
11 characteristic aspects of the behavior of people who have achieved success.

  • 11 characteristic aspects of the behavior of people who have achieved success.

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    All people who have achieved success have certain aspects of behavior that unite them. These are not the features that bring success to them success, but rather just the similarity of actions and almost the same attitude to time, calendar, space. If you want to achieve success, then understanding these character traits will be very important for you. Genetics is not conditioned, so you can learn all this and apply it in your life.

    1) Define the specific objectives of

    The objectives should not be obscure or vague. They should be clear and precise in the form of recorded tasks with specific time limits. Successful people always record their goals( usually in the form of short sentences) and constantly keep them in their field of vision. But people who are committed to success are not limited to recording tasks, time limits for their implementation and putting records in the most prominent places. Purposeful people make sure that, in addition to the daily tasks performed, the goals are achieved. They do not wait for the manna of heaven, but they do everything themselves. They are able to motivate themselves, and carry out tasks so that they are promptly deleted from the list.
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    2) We take care of the time

    Successful people appreciate not only their time, but also the time of other people. Every minute is under their control, and they pay the same attention to it both work and leisure. They do not tend to get rid of uselessness and communicate with people who take their time away from them. I, for example, count not only the working time, but also the time of my sleep. For most people, it certainly seems strange, but successful and disciplined people understand what I'm talking about. This technique helps you to spend time rationally, whether it's work, games, doing nothing, or sleeping. If you know how much time you spend on all these activities, then the chance not to lose a second increases significantly.

    3) All we write

    We need to write down even the most insignificant tasks in our daily schedule. Unorganized people frighten details. Do not think that an ordinary list of planned cases left on the table at home is already an organization and planning. The only correct way to achieve results and self-organization is to write down everything: the time of sleep and work, the time for food intake, clearly describe what needs to be done in the first, then the second and finally the last.

    4) Determine the priorities of the planned cases of

    People who manage to achieve high goals, carry out planned cases according to the degree of their importance and necessity. This does not mean that every morning you need to first of all perform the most important tasks for today. This means that you must determine the degree of importance of the tasks assigned and, based on this, plan the day. For example, if you expect a call from an important person, then for sure you need to organize your day with the approximate time of this call. The definition of priorities is quite common for people who achieve results.

    5) We focus on the tasks

    Since all the planned cases have already been recorded and the degree of their importance is determined, people aiming at achieving the goals do not have time to think about projects that have not yet started or are already finished. A disciplined and successful person not only knows when, for example, he finishes drawing up sales plans for the current month, he also knows how much it will take time and what exactly he needs to do to complete this project on time. Thanks to this, organized people can afford training on golf, where you can concentrate on the game and disconnect completely from business concerns.

    6) First we study the case, and then we take it

    . As a scuba diver who first looks in the water and only then jumps, and the organized person first carefully studies the situation - not only for the correct choice of the line of behavior, but also to understandwhether in general to undertake this matter. If it does not move one step towards achieving short-term and long-term goals, no matter how attractive this idea looks, it will not undertake this venture.

    7) We are constantly looking for ways of self-improvement

    I have been using the organization's personal system very successfully for more than 30 years, but this does not mean that I will not change anything in it. I constantly study the systems of many of my colleagues and extract a lot of useful information for myself. Also I reviewed thousands of electronic notebooks, organizers and other electronic devices, and the most suitable for my needs were a notebook and pen. And yet, I never give up. Like all people aiming to achieve goals, I am constantly looking for ways to improve on what I'm working on. If it seems to me that I have found something worthwhile, then I immediately begin to analyze it, sometimes I change it a little and try to imagine how it will work for me. If the result suits me, then I leave it to myself. If not, I drop it and continue searching.

    8) Feel free to assign assignments to

    It's impossible to do absolutely everything, even you should not try. No one living on our planet knows everything, but if you try to do everything, you will not be able to finish even the things that you do best. You need to either learn to overcome the fear that someone will act in your place, or limit your goals to only those that you can do yourself. Organized people are better than other people understand what they can do exclusively, and spend the bulk of their time doing these things. And other tasks are transferred to employees who are able to fulfill them. There is a saying: "If you want anything to be done well, then do it yourself," and only an unorganized person can believe it.

    9) We know when to finish

    When a person who knows how to reach goals, starts to work, he closes the door and goes forward without hesitation. This does not mean that he always does what he has planned. Quite often there can be unforeseen circumstances with which even the most responsible and organized people are hard to cope with, and they can not achieve all the goals that they have set for themselves. Can this mean that after work, they will stay in the office for a couple of hours? Only then, if this pair of hours moves them to the goals set, without prejudice to other important matters.

    Most likely, they will transfer projects that are not finished, for another time. This approach allows organized people to come home in time and without any excitement to take on the affairs that are on the following points of the plan. Also, disciplined people always know when to stop working on a project. Sometimes plans simply do not work, and it's better to drop them. Organized people are able to do this in order to move in the right direction.

    10) We organize our space.

    People who achieve the goal spend not only the time spent on daily activities, but also the space in which they work and live, with maximum benefit. They do not panic when the end of the project ends, they continue to work productively. If the space is organized correctly, then it is easier to concentrate on this object and you do not have to worry about the incoming papers or the previous unfinished project that is still on the desktop. Such an organization should not be limited solely to the office. When a person has order not only on the desktop, but also at home, he equally pays attention to all the details, then you can be sure that he will complete all the work he is entrusted on time.

    11) We concede if it is necessary

    Basically, successful and motivated people are realists. You can achieve results only if you understand the flow of time and the variability of the world around you. Successful and motivated people are happy to plan and fulfill their tasks. When the others in despair lower their hands, they are rebuilt taking into account the circumstances that arise and move on.