  • Wells that predict the weather.

    Since ancient times, people have been observing nature, making people's signs and can determine what the weather will be like in the near future. In this they are helped by plants, insects, stars, the Moon and even various objects constructed by human hands. In the world there is a miracle - wells, which, like barometers, determine what the weather will be like in the coming days.

    In Kazakhstan on the plateau Ustyurt there is an amazing well, which can predict the weather. This ancient well, composed of limestone, serves as a source of drinking water for local shepherds and is a natural barometer. With the help of a well, shepherds determine from ancient times what will be the weather.

    Before precipitation - rain, snowfall, fog, streams of air rush into the well, and on a fine sunny day, on the contrary, the well pushes the air outward with force. Kazakh shepherds learn the weather forecast, throwing a cap into the well, if it falls into the water, it means there will be a bad weather, and if the cap does not touch the water, it will fly out of the well, then the sun will be fine.   
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    Another well, a weather forecaster, is in Ukraine in the Rivne region in the village of Francopol. The well was dug half a century ago, in order to water the collective-farm cattle and immediately noticed that this well was a well, a well-forecaster.

    Residents of this small village say that two to three days before the bad weather the well emits a rumble, the water level rises and the water becomes covered with foam, but if the well is silent it will be warm and sunny.

    Once a well predicted a hurricane. The walls of the well were buzzing, the water froze and went up, and three days later black clouds hung over the village and an unprecedented whirlwind struck the terrain. The wind tore up ancient trees, planted 50 hectares of forest in the reserve, located three kilometers from the village, and in the neighboring village Storozhevoye ripped off the roof houses and knocked down the wooden toilets.

    In Denmark, in the village of Sarpew, there is also a well, which one day starts to whistle before the weather changes and the locals know in advance that the bad weather is coming.