  • Castor oil for weight loss

    Read in article:
    • How to lose weight with castor oil
    • How to use castor oil for weight loss: recommended doses, prescriptions, contraindications
    • Weight loss with castor oil: reviews of slimmer and doctors, results

    Castor oil for weight loss: homemade recipes

    For a long time, castor oil was prescribed only as a laxative.

    Today this viscous liquid is actively used in cosmetology for skin and hair care, as well as for effective weight loss.

    Is it possible to lose weight with castor oil ^

    Castor( ricin) oil is a viscous light liquid with a unique chemical composition containing linoleic, oleic, ricinole, palmitic and stearic acids.

    The taste of castor oil is very unpleasant, therefore it is better to use capsules or emulsion for ingestion. It is important to note that it is recommended to use castor oil of cold, rather than hot, for effective loss of excess weight.

    Useful properties of castor oil for weight loss provide unprecedented popularity of this product. The use of castor oil is as follows:

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    • It eliminates constipation, improves bowel function, stimulates the nerve endings of thick and thin intestines.
    • It is used to purify the body, as it is a mild laxative, detoxifies and other decomposition products.
    • Reduces the feeling of hunger, promotes better absorption of moisture and nutrients in the walls of the stomach and intestines.
    • Contains a large number of vitamins and other nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.

    First of all, taking castor oil for weight loss helps to cleanse the body of harmful substances. It is believed that it is especially useful to take castor oil during the period of using different diets that provoke disturbances in the work of the intestine and cause stagnation. It restores intestinal microflora, removing slags and toxins due to laxative effects.

    The action of castor oil when losing weight effectively accelerates the burning of extra pounds. However, the results will be noticeable only in case of competent use of castor oil, as well as a combination of this method of losing weight with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

    Contraindications for the use of castor oil for weight loss

    In order not to harm your health, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications to the use of castor oil. If there are some health problems, this remedy can provoke their aggravation. It is undesirable to use it in such cases:

    • With inflammation of the intestines, diarrhea, gastritis.
    • If there is a tendency to constipation, peptic ulcer.
    • Girls in the period of menstruation, as this means increases blood circulation in the small pelvis.
    • During pregnancy and lactation.

    How to use castor oil for weight loss: recommended doses, prescriptions, contraindications ^

    Weight loss with castor oil: folk recipes

    There are many ways and ways of using castor oil for losing weight: it can be drunk in liquid form, take capsules, add to food and t. The laxative effect occurs, usually 6 hours after taking the medication internally. Let's list the most common ways of receiving castor oil:

    Castor oil in pure form

    It is taken for three weeks. After a one-week break, you can repeat the course.

    • In the morning before breakfast you need to drink 2 tsp.castor oil.
    • After half an hour you should drink 200 ml of warm water and you can start eating.
    • It is desirable to have breakfast with yoghurt, fruit or cereal.
    • Due to the fact that after a short time after receiving castor cleansing of the intestine begins, it is recommended to perform the procedure on a day off.

    Castor oil in capsules

    Castor oil in capsules is used to not tolerate unpleasant taste. They are a gelatinous shell that dissolves in the stomach.

    • One capsule contains only 1 g of oil.
    • To achieve a laxative effect, you need to drink 15-30 capsules 30 minutes before breakfast for a week.

    Castor and linseed oil

    • It is necessary to mix flaxseed oil and castor in equal proportions.
    • A teaspoon of the mixture is recommended to drink in the morning on an empty stomach and drink a small amount of warm boiled water.
    • It is desirable to take the medication daily for a week.
    • During this time, the work of the digestive system and lipid( fatty) metabolism will significantly improve.

    Castor oil and natural juices

    Castor oil blends well with lemon juice.

    • To calculate the dosage of juice and oil, you need to know your weight - 1 kg of castor oil and 2 ml of juice should be taken for 1 kg of weight.
    • Juice and butter should be mixed and slightly heated in a water bath.
    • It is recommended to take the mixture on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast.
    • Lemon juice can be replaced with apple, orange, carrot or grapefruit.
    • The length of the course of losing weight is 5 days.

    Castor oil with chicory

    • It is necessary to mix a teaspoon of castor oil and chicory root powdered into powder.
    • Prepared mixture helps reduce hunger, reduces blood sugar. Take
    • daily for half an hour before breakfast for 30 days.

    Castor oil with kefir and bran

    • In the same proportions, low-fat kefir, bran and castor oil should be mixed.
    • It is recommended to take a teaspoon of each ingredient.
    • The product should be drunk daily before breakfast( for half an hour).
    • Drink remedy for a month.

    Castor oil from cellulite

    External application of castor oil gives no less tangible result in the fight against excess weight, as it enhances the effect of anti-cellulite massage, moisturizes and tightens the skin.

    • Before use, it is advisable to preheat the product and apply it to the body heated after the shower, pinching and rubbing the problem areas of the skin.
    • You can also moisten cotton wool in oil and apply it to the skin or just rub it into problem areas, wrap it with polyethylene and a warm cloth, put a heating pad on top.
    • Hold for 45 minutes, then rinse the skin with warm water and shower gel.
    • For better effect in castor oil, you can add ethereal cedar, grapefruit, lemon or lavender oil.
    We also recommend that you read the article "Rosehip for weight loss."

    Weight loss with castor oil: reviews of slimmer and doctors, results ^

    Results of weight loss with castor oil can be improved if you combine the means, massages, exercise and proper nutrition. For a month of such a diet program, you can successfully get rid of 3-5 extra pounds.

    Reviews on the use of castor oil for weight loss are mostly positive, although negative ones are also encountered:

    Marina, 25 years old:

    "I've been drinking castor oil for 7 days. I want to note that this method is effective. I take 2 teaspoons of butter before breakfast. Has grown thin already for 2 kg ยป.

    Katerina, 30 years old:

    "Despite the opposite taste of castor oil, I still withstood and drank it with kefir and bran. Laxative effect was felt after 3 hours. Of course, I got rid of a few extra pounds, but, unfortunately, they came back again. "

    Xenia, 37 years old:

    "I took castor oil with lemon juice for 5 days. My condition has improved significantly, 2 kg have gone. Now I feel light and burst of energy due to effective cleansing of the intestines. "