  • Honeymoon days with honey

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    Read in the article:
    • Honey fasting day for losing weight: benefit or harm
    • Honey-free days: popular recipes, menu
    • Unloading day on honey: reviews, results, real stories of losing weight

    Honey-free days: reviews and results of losing weight

    Today, experts described a variety of weight loss methods, examined products that contribute to weight loss, and created a large number of authoring techniques, among which the leading position is a day of slimming on a mee.

    Honey fasting day for losing weight: benefit or harm ^

    Natural honey is an inexhaustible source of vitamins and minerals, enzymes and organic acids. In addition, this product contains easily digestible carbohydrates and biogenic stimulants, such as folic acid, pantothenic acid, vitamins B2, B6.

    Honey, thanks to its unique chemical composition, is used not only to cleanse the body and improve well-being, but also to burn extra kilograms efficiently. This sweet and tasty product has the following positive effect on the processes of weight loss and recovery:

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    • has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties;
    • helps to cope with depression and other nervous system disorders;
    • helps fight colds, promotes rapid recovery;
    • saturates the body with calcium, which improves the condition of hair, nails, bones and teeth;
    • normalizes the process of digestion;
    • is used to prevent diseases of the respiratory system;
    • increases the protective properties of the body;
    • brings the body into tonus, gives energy and vigor;
    • buckwheat honey with high iron content is successfully used in the treatment of anemia.

    For honey unloading to benefit the body only, and not harm, you should familiarize yourself with the existing contraindications to its conduct. Honey cleansing is not recommended in such cases:

    • for pancreatic diseases;
    • for individual intolerance and allergies to honey.

    It is also worth remembering that honey is a very nutritious product, 100 g of which contains 328 kcal, so excessive consumption of it can cause obesity in the same way as sweets and cakes.

    We also recommend that you read the article Unloading days for weight loss: health benefits.

    Unloading days with honey: popular recipes, menu ^

    Unloading days with honey for weight loss: menus, recipes

    Unloading day on honey and water

    Cleansing and losing weight with this technique is quite tough, since a fasting day involves drinking only waterwith honey or broth of rose hips.

    • For this type of unloading, honey water is used, which is very easy to prepare: in a glass of thawed water you need to stir a teaspoon of natural liquid honey.
    • Drink a drink during the day in unlimited quantities when you want to eat.

    Unloading day on honey and green tea

    For such a day off, you need to stock up on quality green tea and honey.

    • Drink 5 cups a day without sugar.
    • During the first four tea parties, you need to eat a snack on 2 tablespoons of honey, during the last one. It is advisable not to add honey to a hot drink, but to dissolve it separately.
    • It is allowed to drink mineral water without gas, natural fruit or vegetable juices, low-fat kefir and herbal decoctions.

    Unloading day on honey and milk

    Such a wonderful recipe will help get rid of a couple of extra pounds and greatly improve your well-being. Carry out unloading is recommended 1-2 times a week.

    • In the morning, you should brew 1.2 liters of black tea and pour a glass of hot milk into it.
    • To give milk a pleasant taste, you can add a spoonful of honey to the drink and mix it thoroughly.
    • You need to drink tea when you feel hungry.

    Unloading day with honey and lemon

    Lemon-honey unloadings allow to remove excess liquid, toxins and slags from the body. It is necessary to prepare a cleansing cocktail from such ingredients:

    • 8 lemons;
    • water( 1.5 L);
    • liquid natural honey( 2 tablespoons).

    First, squeeze juice from lemons and mix it with honey, dilute the mixture in water. Lemon-honey cocktail is recommended to drink during the day in small sips.

    Unloading day on honey with apples

    Unloading on apples and honey is not only very effective, but also quite pleasant. Its meaning lies in the use of apples, baked in the oven with honey and cinnamon.

    • To prepare a tasty and healthy dish, you need to cut out the core from the apple, add in each fruit a spoonful of honey and a little cinnamon, bake for 15-20 minutes.
    • For one fasting day it will take 12 apples, which need to be divided into 6 portions and there are them every 2 hours.

    Unloading day on honey and kefir

    As known, kefir is a product that is most often used for carrying out unloading days.

    • For unloading, one and a half liters of kefir and 7 tablespoons of honey are needed.
    • The scheme of reception of products is that: every 2 hours you need to drink a glass of sour milk drink and eat a spoonful of honey.
    • Between meals, you should drink pure, non-carbonated water.

    Unloading day with honey and oatmeal

    • For unloading, you need to cook a glass of oatmeal immediately or to prepare small portions of porridge immediately before its reception.
    • It is strictly forbidden to add oil, salt or sugar to the dish.
    • To give a better taste to oatmeal, it can be filled with a teaspoon of honey.

    To improve the efficiency of a fasting day, it is important to maintain the water balance in the body and drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Instead of water, you can use green tea without sugar, herbal infusions, rose hips.

    Unloading day with honey for pregnant women

    Before using any variant of a day off during pregnancy, it is always necessary to consult a doctor. A gentle honey unloading diet for expectant mothers can look like this:

    • Breakfast: a portion of fat-free cottage cheese with a spoonful of honey.
    • Snack: a glass of low-fat kefir and honey water.
    • Lunch: vegetable salad.
    • Snack: honey water or 200 ml of yogurt.
    • Dinner: 2 apples baked with honey and cinnamon.
    We also recommend that you read the article Unloading day on bran.

    Unloading day on honey: reviews, results, real stories of losing weight ^

    To improve the results of honey-free days, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and regularly perform physical exercises between discharges. In this case, a month really get rid of 4-5 extra pounds.

    On the Internet you can find only positive feedback on the unloading day with honey for weight loss, which confirm that this method is effective and absolutely safe. We publish some feedback from our regular readers sent to the editorial staff:

    Katya, 23:

    "I'm an eerie sweetheart and I can not do without sweets for a day. Therefore, honey unloading is ideal for me. Thanks to her in just a day, I lose up to two kilograms. "

    Marina, 36 years old:

    "I prefer honey and apple unloading days for weight loss and cleansing. They are very easy to carry, improve well-being, give energy for the whole day. "

    Valentina, 28 years old:

    "It's been 2 months one day a week that I drink only honey water. I want to note that I not only lost 6 kg in weight during this time, but also began to feel light and burst of energy. I recommend honey unloading to everyone. "