  • Guarana for losing weight

    Read in article:
    • How to lose weight with guarana
    • How to take guarana for weight loss: recommended doses, prescriptions, contraindications
    • Guarana for weight loss: reviews of slimmer and doctors, the results of

    Guarana for weight loss: reviews and results of weight loss

    Guarana( creepingliana) is used for weight loss since ancient times - even our ancient ancestors added this plant to drinks and coffee, speeding up this exchange processes and effectively burning excess weight.

    Is it possible to lose weight with guarana ^

    Guarana is a curling evergreen plant that grows in the tropical forests of the Amazon. It became extremely popular due to its fruits with seeds inside, which include caffeine.

    The unique properties of guarana that contribute to weight loss and overall improvement of well-being can be characterized as follows:

    • Due to the fact that the plant contains tannin, potassium, magnesium, calcium and vitamin B1, guarana has a restorative and stimulating effect on the human body.
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    • Improves metabolism, helps to effectively burn fat deposits.
    • Makes the body more hardy during training, thus ensuring their high efficiency.
    • Using guarana in losing weight, a person gets enough energy without having to eat.
    • Strengthens the process of renewal and restoration of tissues, accelerates the healing of wounds, removes puffiness.
    • Helps to get rid of physical and psychological fatigue, improves mood.
    • Reduces cholesterol in the blood, fights cellulite.
    • Improves bowel function, normalizes blood circulation.
    • Stimulates brain activity, positively affects the liver, reduces pain.

    Forms of food additive from guarana

    Guarana seeds are actively used for the manufacture of drugs that contribute to the burning of extra pounds. They can be purchased as:

    • liquid extract of guarana for weight loss;
    • guarana in capsules for weight loss;
    • pure powder used in the preparation of tea;
    • ampoule and drops.

    Guarana for weight loss for external use is also widely used as an anesthetic. Thanks to this tool, athletes reduce pain, for example, after injury, thereby increasing the effectiveness of training. It is worth noting the important advantage of drugs with guarana - they are not addictive, unlike coffee.

    How to take guarana for weight loss: recommended doses, prescriptions, contraindications ^

    Guarana for weight loss: how to take it, contraindications

    Receive guarana for weight loss: instruction

    To avoid side effects and unpleasant consequences, before taking the drug or food additive with guaranacarefully read the instructions for its use. The daily norm of guarana for weight loss is 300 mg.

    Specialists recommend taking the supplement in the morning - this is necessary for toning the body. Ampoules should be drunk an hour before the workout. In such a short time guarana will act and contribute to the effectiveness of the classes. The drug will last for four hours.

    It is not recommended to take supplements more than once every 8 hours. It is important not to take the reception later than 17 pm, as the medication can lead to overexcitation before bed. It is undesirable to use a food supplement for more than four weeks in a row. After a month's course, you need to take a break.

    Contraindications for the use of guarana

    It is important to strictly follow the dosage of guarana for weight loss in order to prevent the occurrence of side effects. In addition, there are some contraindications to the use of this product.

    Guarana is contraindicated in the following cases:

    • for violations of the heart, hypertension;
    • in the presence of diseases of the nervous system;
    • during pregnancy and lactation;
    • for children under 16 and for people over 50;
    • for allergic reactions to the drug.

    Adverse effects when taking guarana for weight loss

    Health professionals also argue that the occurrence of side effects can be caused only by improperly chosen dosage, as well as the purchase of a fake. Among them:

    • overexcitation of the nervous system, causing headache, insomnia, a sense of anxiety and even panic attacks;
    • because of the effect on the brain cells there is ringing in the ears, dry mouth and darkening in the eyes;
    • twitching and spasms;
    • increased heart rate.

    And yet, all people who decide to take guarana for weight loss should remember that exceeding this dosage can lead to death. It is for this reason, it is important to carefully read the instructions, as well as consult a specialist about this method for losing weight.

    We also recommend that you read the article Garcinia for weight loss.

    Guarana for weight loss: reviews thin and doctors, results ^

    With a plant such as guarana, many nutritionists work that help people cope with being overweight and cleanse the body. According to their observations, guarana begins to burn excess weight and, reducing the fat layer, removes cellulite.

    Specialists also argue that only thanks to this drug, people striving for harmony, can withstand low-calorie nutrition and work more effectively in the gym. They recommend guarana, as it does not irritate the stomach, and is also absorbed into the body gradually.

    Results of losing weight with guarana are as follows: from the first days of its reception people feel a rush of energy and vigor, hunger decreases, there is an irresistible desire to move and achieve the desired results. For a month of drug use, in combination with exercise and proper nutrition, you can get rid of 4-6 kg of excess weight.

    On the Internet, you can find only positive feedback on the use of guarana for weight loss, which indicates its high efficiency. Here are excerpts from the responses of our regular readers:

    Maria, 21:

    "At first I was very skeptical about any diet pills, but my friend advised me this remedy. I'm very glad that I tried it. After the first pill, I felt a surge of energy and strength, and also my craving for sweets was reduced. My result is 3 kg for 14 days. "

    Xenia, 30 years old:

    "My main problem is the desire to eat a lot, a lot of sweet. Guarana helped me to defeat her. Thanks to its natural and unique composition, the agent speeds up the metabolic processes, contributing to the burning of fatty deposits, and also makes the body more enduring. For a month of using tablets in combination with physical exertion and refusal of sweets, I was able to lose 4 kilograms. "

    Marina, 34 years old:

    "To be honest, I did not notice the noticeable effect of applying guarana. I can only note a small burst of energy. Perhaps, personally, this method of losing weight does not quite fit me. "