  • First love. When does the first love come?

    First love inspires, pushes for good and good deeds, a person strives for self-improvement, tries to become better, stands out from the crowd of his peers, often during strong first feelings poems and music are born, a person wants to improve his body, improve his physical data.
    The first love is not only happy and joyful emotions, but also the first disappointments, grief, the first betrayal and the first pain of unrequited love, the first bitter tears and the first emotional experiences.

    The first love is often undivided and brings a lot of grief, pain and tears, but still a person is happy even from just seeing the object of his sighs, one glance is enough to feel joy and become happy.

    First love plays an important role in our life, we gain invaluable life experience in communication, a person passes the tests of his personal qualities, learns to build new relationships with the opposite sex.

    Why the first love is remembered for life and remembered with tenderness and trembling, because these feelings visited you for the first time, filled the soul with wonderful longing and joy, opened the way to a new uncharted, fantastic world of love.

    The first childhood love passes, leaving an indelible mark in the soul, remains forever in memory, for the first love will follow another love, more mature, adult, and maybe real.

    When does the first love come?

    First love comes to every person in his time, unexpectedly. The feelings of the first love are felt also by small children who do not comprehend at all, that quite adult people who have lived for many years in marriage, who have raised children and grandchildren, also visited their feelings.

    It can come at any time of the year: in the cold winter, and then the trees covered with snow will seem fabulous and unusual, and each snowflake will look like a wonderful silver flower. And dank autumn, but you are in love and do not notice the gray dull days, but you see the wonderful golden colors of autumn, in which the foliage of trees is painted. And so romantic to walk during the fall of the fall, holding the hand of your beloved in your hand. And in the summer, when it seems that all the flowers of the earth have blossomed for you. But the most wonderful time for love is spring, all nature awakens from winter sleep, the soul sings and becomes filled with happiness, and you notice how ringing spring bell rings, how the sun shines brightly, how the first leaves on trees blossom, how birds chirp.

    Kindergarten Love

    Many people have their first love in kindergarten. The lover takes care of his beloved, protects her from the pugnacious boys, treats him with candies, which she stores for her from the evening, tears off flowers for her. And the girls take care of the boys, help them dress, sandals, give toys, candies, fruits, require beautiful dresses and shoes from their parents, dress up to please their chosen one.

    Kissing and embracing, sad and jealous, longing if a loved one or a loved one gets sick and does not go to a kindergarten. Children's love is the brightest, the most sacred, and it does not matter at all that the girl is above the boy on the whole head, and that instead of braids she has mouse tails and she is all freckled, but she laughs so furiously and contagiously, and dances better than anyone. And the boy is small, slender and with protruding ears, but he runs faster than everyone and he has a beautiful badge.

    Do not laugh at the first love of your child, do not criticize his chosen one or his chosen one, if you are entrusted with a secret secret - keep it, do not tell your friends and relatives. Support your child if his love is undivided, teach how to behave, how to look after, because often to attract attention, boys hurt the object of their attention, bully, pull girls for braids or untie bows, hide their favorite toys. In your child, the first principles of relationships with the opposite sex are laid, and in order for him to develop successfully in life, teach him to correctly perceive any situation.

    School love

    School love is the next stage in the development of the child's personality, this is the period when the child learns to feel and experience, and parents and teachers should explain to children how to behave towards the opposite sex.

    During the first love period, adolescents experience emotional changes. Boys, to hide their feelings for the girl they liked from their peers, and avoid ridicule, often call the girl, push her, pull her hair, hide her briefcase. At the same time, trying to attract the girl's attention to her behavior. Some girls also behave in such a way that the boy drew attention to them, pushing them, they beat the book with a book on the head.

    Boys and girls start offering each other friendship, write notes, boys escort girls to home, wear their briefcases.

    It often happens that school love is massive, the same girl can like all boys or vice versa, all girls of the class are in love with one boy.

    During this period fall in love with the appearance of a person, in his personal qualities, in his character, love for being the best of all to learn, for the mind.

    In high school there is first one couple in love, and then the whole class and the whole school embrace the epidemic of love. After all, it is important for a teenager to feel like everyone else, and to envy girlfriends, and to rise in the eyes of his peers, he tries to create a pair, even if there is no feeling of love, but many already have a couple, so he needs.

    Often girls, and some boys keep a diary, where they write down all their experiences, describe each meeting with their chosen one, each his gaze and gesture, hide their notes in secret places.

    And if parents find diaries of their children and, having read about the love of their child, begin to scold him, criticize, make fun of: "I'll show you love! Go learn the lessons better "- they inflict a psychological trauma on their child and can permanently lose the child's confidence in himself. In adolescence, the immature soul is very vulnerable, the child can become locked in himself, and will never share with you his experiences and innermost secrets.

    The teenager feels himself grown up, independent, wants to be independent, but he does not have enough life experience, and he can make serious mistakes, face various problems, which are often very difficult for him to solve.

    Therefore, parents should be especially attentive and sensitive to their children during their first love, should help understand his feelings, experiences, suggest how to behave in difficult situations, support, because for a teenager, love is a new, unknown feeling,come for the first time.

    Take your understanding to the first love of your child, do not leave him alone and anxious, talk to him about love, tell him what love is like, watch films about the first love together. And your child will be safe, will not make foolish and irreparable mistakes, will see in you a reliable friend and adviser, and seek advice and support will be to you, not to peers.
    School love most often has a romantic relationship, but the adolescent is already forming sexual drives, as there is a biological maturation in his body. School love is the first date and the first kiss, this is the first sexual contact, it's no secret that some modern high school students have experience in sexual relations. And parents just need to timely educate their grown-up children in matters of love and sex, educate in them a sense of responsibility for themselves and for whom they feel love and attraction, prepare them for adulthood and protect them from unwanted pregnancies.

    Youth love

    Youthful love is more meaningful than kindergarten and school. Young people who have finished school, adults have already thought about their future, about the creation of a family, about the birth of children. This is an open love, when freely, without hiding from classmates and adults, you can safely walk around the park, square holding hands or embracing your chosen one or your chosen one.

    These are real adult kisses and intimate affinity, it's the responsibility for yourself and your soul mate, it's making the right decisions and doing conscious deeds. Feelings of boundless joy and great happiness, positively influence the psychological development of young people and memories of the first youthful love are preserved for many years, and fill the soul with tenderness and trepidation.

    So what is first love? These are bright, beautiful feelings that have visited a person for the first time, this is the desire to be with your loved one forever and see him every minute, never stop looking into his eyes, and feel happy and loved. These are pleasant memories of childhood, adolescence, which remain with us for life and warm our hearts.

    The first love is the lightest, the most sincere and the purest feeling, this is the state when you want to sing, laugh when the whole world seems huge and beautiful, the sky is higher and bluer, the sun is brighter and warmer, and the night stars are simply incredibly beautiful and radiate mysterious, mysterious,magic light.

    The first love colorizes life in rainbow new colors, making a person happy and sublime. The first love remains in the heart of man forever. Each person experiences a feeling of first love and remembers those exciting moments all his life, recalls with tender warmth that spiritual awe and the object of his passions, which seemed the most beautiful, the most extraordinary, the most gentle in the world.