  • Siofor for weight loss

    Read in the article:
    • Can I lose weight with the help of Siofor
    • How to take Siofor for weight loss: recommended doses, prescriptions, contraindications
    • Siofor for weight loss: reviews of doctors and weight loss, results

    Siofor: tazy and weight loss results

    Siofor is appointed by doctor-endocrinologists to their patients with type 2 diabetes, but often it is used by people who want to get rid of excess weight or obesity.

    Can I lose weight with the drug Siofor ^

    Siofor is a drug designed to lower blood glucose levels. It contains metformin and auxiliary substances, which relieve the craving for food, tk.simply reduce the appetite, which is why it is widely used in the fight against obesity.

    Such properties of Siofor with weight loss are due to the fact that it affects the hormone insulin, an excess of which leads to an unreasonable appetite and, as a consequence, a set of kilograms.

    Recently, Siofor and weight loss are inextricably related concepts for those who want to quickly lose weight in cases where diets and sports do not give the desired result. Despite this, we should not forget that without proper nutrition and exercise, it will not be possible to bring the figure in order, becausethis drug is not a panacea, but only contributes to the earliest possible effect.

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    Siofor for losing weight: the pros and cons

    Siofor with weight loss has its advantages and disadvantages:

    • In order to protect yourself from the side effects of the drug, you need to clearly monitor the intake of Siofor for weight loss, and avoid overdose;
    • It is possible to use Siofor for losing weight to healthy people, if there are no contraindications;
    • The drug significantly enhances the effectiveness of diets and sports.

    There are several forms of the release of Siofor for weight loss:

    • Siofor in pills for weight loss of 500 mg;
    • The same tablets for 850 and 1000 mg.

    How to drink Siofor for weight loss

    Many often wonder how much you need to drink Siofor for weight loss. Typically, the duration of the course depends on the number of extra pounds, but if the person is healthy - he should not take the drug for more than three months.

    Another question is whether Siofor is dangerous for losing weight: according to doctors, you can not take any medications for other purposes, otherwise complications may develop.

    How to take Siofor for weight loss: recommended doses, prescriptions, contraindications ^

    Siofor: how to drink for losing weight

    Admission Siofor for weight loss: instruction for use

    To avoid side effects and overdose, you can not exceed the daily rate of Siofor for weight loss - it is equal to3000 mg.

    How to take the drug:

    • The first week we drink 1-2 tablets of 500 mg before meals;
    • Starting from the second week we pass to 3 tablets of 500 mg each.

    Indications for use Siofor:

    • Overweight, obesity;
    • Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus type 2.

    Contraindications for use Siofor:

    • Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus type 1;
    • Individual intolerance of the drug;
    • Ketoacedosis;
    • Precoma and coma in diabetes;
    • Diseases of the kidneys and liver;
    • Heart failure;
    • Respiratory depression;
    • Tumor diseases;
    • Child's age;
    • Insufficient caloric nutrition( less than 1000 Kcal per day);
    • Alcoholism.

    What complications can occur if the safe dosage is not observed Siofor for weight loss:

    • Vomiting and nausea;
    • Complete loss of appetite;
    • Diarrhea;
    • Anemia;
    • Skin allergic reactions;
    • Lactic-acidic acidosis.

    Siofor 850 for weight loss

    For those who want faster results and have a normal blood sugar level, there is an increased dosage of the drug:

    • The first 7 days we drink 1 tablet before meals;
    • Since the second week we use 2 tablets( total 1700 mg).

    Siofor 1000 for weight loss

    If the pharmacy managed to buy the drug only in this form of release, then take it as follows:

    • First 15 days of drinking 0.5 tablets per day;
    • Further we measure the sugar level with the help of a glucometer, and if it remains normal - we increase the dosage, but observing the limits of 3000 mg per day.
    We also recommend that you read the article Metformin for weight loss.

    Siofor for weight loss: reviews of doctors and weight loss, results ^

    Doctors do not recommend taking drugs not for their intended purpose, especially for those who have good health: the effect of any medicines sooner or later may affect it, and not on the best side.

    If it was decided to lose weight, using Siofor, it is very important to follow all the recommendations and avoid overdose, otherwise the likelihood of complications is high.

    What are the results of weight loss with Siofor :

    • Accelerated weight loss;
    • Normalization of blood glucose.

    Comments on the application of Siofor for weight loss:

    Maria, 29 years old:

    "I drank Siofor exactly 3 months, and nothing happened to me. True, at the very beginning of the reception there was a constant metallic taste in his mouth, but he disappeared after a few days. With the help of this tool, I managed to lose 20 kilograms, but in addition I was dieting and running in the morning. "

    Catherine, 38:

    " I was always against tablets, but my friend advised me to drink the course of Siofor, and looking at how she lost weight inmy time, using it, I still decided. The result was immediately noticeable: if before that on Dukan's diet for a week I threw off 3 kilograms, then after the beginning of the course - already 5 kg.

    Olga, 30 years old:

    "Before taking Siofor, I weighed 85 kg, and after a month my weight dropped to 73 kg. I do not know what caused such a rapid weight loss - whether the drug, or diet, - but before I could not lose weight so quickly. I note that I switched to diet and tablets at the same time, so I can not say exactly about the effectiveness of Siofor - most likely everything was in the complex ยป