  • How to attract luck and luck?5 Steps to Your Happiness

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    The life of each person consists of white and black stripes - yes, sometimes we are lucky, but not always. And sometimes in general there comes a long, continuous, black band in which a series of problems and failures literally haunt us. In these cases, we often like to say: "Trouble does not come alone!".What to do in this situation? How to attract luck to yourself? The questions are complex, requiring detailed analysis of the situation, but they can be solved! And today in our article you will learn the steps that need to be repeated to change your destiny, bringing in it a share of luck and luck. So, let's begin.

    10 steps that will attract luck and money

    Step 1: Deep analysis of the situation.
    First, an in-depth analysis of the situation is necessary. Independently evaluate whether it is really so bad in reality and in your life there are no bright bands( some failures).After thinking about it, sometimes you realize that life is quite diverse, but there are a series of failures in it, but it consists of problems that are not even worth your attention, let alone experiences. It is also worth comparing the number of failures and happy moments, since most of us do not even notice the happiness that is next to, taking it for granted.
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    If the failures exceed the number of happy moments, and you become depressed more, now try to find the cause of your constant failures. The fact is that in our world nothing happens just like that. Perhaps you have offended someone badly, you may have committed an unworthy act. Life is a series of events that has the property of returning: they have rude, offended, committed an unworthy act - wait for the bestowal. Yes, maybe so-called "revenge" will not come so quickly, but it will come back, believe me.

    From this analysis it is necessary to deduce two main life lessons:

    1. Be able to notice in life not only bad moments, but also good ones!

    2. Low acts have the property of returning and sometimes even with even greater vengeance!

    These rules will not help to fix the already existing situation, however, it is thanks to them that you no longer get into this string of life failures!

    Step 2: Obstacles do not exist!
    Now let's move on to more concrete actions and start with the axiom, which says: "Before success, do not put obstacles!".Let's see what kind of obstacle we can establish:

    • Absolutely not believe in the happy outcome of events. This is one of the most serious mistakes people make. Good luck is very difficult to break through your barrier of thoughts, which do not allow you to change your destiny. And here there are two types of people, some can say that, most likely they have nothing to turn out, but in the soul of sincere, believe in a miracle. For such people, nothing is lost, and luck can well slip through these empty, but unpleasant for good luck words. The second type of people are categorical pessimists who have such a powerful negative energy that everything in their life will be bad and difficult.

    • Listen to relatives and friends who say that none of this will work. Another barrier created for good luck. You can not imagine what a strong influence on you words of relatives and friends, they strongly affect your fate, not only in the ordinary sense, but also in the spiritual sense. Try not to listen to those people who say that you or your business is doomed to failure. Pass their phrases "by the ears", translate the conversation into another channel or just ask to be silenced. Do not give opportunities to outsiders, and even more so to native people - to ruin your destiny. And in the future, communicate with them - as little as possible, for your own safety.

    • Are afraid to act .Fear is a powerful weapon that acts on luck, like a mirror, on a sunbeam, that is, it completely reflects from itself. In addition, there are thoughts that nothing will turn out in the end, all this leads us to the first point. However, now fear acts as a catalyst, and therefore any thoughts of failure - will only increase. Stop fearing is easy enough - get distracted. Look at an interesting film, get some sleep or work, which can completely distract you from what is happening. These time intervals will be enough for luck to break through to you.

    • Complaint about luck. Another error! Remember for life - good luck never tolerates complaints! It is very difficult for her to struggle with your thoughts about the fact that she always comes not in time, or from her, there is no meaning in life at all. Do not dare to create for her such barriers!

    • Do not help your luck! Another point is that luck will come true and come to your house or business - it needs help in this. How to do it, we'll explain below.

    Step 3: The Law of Attraction.
    After you have conducted a detailed analysis of your destiny, made the appropriate conclusions and removed all the obstacles - you can start to engage in luck and money. Let's start with the most basic rule: "The Law of Attraction."The essence of it is that everything in our life is attracted and everything acts on the law of attraction: objects fall, because the law of gravity of the Earth acts, the waves are created because of the attraction of the moon, etc.etc. However, few people thought about the fact that our thoughts also have the power of attraction. It works like this: if you believe in your big financial opportunities, then soon you will get it. If you are constantly focused on failure, then you will expect constant losses and problems. It's simple.

    After all, everyone has heard such a simple phrase - thoughts are material. And indeed it is! They force our universe to change in such a way as to accomplish the desired for you. However, there are nuances here:

    • You can never change the belief in your plans.

    • It should be taken into account that everything has time intervals, so be patient.

    • Faith must be so strong that you should seriously behave as if it were intended - this is not a dream, but a realistic plan.

    • Sometimes conceived can take a slightly different form. For example, the desire to buy a car can stop before you as an opportunity to get a job with a high salary with a salary that would allow you to do it.

    For the universe there are no problems in quantitative terms, that is, it absolutely wants you to earn $ 1,000 per month or a million. Everything depends on you. If you really believe that you will have a salary of one million dollars, so it will be.
    In addition, in the "Law of Attraction", there is another important detail - you should not just want to buy a car, no matter what, how much it will cost and how to look. You need to know to the last detail about your new car - what color will it be, what will it look like, what will it be inside, how will you sit in it, how to turn on the ignition, etc. These detailed thoughts will help to strengthen the attraction of the universe, and will be able to give you exactly what you want.

    Faith should be unshakable, that is not easy, to take this advice as a joke, namely to believe in luck with all your soul, so strong that you can not even imagine the course of your life in a different way. In other words, you must experience the emotions of your imagination. Just thoughts and fantasies, without an emotional component, contain not so much gravity as one would like.

    Step 4: Right attitude.
    This step is a continuation of the previous one. It reads as follows: the reconfiguration of emotions alone can change not just your present day, but all your life. For example: did not notice how often there are situations when you wake up in the morning in a bad mood, and in the same format goes all day( something does not work, you are late for transportation, you get rudeness with other people, etc.).).And if you just rebuild your emotions in a positive way( laugh at an anecdote, think about something good, meet an old friend) and how the day immediately changes its direction - everything gets better and the end of the day becomes just wonderful.

    To do this, try to start the morning with a good mood, do not pay any attention to unpleasant circumstances, smile more often to others and yourself in the mirror, think about something positive and you will not even notice how everything in life will begin to improve. And it will be connected not only with business, but also with love relationships and even with health.

    The mood depends directly on the feelings that a person experiences. The more positive they are, the better. If we look at the poor, they are often people who are drooping, completely disappointed in life and do not completely believe in their success. Therefore, they always remain so - poor and dull. The rich are the complete opposite, they are cheerful, confident, optimistic and talk only about increasing money and improving life. That's why the poor are poorer, and the rich are getting richer.

    Understand, even if you now do not have anything in life, imagine that this is not so - you are rich, successful and happy. Think over everything to the smallest detail, feel all the joy and happiness from having such benefits, believe that all this will be in the near future. And the universe must be reconstructed to suit your soul, and will do everything that depends on it: it will become exactly like your inner mood and materialize, in accordance with your desire.

    With your thoughts and your feelings - you are actually creating your life, so monitor them, do not let yourself panic or even worry. Be the last optimists in this life, and you will be all right. Take care of the difficulties, not as obstacles, but as opportunities to gain new experience and opportunity, to change something in your life for the better.

    All the above tips were obtained from the advice of dozens of scientists who believe and know about the law of attraction!

    Step 5: Things that bring luck.
    Our editors of the online magazine Vse-Sekrety.ru found five effective things that can bring good luck, family well-being, and most importantly, save you from a string of problems. These are the things:

    1. Money tree. It can be purchased at any flower shop. Correctly call it redsula. This plant will be able to enrich your house and attract wealth into it.

    2. American cichlids is a kind of aquarium fish that can attract to the house of their owner an immense amount of luck and happiness.

    3. Horseshoe. An element that is known in almost any family. It is very versatile: you can buy both a regular( real) horseshoe from a blacksmith, and a jewelry piece. You can carry with you on a chain, but you can hang over the entrance doors. Owners of auto recommend hanging a horseshoe in the car, it is besides luck and money, it will protect the owner from road accidents and other accidents on the road.

    4. Chinese coins .Teachings of Feng Shui say that prosperity and material goods bring exactly Chinese coins. They need to have three pieces and tie a bright red ribbon( in the middle of each coin there are square holes).However, they require a certain attitude to themselves: one should not forget about coins, receiving material benefits, they need to be thanked for luck.

    5. Turquoise stones. This item has quite a powerful power that can not only attract good luck, but also remove a wave of failures and problems, both in the family and at work. In addition, the stone will help to destroy the negative energy, if such was sent to you. Turquoise should also be worn by those who, in addition to money, want to find family happiness and love.

    That's all the steps that can change your life and attract good luck. Use our advice and never forget about them, because only in this case you can build your life interesting, fun, and most importantly without serious problems in it. Be optimistic! !Good luck, our dear readers of Vse-Sekrety.en.