  • How to kiss correctly? Video how to learn to kiss |First kiss

    Voltage is off! The main mistake made by all lovers at the first kiss is tension, restraint and isolation at the first kiss. A kiss is not an exam that you pass in order to get a good evaluation. It's a way to enjoy yourself and deliver it to a partner. Therefore, the main rule: relax and get ready for bliss from touching the lips of a loved one.

    Furnishing .For the first kiss to be remembered for a long time, it is important to create an appropriate environment for it. A romantic candlelit dinner, an intimate cinema setting or a tree-shaded alley in the park have such actions.

    Is it a prelude to suddenness? Of course, the first kiss should be preceded by certain actions, so that the partner could guess that you are going to kiss him. Although especially emotional people will be delighted with the kiss-surprise. And yet, if you do not consider yourself an expert in human psychology, we would not advise you to be extreme in this matter.

    General rules for kissing

    Fresh breath when kissing .No matter how sublime the first kiss( and not only the first one), do not forget about the more mundane things that can destroy the magic of the kiss. For example, about breathing. It is unlikely that you will make a positive impression on the second half if you get to kiss, after eating onions, smoking or drinking alcohol( unless you did it all together).And just a stale smell from the mouth - not the best option for a kiss. Therefore, if you are striving to learn how to kiss properly, before meeting, be sure to brush your teeth, and take a pack of chewing gum with you.

    Tactile and verbal communication during the kiss
    .A kiss will become even more pleasant for you, and for your second half, if you accompany him with embraces, gentle touches, strokes. Also, nice and gentle words will be superfluous, in between kisses gently whispered to the beloved in the ear.

    Types of kisses .It's no secret that kisses are different: gentle and passionate, long and short-term, with and without tongue, with biting or sucking the lips of a partner. Many do not give the kisses necessary attention, stopping at one of their kind. And in vain! Experimenting with the art of kissing, you will achieve the highest bliss in this matter.

    Attention to the sensations of the partner. When giving a kiss, do not forget to watch how the partner reacts to it. Perhaps the object of your liking does not like too obvious assertiveness, others, on the contrary, recognize only "wet"( French) kisses. Someone prefers to be the initiator in kissing, someone is waiting for the initiative from the partner. The advice here can be one - try, practice, adjust for the object of sympathy, try to find the most suitable for both of you.

    The duration of the kiss .It is not necessary to set a new record for the Guinness Book and kiss until there is air in the lungs. A long kiss does not mean quality. Of course, if the process has captured both of you, do not immediately stop it - but, as a rule, a minute or two to get the pleasure of a kiss is enough.

    Prisavlyudnye Kisses .Kissing at all or finding a secluded place for this? This, again, depends on the personal preferences of everyone: some "give birth" to kissing in public places, others prefer to hide from the views of outsiders. If your partner looks chained, when you stick to him with kisses in the center of the city in broad daylight, then there is no pressure. Well, the rules of decency, too, will be superfluous to remember: a modest fleeting kiss in public is not considered to be ill-manner, but a series of kisses in the air is unlikely to win the approval of passers-by.

    Do I close my eyes?
    You can and do not close! Try to look at your partner during a kiss - this will give you new sensations. Especially the contact "eyes in the eyes" excites. However, most still prefer the standard option, closing your eyes with a kiss - it helps to completely relax and enjoy the pleasure of the process.

    Kiss Technique - Reality or Myth?

    Many wool the Internet in search of accurate descriptions - what and how to do during kisses .In such "instructions" sometimes it comes to the point of absurdity. Believe me, it is impossible to reduce the art of kissing to precise instructions, under what degree and with what amplitude to rotate the tongue in the partner's mouth during the French kiss. Listen to your feelings and respond to the partner's reaction.

    Begin with more modest kisses, gradually filling them with more passion - so you definitely will not lose. You can start not with kissing your lips, but touching your lips to your hands, cheeks, partner's neck. The latter, by the way, is one of the most sensitive erogenous zones in women.

    After passing to the mouth-to-mouth kisses of , start from the lungs, like the butterfly's wings, with your lips first to one, then to the other lip of the partner. Such a preparatory stage will not only give an opportunity to "feel" the feelings of a partner, to understand whether he is ready to continue this game of feelings, but will also warm up the ardor and passion of both of you.

    If object of sympathy is distracted from kisses, it reacts weakly to them, tries to cut them off by talking to extraneous topics, looks away, in a word, does not show bliss - that means, with kisses it is worth braking, no matter how much you want it. Definitely one can only say that during kissing is not worth loudly to sniff, "endow" the object of sympathy with liters of saliva, pohryukivat with pleasure, try to get the tongue almost glands partner. All this, of course, is somewhat exaggerated, but there are cases when the girl refused to continue the relationship with the guy just because he was "too slobbery."

    Improving in the art of kissing, you will soon learn to get from it real pleasure and bring no less pleasant feelings to your loved one. Be sincere in your feelings, strive to give unforgettable moments of enjoyment to your second half - and you will always succeed!

    Video as it is correct to kiss

    Look at the video about how to kiss correctly. In the network you can watch a lot of video lessons, here is one of them from youtube.com.(There you can watch the rest of the video about the technique of kissing.)

    The first step towards being close to a loved one, the long-awaited touch of his lips, the pleasant trembling in the body and the inexpressible pleasure - perhaps, that's how many will characterize their first kiss. However, along with these pleasant memories, others will come to mind - the excitement and fear that the kiss will not succeed. How to overcome the fear of the first kiss, how to achieve the highest bliss in this simple and difficult thing at the same time - how to kiss correctly?

    First kiss