving objects along simple trajectories, significant destruction. In the second case, these are more conscious movements of objects along complex trajectories, a knock that can stop at the request of a person, the absence of significant destruction. And if in the case of a poltergeist as a result of a psychokinesis of a living agent, psychotherapy is the solution, in the case of a poltergeist, the actions of the spirit of a dead person will be attended by exorcism sessions.

    In any case, the phenomenon of poltergeist goes beyond rational, real, standard logical thinking. And this gives researchers food for new theories and reflections on the origin of this paranormal phenomenon

    Do your houses fly by themselves and break against the walls of the plate? Do you hear unpleasant sounds at night, chilling blood? The windows are flung open by themselves, the gas on the stove lights up itself, and the phone dials several numbers at once? Congratulations - you have witnessed a poltergeist! And even if none of the above are unfamiliar to you, it will be quite interesting to learn about this phenomenon.