
How correctly to make a wish that it is fulfilled?

  • How correctly to make a wish that it is fulfilled?

    Dreams are what you think are desirable, but you are not sure if you really want to implement them, or that they will be better than what you already have. This is what comes to mind in long, boring evenings, in lines and at a bus stop.

    Dreams are sketches, anticipation of your desires, but not your desires.

    To understand if you really want what you dream about, you need to think carefully. For example, if someone says: "How good it would be if it was not necessary to work", this does not mean that he likes to do nothing, maybe he is just morally or physically tired of it. In fact, he wants another job, more meaningful for him, or wants to work for himself, or 3-4 days a week instead of 5 or 6 months a year, and the rest of the time to do something else.

    Use dreams as a starting point in finding your cherished desires and see where they lead you.

    Desires - this is what you dreamed of, what, in the end, decided and what you now certainly want to achieve.

    Desires may not be very specific, slightly blurry, but they are more persistent than dreams. The difference between a dream and a desire is that you do not hurry to realize a dream, becausenot quite sure that you want this, and in the case of desire - you know clearly "I want this to happen."The transition from dreams to desires is the same as the transition from planning to action.
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    Needs - this is what, most likely, will happen.

    I want to drink and can easily meet this need( unless, of course, I'm not in the desert).We constantly need something and therefore know how to get it, otherwise we could hardly survive.

    How should I make wishes?

    There is no unequivocal answer to this question, unfortunately. It is important that your desires are real, i.e.you really have to want this with all your heart and soul. The number of your desires can be unlimited, but guessing them, think about yourself, even if you want the same for others. Here are some key tips:

    • Listen to your heart, mind in this matter is a bad adviser.

    • Try to be as specific as possible, so it will be easier for you to determine whether your desire has started to be fulfilled or how long it has already been performed.

    • Think about your desires, think about them with pleasure, start doing it right now.

    • As we have already said, you set the number of your desires yourself. Desires, like dreams, are endless. However, if you manage to isolate from this set only the three most cherished, most desired desires and concentrate on them all your thoughts, the result will not wait long for yourself.

    • The latter may not be so easy. Meanwhile, if you know firmly what you want, realizing your desires is only a matter of time. Stop thinking about them, start to rush, doubt, and everything is gone, your desires will not budge.

    • Some people first think, then decide, others decide first, and then they think about their decisions. For desires both of them will come in handy, although other options are possible.

    We start to wish. Sequence of actions

    1. Go somewhere where you like most.

    2. Take with you a favorite drink and food or buy them on the spot.

    3. Take a piece of paper, a pencil or pen and start writing.

    4. Just write, do not fix anything and do not analyze it, do it later.

    5. Write down all the desires that come to your mind, even if they seem insignificant to you, childish, not serious( it may happen that they are the same cherished desires).

    6. When you get an impressive list of desires, carefully read it and try to choose the three most attractive desires. Choose those that truly stimulate you, those that can propel you to specific actions, do not think about what you should or should do, think about what you want most in the world.

    7. If it does not work, you can try roulette. Number all desires, put in the headdress and choose three at random, but not more than three, otherwise the choice will be incorrect.

    8. If you are still unsure, stop and listen to your heart( I think this is the most reliable way).Does not help? But are you determined to solve everything right here and now? Do not, you can overdo it and be disappointed. Return to the same place and repeat the procedure at any other time. In addition, this is not the only possible way to identify the desires of the heart.

    How to speed up the process of fulfilling your desire?

    Let's try to approach this business in a more measured, deliberate and deliberate manner, in general, we will not rely very much on capricious Fortune.

    Step 1. What do you want and why?
    Ask yourself "What do I want? What good is it to me? ", But it is better if someone does it for you. Ask these two questions until the answers begin to repeat themselves.

    Put your thoughts in a positive direction: do not think about what you would like to avoid, think about what you would like to get. The first is also useful, but not in this case. If you focus on what is wrong in your life, then stop noticing positive moments, which means that you can skip the beginning of the fulfillment of desires.

    Thinking about your desires, think about what has already come true. Perhaps you already have something more and better than what you want at the moment. After all, it can happen that the fulfillment of the current desire will mean parting with the familiar and sweet things of the heart. Remember the desire is not the same as the dream. Do not rush, think carefully. Are you ready to part with what you already have?

    Step 2. How specific are your desires?
    Ask yourself where, when, how and with whom your wish should come true. The more concrete your desire, the greater the chances that it will come true, and that you do not miss this moment, and the happier you will be when it happens.

    Ask yourself, "And I will not regret after?".Imagine that your desire has already come true. Do you regret the time, effort, money and what else? No feeling that this is not quite what you imagined? And remember, you wish for yourself. Forget what others want for you. Exercising what you want for yourself will bring you much more benefit and satisfaction than if it comes true to what others wish for you.

    Step 3. How real are your desires?
    Try to animate your desire. No, no, no magic skills, only senses and emotions. What does your wish look like? How does it smell? What is the touch? What's his taste? How does it sound? What do you feel while doing this? Pleasure, delight, admiration, surprise? Are you ready to start implementing it? Gather all your sensations and emotions together and get a lively image of your desire. Now you definitely do not miss it and certainly will not drag it out with its implementation.

    Let's get down to the implementation of

    Some wishes come true, you just need to. Others require physical, moral and other investments. For example, you wanted your own garden. What will you do? By itself, take the seeds and plant flowers, after which you will wait for the result, but again, without folding your hands, and try to speed up the process - you will water, weed, fertilize, etc. Approximately the same way with desires - plant a seed, take care of it and watch how it grows and blossoms.

    So, where to start? Start at the end. Your desire has already come true. As it will be? How do you know that this happened?

    Now imagine that you are halfway to the coveted desire. What's happening? What actions did you take to get here.

    Well, now the first step. The most important and difficult moment. As if you throw yourself into the sea from a steep rock, not really knowing what is waiting for you downstairs.

    Are you sure you are ready for this jump? Have you stocked up with the necessary equipment? If so, what are you waiting for? Doubt? Perhaps you will need someone's help. To whom can you count in such a case? Perhaps you already did something like this before. Remember how it was. Belief in yourself + life experience( you can use a stranger) - everything you need for the first step.

    One step may not be enough. As we have already said, some desires are carried out quickly, others need to be spurred on. You can do this in many ways. Change the work, move to a new place, enroll in some courses, talk with those who have already reached what you are trying to achieve, and try to use their experience. To choose for sure, ask yourself the following questions:

    • What happens if I do this?

    • What happens if I do not do this?

    • What will not happen if I do this?

    • What will not happen if I do not?

    Often, people do not hesitate for a long time at the first step because of the lack of sufficient money. Money, of course, is important, because with their help, much can be achieved. However, often we refer to the lack of money, because we do not want to change something in our life. The fear of change is the greatest obstacle to the realization of our desires. However, if you really need money, you should consider where and how you can get it.

    Perhaps, it is not necessary to go far and do not have to make great efforts. Since you are reading this article, it means that you have a computer, and therefore, you can easily find any additional work or go a little further and open your own website. There are many options, you just need to really want. There are many examples where people who decided to get their way, by all means, quickly got down to business, and the lack of sufficient funds was not a problem for them.

    Now that you have almost reached the final, I think it will not be superfluous to remind you again that YOUR DESIRES MUST BE OUT OF THE HEART, NOT FROM THE HEAD.How to recognize the desire of the heart? Forget about everything you were taught, do not pay attention to persistent calls of reason, they say, you need to do that, you need it. Concentrate on your feelings and feelings. Listen carefully to them and try to understand what they mean. However, do not be too persistent, the heart does not suffer haste and pressure, it works differently than the head. Perhaps you will need some time to recognize the desires of your heart. But as soon as you succeed, it will not be difficult to create a living image of desire.

    Yes, and more, DESIRES SHOULD BE EXPRESSED AND WRITTEN TO PAPER.I do not know how this works, but I have more than once convinced myself by personal experience that the voices voiced and entrusted to the paper come true more quickly and more often than those that you just thought about.

    Well, it remains only to wish you the fulfillment of your most cherished desires.