  • Interesting facts about dreams and dreams. Destroy Myths

    Dreams are projections of our feelings, experiences and emotions. Scientists say that our dreams are what our brain can not "digest".In general, the study of sleep is very interesting, it is truly an amazing process, which hides hundreds of unsolved mysteries. In this article, we will describe the interesting facts about dreams established by scientists: we will prove that dreams are removed by everyone and they are all colored in color, women dream more often, as well as many other psychological facts about dreams and dreams.

    Interesting facts about sleep

    Blocking the body

    When we sleep, our body is almost completely paralyzed.

    Neck hormones produce a special hormone responsible for immersion of our body in sleep, and neurons give signals to the spinal cord, so that the body begins to relax, and then completely becomes immobile. Nature does not foresee such a mechanism that during sleep we do not begin to reproduce the actions that we see in a dream. Otherwise imagine what it would be like analyzing your frequent dreams. ..

    Dream Deficiency

    Dreams are dreaming to everyone!

    Some believe that they have no dreams. The scientists decided to study this fact, and here's what conclusion they came: dreams are dreamed of by everyone! Yes! There is not a single person who never dreams. The reason that some are convinced of their absence is quite trite - they either very rarely withdraw or they simply do not remember them.

    In 90% of cases, everyone who dreams dreams - forget them. It is established that we remember most of the sleep within 5 minutes after we woke up, and then only a small part of it. Brighter memories of sleep, when we woke up while watching it, or when the dream itself woke us up.   

    Color dreams are not for everyone?

    Everyone is an artist of their dreams.

    Some of us say that we have never seen colored dreams. But scientists have proved the fact that we all dream of color dreams, only those who clearly do not see dreams in color - they are just weakly colored.10% of people are able to see dreams in black and white, and all the others observe colored dreams.

    Women of dreams have more

    Women dream more often than men.

    Recently, European scientists have conducted research between men and women on dreams. It was found that women dream more often than men. All this because the fair sex are more emotional and dreams help them cope with all this fireworks of emotions and feelings.

    External writers of our sleep

    External stimuli affect our sleep.

    The sounds surrounding us, can accompany our sleep. If something happens next to us, then in your dream because of this a whole film can develop. For example, if the phone rings, then we can dream not only the call itself, but also the conversation over the phone. Also, someone's conversation, music, film or television, sounds from the street - all this can serve as an idea to our brain for sleep.

    Unseeing dreams

    Blind people can also see dreams.

    If a person is blind from birth, then a dream for him represents a set of sounds, sensations and smells, and those who lost sight after birth, dream dreams in the form of images and pictures that are preserved in their memory and that they recreated themselves intuitively, afterhave ceased to see.

    Sleepy prophylaxis

    Dreams do not give rise to psychosis.

    If a person who has just fallen asleep, wakes up, and then gives eight hours to sleep, then within three days he may have irritability, hallucinations and difficulty concentrating. Who does not interfere with sleep - feels much better. It was to this conclusion came the scientists who studied the psychological facts about dreams.

    10 interesting facts about sleep( video)

    Tell us: how often do you dream, do you remember them, bright or not, as well as other interesting facts about sleep.