  • Polysorb for weight loss

    • Read in the article:
      • Can I lose weight with the drug Polysorb
      • How to take polysorb for weight loss: recommended doses, prescriptions, contraindications
      • Polysorb for slimming: reviews of doctors and weight loss, results of

      Polysorb: can I lose weight quickly

      Polysorb is usually used forintoxication of the body, but also for weight loss plays an important role: it cleanses the intestines and improves metabolism.

      Can I lose weight with the drug Polysorb ^

      Polysorb is a drug that is usually prescribed for poisoning, intestinal infections, food allergies and other diseases.

      Recently, it is actively used for weight loss, because it has certain functions that help to reduce weight.

      The properties of the polysorb for weight loss are as follows:

      • It reduces the digestibility of calories entering the body with food by displacing fatty acids;
      • The sorbents contained in it promote the fastest digestion of food;
      • Reduces the feeling of hunger, as it increases in the stomach.
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      One packet of the adsorbent "Polysorb" contains silica, which has a beneficial effect on the skin of a person: relieves acne, increases the production of collagen, responsible for youth.

      Polysorb for slimming: the pros and cons

      Polysorb for losing weight healthy people has many advantages:

      • Of the side effects it only allergic reactions and constipation;
      • The drug effectively cleanses the intestines, because it is its slagging often causes unsuccessful attempts to lose weight;
      • Helps get rid of skin problems.

      The disadvantage of the Polysorb sorbent in losing weight is only a possible allergy or constipation, which was mentioned earlier, but such complications happen in rare cases.

      When talking about whether Polysorb is dangerous, it should be taken into account that, like any drug, it can not have a negative impact on the body only if they are not abused.

      There are several forms of release of the drug Polysorb for slimming:

      • Sachets with powder of 1,2,3 and 12 g;
      • Plastic cans with a powder of 12,15,20 and 25 g.

      Also, the preparation can have two names: "Polysorb Plus" and "Polysorb MP", but in both cases its composition will be the same.

      How much you need to drink Polysorb for slimming

      Polysorb for weight loss and acne can be taken from 1 to 10 days, but for a minimum of cleansing, one day is enough.

      In order to quickly get rid of extra pounds, you must adhere to a sparing diet, find time for exercise, and take Polysorb, and losing weight will not take long.

      Before you drink Polysorb for weight loss, you should carefully read the instructions to prevent overdose of the drug. If there are any chronic diseases of the digestive tract before taking Polysorb for weight loss, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

      How to take polysorb for weight loss: recommended doses, prescriptions, contraindications ^

      Polysorb: how to drink for losing weight

      Receive Polysorb for weight loss: instruction for use

      Since the drug is available as a powder, it must be dissolved in water before use.

      How to calculate the dosage:

      • If the weight does not exceed 60 kg, then it must be dissolved in 100 ml of slightly warm water 1 tbsp.l.powder;
      • At a weight of more than 60 kg, the dosage of the drug is increased to 2 tbsp.l., and they must be filled with 150 ml of water.

      The resulting suspension is recommended to be consumed daily for 1 hour before meals, while the prepared composition is not subject to storage.

      Daily rate Polysorb for weight loss for an adult is 20 grams per day. In order to achieve the best effect, it is recommended to additionally use the diet, giving up fatty, high-calorie, sweet, flour and smoked food.

      Indications for use Polysorb

      Polysorb MP for weight loss not only contributes to weight loss, but also helps to effectively combat the following diseases and problems:

      • Intoxication of the body of children or adults;
      • Exacerbation of intestinal infections;
      • Food poisoning;
      • Dysbacteriosis;
      • Slagging of the body;
      • Andexitis, appendicitis and other inflammatory or suppurative diseases;
      • Poisoning with poisons, alcohol, chemicals;
      • Allergy;
      • Increased concentration of nitrogenous products or bilirubin.

      Contra-indications for the use of Polysorb

      Like all drugs, Polysorb Plus for weight loss has several contraindications:

      • Gastric or duodenal ulcer in the acute stage;
      • Intestinal atony;
      • Intestinal or gastric bleeding;
      • Individual intolerance to the drug component.

      Following the rules of application and safe dosage of Polysorb for weight loss, you can quickly cleanse your body, which, in turn, leads to an accelerated weight loss.

      We also advise you to read the article Asparkam for weight loss.

      Polysorb for weight loss: reviews of doctors and weight loss, results ^

      If you compare the doctors' reviews of other drugs that are actively used for weight loss - for example, "Siofor" or "Metformin" - they consider Polysorb safest, because it favorably affectson the gastrointestinal tract, and side effects are manifested only in rare cases.

      What can you achieve the results of weight loss with the drug Polysorb:

      • Weight reduction of 15-20 kg per month;
      • Enhance metabolism.

      Reviews on the application of Polysorba for weight loss:

      Alla, 28 years old:

      "I drank Polysorb for only 5 days, but I liked the effect: the intestines began to work better, the problems with the stool disappeared, but most importantly, my brutal appetite that reduced metormented for several months for an unknown reason. By the way, a month after taking the drug, I dropped 14 kg. "

      Marina, 33 years old:

      " I used to search for a long time why I can not lose weight, despite the fact that I constantly diet. The girlfriend said that harmful substances accumulated in the body could interfere with this and advised to drink Polysorb. In 3 days after the beginning of the reception, I began to feel even better, and within a couple of months after the end of the 10-day course I threw off 18 kg. "

      Jeanne, 38:

      " I did not really manage to lose weight with the help of Polysorb: formonth dropped only 8 kilograms. As my doctor said, the hormonal disturbance is the fault, but I'm glad even for this result, becausebefore that the weight in general remained at the same mark, in spite of the Ducane diet, which used to always help me quickly to get a good shape. "