
Who are energy vampires? How do you recognize a vampire? Protection from the vampire.

  • Who are energy vampires? How do you recognize a vampire? Protection from the vampire.

    If a person is constantly experiencing stresses and negative emotions, as well as negative emotions of strangers directed at him, the energy channels are gradually clogged up and contaminated, and eventually the chakras overlap. When the chakras are closed or in them there is a defect, then a person is not able to receive energy from natural sources. And he has to pump out energy from other people. After all, if there is no energy, there is no life.

    How to recognize a vampire.

    Energy vampires live among us, work side by side and some of them do not even realize that they can literally devastate a person, depriving him of his strength and energy, but they themselves feel quite excellent, full of energy. They are in a good mood and easy on soul. And a person who has communicated with an energy vampire sharply reduces energy, a breakdown occurs, weakness and even a desire to lie down and relax. Energy Vampires

    Energy vampires are divided into two types - the first type, those who are unaware of their "vampirism," they include a larger number of people, they are not dangerous. Feeling the energy hunger, they derive energy power when spending time together with friends, relatives in nature, in sports.

    The second type is people who consciously, purposely take the energy of another person. They provoke another person for a quarrel, find an excuse for conflict, try to offend, get out of patience, make you cry, even, can provoke a fight.

    An energy vampire simply needs you to respond to him so that you experience negative emotions and then he can fully satisfy your energy, completely devastating you. But if you are calm, and do not react to his insults, he will fall behind you, and will look for another victim.

    Typically, energy vampires try to drag you into a conversation, telling and complaining that everyone around is cruel and ungrateful, and you will not even be able to insert a word during the conversation. Surely, everyone has such acquaintances who, wherever you meet them, start complaining about their health, describing in detail all their sores, or complaining about their husbands, children, relatives, neighbors, accusing them of brutality, ingratitude.

    These people consider themselves to be offended at all and to the whole unjust world, load you with their problems, so that you sympathize with them, they may even throw a tear so that you regret them. And then they openly say that "here it was uttered, and it became easier for me and quietly in my heart".But you feel like a squeezed lemon. At you, for some reason the mood has spoiled and on a shower kak-that is disgusting.

    Often the victims of energy vampires are employees of public services, post offices, savings banks, shops. Elderly people, most often lonely, feeling the exhaustion of the energy force, are attached to workers, cashiers, sellers, for every trifle, try to anger, in every way try to upset you, insult you, bring to tears and if you could not restrain, answered rudeness, then such a person beginsprovoke a scandal. And in the midst of the heat of passion, the vampire becomes saturated with your energy and leaves contented, and you feel guilty, offended, irritated, devastated.

    Who is the vampire, and who is the donor.

    Who is an energy vampire is most often aggressive people, envious, jealous, elderly, disabled, capricious children.

    And also, people who are very difficult to please, they do not like everything, they often overstate their role in the family, they think that everyone is sitting around their neck, that only they care about everyone and worry about everyone.

    Scandalous people who are able to bring to tears, they constantly quarrel with someone. In a family, such a person becomes just a tyrant, he is all rotten, trying to control, teach. And not to make another member of the family, he will criticize that you do not know how to do anything as needed. Such a person exhausts the members of his family with his cavils, whims, squabbles. In such a family life is not a joy and often a native energy vampire, try as little as possible to communicate with him. And to get a portion of the right energy, he hunts for others, looking for those who sympathize with him, will regret it. Or find fault with strangers, provoking public scandals.

    Often it is the energy vampires who become leaders, organizers of various protest actions, rallies, provoking the crowd to throw out negative emotions - they are saturated with energy.

    If there are energy vampires, then there must be energy donors. It is believed that a sensitive person can become a donor, who can listen, sympathize, feel sorry for everyone, he can not refuse another person in his request, afraid to offend. And still that person, from whom the power protection is broken, on which there is corruption or the evil eye. And just as emotionally-noverovnoshenny person who is offended, quickly annoyed, which is easy to provoke a quarrel.

    Every person is both a donor and an energy vampire. All people have energy and share it, nourishing each other with vitality. And if the exchange of energy occurs with positive communication, then there is no harm from such an exchange of energy.

    Any person can be a donor for some people, and an energy vampire in relation to others. In certain moments of life, when we are overwhelmed by stress, or trouble at work or in the family, when we are sick, when energy is at zero - we want to be pitied. We complain to relatives, friends, friends, neighbors to their lives, to ungrateful children, to the chief - a despot. And coming home from work, driving all the anger, all the annoyance to the children, to the husband, to the wife, and even to strangers and passers-by and we become easier, we involuntarily, are fueled by energy, pumping it from other people.

    How to protect yourself from a vampire attack.

    If you have to constantly communicate with an energy vampire, and after such communication you feel emptied, then you should apply protection. When dealing with an energy vampire, it is advised to cross your arms and legs, this you will cover your energy.

    Imagine that between you and the vampire there is a strong mirror partition or your body is shrouded in cocoon or impenetrable shell, and you can also mentally dress in a light suit that reflects all the negative and aggressive attacks against you.

    If you are frankly called for a conflict, it's best not to engage in a squabble with this person, if possible, try to move away from him, do not look him in the eye.

    If you start complaining about your life, get involved in the conversation, say that "you do not have time, you're in a hurry, we'll talk another time."Do not be afraid of appearing a hard, indifferent person, because you do not want to become a victim of a vampire and lose strength and energy.

    How to restore energy.

    If you are often annoyed and angry, disappointed in your life, consider yourself an inferior person, digest in yourself the unpleasant moments that happen to you and your failures, then you spend a lot of vitality. To quickly fill her stock, it's easiest, to provoke someone to a conflict or to scream, offend, tear, than listen to yourself and learn how to control your emotions, and establish interaction with natural sources of energy.

    How to learn to replenish, restore energy without harming other people? First of all, try to control your negative emotions and thoughts, learn to calm down. Lead a healthy lifestyle, your sleep should be full, sleep preferably on your back, head to the east or north. Do not overeat, eat healthy foods, do exercises.

    Replenish vital energy and relieve fatigue will help you interact with nature. A good supply of land gives. You can lie down on the ground, relax, mentally ask Mother - Earth to cleanse your body of negative energy and fill it with positive, good energy.

    And you can also ask for the energy of good, health, vitality, love, creation from the Cosmos, the Sun, wind, water. Imagine how the rays of energy enter your body, and every cell of your body is filled with life-giving force, health, and you are restored. Devote these procedures to 10-15 minutes per day. Do not forget to thank those from whom you asked for energy( nature, sun, cosmos, creator).

    To constantly be energetic advise to use this method. Palms with closed fingers put on the bottom of the abdomen, relax, lie for about 10-20 minutes imagining how your body is filled with energy. Try to perform this technique on a daily basis, and you will eventually learn to maintain your vital energy.

    Communicate with benevolent people, make walks in the park, through the forest. Start pets, plant flowers in the cottage or balcony, take care of them. You will get a charge of positive emotions, and your energy tone will be normal.

    Take care of your life energy and be healthy and full of energy!

    From movies and books we know who are vampires and we know that these evil creatures can deprive a person of life by drinking all the blood from him, or infecting him with vampirism, and he will become the same vampire, but we consider them fiction, a fairy tale. But, as it turned out, among us live vampires - energy, and when they need energy, they look for a donor. Of course, they do not suck our blood, but they can completely deprive us of energy and strength.

    Each person has his own biofield and energy centers or channels - the so-called chakras, which are located along the spine, there are only seven of them. With their help, energy is accumulated and processed - physical and emotional, spiritual and intellectual. When energy centers are in order, a person receives the energy necessary for the normal activity of the organism from space, as well as from the ground and from food, exchanges energy with other people, and feels wonderful, he is happy and healthy.