  • An easy way to lose weight: Allen Carr's method

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    Read in the article:
    • Allen Carr: how to quit eating and easy to lose weight
    • Allen Carr: an easy way to lose weight
    • Reviews and real stories about losing weight by the Allen Carr method
    • Allen Carr "Easy way to lose weight": audiobook, listen online

    Allen Carr: to lose weight simply!

    Today, among the huge variety of methods of weight loss is very difficult to choose the most suitable and effective.

    Easy way to lose weight Allen Carr, probably known to many, because his books are best sellers around the world.

    Allen Carr: how to quit eating and easy to lose weight ^

    Allen Carr is an English writer who has gained wide recognition due to his technique of quitting smoking.

    As an avid smoker, he successfully coped with addiction and established a network of clinics around the world that helped hundreds of thousands of people get rid of a harmful and dangerous habit. In addition, he is the author of books on how to lose weight, overcome alcoholism, get rid of fears, etc.

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    The essence of the weight loss program

    Tips on how to get rid of excess weight, presented in a book called "Easy way to lose weight."Allen Carr argues that, following his recommendations, you can achieve effective weight loss. The program is based on the use of only healthy and healthy food. The existing limitations of this technique are much easier to transfer than the strict limitations of some diets.

    The secret to the effectiveness of the program is, first of all, in the power of persuasion of Allen Carr. At first reading the book it may seem that the weight loss system does not involve any difficulties, however, such an easy way has a number of nuances.

    To lose weight by Allen Carr means that people with excess weight have the opportunity to eat their favorite foods in any quantity without feeling guilt or psychological stress.

    The basis of the book "An easy way to lose weight" is self-examination. Everyone, having become acquainted with the advice of Allen Carr, must independently revise his views on food and get rid of extra pounds.

    The principle of Carr's work on losing weight is this: "You can eat anything, enjoy food and at the same time stay slim. Thanks to its unique weight loss program, you can achieve the following results:

    • gradually lose weight, using your favorite foods and foods;
    • get rid of remorse during meals;
    • enjoy the taste of your favorite dishes;
    • to study your own preferences;
    • will trust its appetite and eat less, stop in time;
    • to strengthen health.

    Nuances of the Allen Carr slimming program

    According to the author's recommendations, it is necessary to exclude surrogates from the diet. The author names the surrogates products that have a negative impact on the human body. To such products, Allen Carr refers:

    • Food that can not be eaten without additives, for example, without seasoning.
    • Products containing carbohydrates.
    • Desserts and various sweets.
    • Milk. The author of the technique believes that this product is vital only for small children, in the body of which there is an enzyme capable of processing dairy products.
    • Meat. He argues this by saying that man is not a predator and his body is not adapted to digest meat. He claims that the meat, moving along the long human intestine, begins to rot.

    Allen Carr: an easy way to lose weight ^

    Allen Carr's diet and exercise - the way to slenderness

    The process of losing weight with the help of Allen Carr's technique consists of several main theses:

    Overeating is the main enemy of losing weight!

    Allen Carr in his book tries to explain to the reader that one should not eat for a company, or for the reason that it's time for lunch.

    • Food will benefit the body only if people eat when hunger is felt.
    • You do not have to eat until you drop, stop the meal recommendation immediately after the appearance of a feeling of saturation.

    Trust your instincts!

    Allen Carr pays attention to losing weight on the way of life of wild animals and teaches his readers to trust their instincts and listen to their body. He writes that some people eat food only because of the impact of aggressive advertising on it.

    • For example, the media inspired the inhabitants of the planet that tea, coffee or alcoholic beverages - it's delicious. Without advertising, hardly anyone would agree to drink these drinks.
    • But the writer considers fruit, vegetables and nuts as useful products that contribute to weight loss. We can use them fresh, not treating them in any way.

    Processed foods are harmful products!

    Negative effects on the body have all non-natural products.

    • The most dangerous, according to Allen Carr, are sugar, canned food, refined oils, coffee and chocolate can even cause addiction.
    • Only drinks or freshly squeezed juices are allowed.

    Separate food - the basis of effective weight loss!

    • According to the author, the body can not normally digest proteins, carbohydrates and fiber at the same time, because it requires different enzymes.
    • He recommends eating fruits separately from other foods, as well as consuming separately proteins and carbohydrates.

    Favorite dishes are allowed!

    Allen Carr's program does not mean a complete rejection of your favorite dishes, as in many tough diets.

    • It is important that 70% of the daily ration consist of fruits, vegetables and nuts.
    • The remaining 30% can make up your favorite dishes, for example, fried potatoes.

    Consumption and consumption of kilocalories - an important part of the process!

    The energy that enters the body from food, according to the work of Allen Carr, must be fully consumed within a day. To do this, you need to exercise or play sports. Unallocated calories will turn into fatty deposits.

    We also advise you to read the article How to quickly lose weight at home.

    Reviews and real stories about weight loss by the method of Allen Carr ^

    Opinions of doctors about losing weight with the help of Allen Carr's methods are various. Some believe that it is not necessary to give up meat, especially young girls, who in the future want to become pregnant and endure a child. Others agree with the writer's opinion.

    The reviews of our regular readers who have tried this technique are as follows:

    Natalia, 29 years old:

    "After reading the book, my attitude towards food has changed significantly. Thanks to the program of Allen Carr, I was able to get rid of 10 extra pounds in 2 months. At the same time, I followed the recommendations exactly and regularly performed physical exercises. "

    Irina, 35 years old:

    "Despite the fact that I do not suffer from being overweight, I decided to read the book to better understand what products will benefit my body. Allen Carr describes the program for losing weight in a relaxed manner. For today I already eat as a month according to the recommendations from the book, eat separately and run in the morning. Sometimes I allow myself to eat a small cake or a piece of meat. Has grown thin for 2 kg ยป.

    Alena, 30:

    "After reading Allen Carr's book on the process of losing weight, based on the consumption of raw fruits and vegetables, my attitude to food has not changed much. I can not refuse dairy products and meat, because I ate them from childhood, so I think that this method is not suitable for me. "

    Allen Carr "Easy way to lose weight": audiobook, listen online ^