
How to choose amulet? How to choose a talisman?

  • How to choose amulet? How to choose a talisman?

    Let's figure it out, that can serve as an amulet and how it works .

    Our ancestors were much more serious about us around the world, and much of what today plays the role of decoration, toy or simple souvenir, could in the past be a guardian. We are generally open to the world, and in fact it is often unfriendly much more than it seems. We do not protect ourselves, and thus are unarmed before the evil eye and the slander;we do not defend our house and we subject it to a multitude of dangers - thieves, various evil spirits, disharmonious relations with the household;we do not protect our children and loved ones, and they get sick, are depressed, fail in their endeavors. But this can be avoided.


    To protect your home there is a mass of amulets. Their role is often played by ordinary objects - a broom, put down by a handle, or a flower on a window sill hung on a horseshoe door or birch bark in the kitchen. But more often, of course, amulets for the house are manufactured or searched specifically.

    For example, wild plants can be used to protect the house. The branch of hawthorn can be hung over the window at night to protect against evil spirits;the same role is played by the St. John's wort collected on the night of Ivan Kupala, if several of its stems are put under the threshold( or in the apartment under the rug in front of the door).A nice matryoshka doll with an odd number of attachments or decorative bags with fragrant herbs - lavender, fennel, juniper, laurel, which also fill the house with fresh fragrances, - classic amulets from the evil eye and spoilage of for family members.

    One of the oldest amulets in Russia is dolls amulets .Made with their own hands, they bring prosperity to the house, promote the continuation of the family, help to crown the success of the undertaking in all domestic affairs. Love your home, let each piece in it, made by those who live in it, be invested with a piece of the soul, and then your wardrobes for the home will strictly protect it and help in your life.

    Perfectly will protect your home embroidery .It can be done on towels, curtains for windows and doors. In the old days, not a single piece of cloth used in the household was not without embroidery. Remember only that you need to embroider with natural threads, because synthetic threads, not being natural-natural formation, are not able to carry in themselves any positive information. To give the product the value of the amulet, it is necessary to embroider on it a certain pattern or pattern that will protect the house in this or that sphere. So, the cross is a barrier to evil spirits, a stylized branch of a tree, preferably a coniferous one - the longevity of people living in this house, a red flower - a happy marriage in mutual love, stars with identical rays and a vertical spiral - the mind and wisdom of the household. Of course, you can buy a towel with factory embroidery or even with a picture depicting the embroidery, but the self-made wards are already absorbing the urge that comes from you. Therefore, when embroidering, keep in mind the information that you want to invest in the finished work.

    For to create an amulet with your own hands for a specific person, you must firmly remember the following:
    - you can not make them personally for yourself, but only for another person close to you, and only with kind sincere thoughts and wishes;
    - you can not ask someone to make you a charm - this should be a personal initiative of the manufacturer of the amulet;
    - the strongest will be the amulet from the blood relative;
    - creating the amulet, be guided not by personal attachments and sensations, but try to imagine yourself in the place of the person for whom the amulet is intended, because, perhaps, what is ideally suited to you is completely unacceptable for another.

    How to find your amulet?

    For yourself, you can buy ready-made items. And the role of amulet can be played here by a wide variety of subjects: a miniature soft toy, a souvenir, a jewel, a simple stone, for example a gem, etc.

    But how to find your own amulet is the only thing that can protect you, unique and unique, from adversity, evil people or even a random flow of negative energy directed towards you?

    Charms can be selected according to their role
    .Some amulets are called to bring good luck in business, others guarantee family well-being, others protect from spoilage and evil eye. It is not necessary to be covered with amulets from all earthly adversities - choose that sphere of your life that is most important for you at the moment or in which there are problems, and find a suitable mascot for it.

    Family heirloom
    .The ideal option is a family heirloom handed down from generation to generation, especially if it has already managed to build legends about its help to your great-grandmother, aunt, mother, etc. But, frankly speaking, few people can boast of such a thing. Then you need to choose that thing, having looked at that, you suddenly understand - it's yours. In this case, after a short enough period of time, subject to constant personal contact with it, this thing will start to protect you, warn you about dangers, etc. Stones-mascots .Very popular and popular in this role are the stones amulets. Each sign of the Zodiac corresponds to a certain stone - however, the selection of "your" stone can be carried out and according to other criteria, for example, the value of a stone. So, amethyst will clean housing from negative energy, jasper and amber will improve health, black agate protects from evil eye.

    Carry your stone with you, take it from time to time in your hands, stroke it, talk to it, and it will become for you an invariably loyal friend. It is said that the stone that found its owner even changes color if it is threatened by trouble, and earrings containing stones with amulets begin to pull their ears back in such a situation, which does not happen at the usual time.

    Prayers of the
    .There are amulets that can not be bought or donated, because they are not material. However, in this case, such a guardian is much more effective than any inanimate object. This is prayer, a guard. Prayers exist for every occasion of life - for traveling and from fire, from diseases and for the protection of personal belongings, from enemies and rivals, etc. But, even without particularly delving into this sphere, you can reliably defend yourself in a universal way. Such protection is the Lord's Prayer "Our Father".Getting out of the house, starting an important and difficult business, even before the preparation of dinner read it, and you will succeed. Talismans of Feng Shui .Popular now are various amulets of feng shui - centuries-old art of ancient Chinese wise men, designed to ensure the harmonious existence of man in the world around him. The most common amulets of feng shui are:
    - trees( a money tree with gold chinese coins - brings luck in financial affairs and wealth, the tree of Happiness with growing semiprecious stones - contributes to the implementation of the intended goals and plans, fruit tree - a symbol of abundance and wealth, long life and good health);
    - figures of gods( the most popular of them - Hotei - funny god, ready to fulfill any desire, conceived during the rubbing of his stomach);
    - animal figures( a toad with a coin in the mouth is a symbol of wealth, a rat is a symbol of health and longevity, a turtle is a protection against negative energy, a dragon is a success in business, etc.)

    Personal things .Anything can turn into an amulet, any object of special importance to you. Filling any object with a special meaning, you will turn it into a powerful source of positive energy. For example, when you were dressed in this suit, were holding this handbag or standing under this umbrella, there was some pleasant event for you. From now on, with memories of him, you will also associate this subject. And if you have an important meeting or some kind of life exam, you will definitely take this thing with you. Such amulets can be items of clothing, shoes, various accessories, jewelry, souvenirs, etc.

    When choosing your amulet, should remember the main rule of : there are no universal amulets that can help in every person. There are general guidelines for choosing an amulet - but it is unreasonable to focus exclusively on them. There are many cases when a suitable stone, for example, on a horoscope, brought misfortune to its master. And vice versa, an item not chosen in the list of favorable wards, chosen as a talisman, changed the life of its owner for the better.

    In addition, experts of magic claim that this is not we choose our mascot, and he us .Quite by chance, at the level of intuition or subconsciousness, a person finds his amulet. Listen to yourself by choosing a talisman: if the guard does not warm the soul, then it does not have the strength expected from you.

    All of us are children of progress, urbanization, increasing speed, we do not imagine our life without all kinds of technology, we believe that we are on the crest of civilization. And, nevertheless, each of us - someone clearly and someone in the depths of our soul - understands that apart from our otherwise computerized, fussy material world, there is a spiritual world somewhere very close. We do not see it, but we feel it, and sometimes it is very acute. We feel, as a rule, when something does not work out, a misfortune has occurred with a close person, jarred by someone's glance. In such cases, we are not looking for protection in modern science, but we are referring to the ancient grandfather's methods - amulets.