  • Chestnut for weight loss

    Read in the article:
    • Weight loss with horse chestnut
    • How to take liquid weight loss chestnut: recommended doses, prescriptions, contraindications
    • Results, weight loss reviews and doctors about weight loss with liquid chestnut

    Weight loss slimming helps to lose up to 4-5 kg ​​inweek

    Chestnut - an unusually beautiful tall tree in blossom. In early spring, cone-shaped large inflorescences adorn the dense crown of a branchy crown.

    These trees can often be seen on the alleys of city parks and squares. In the autumn, there are tricuspid capsules with spines, in which are glossy round fruits.

    There are two kinds of this tree. One species gives edible fruits, and the other, called horse chestnut, is inedible, but is the source of many substances beneficial to the human body.

    There is also another exotic plant - a liquid chestnut. The similarity with a horse chestnut in him is only in the fact that his fruits are also in the cracks bursting with ripeness. The correct name for this plant is guarana.

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    Weight loss with horse chestnut ^

    People have long known the useful properties of horse chestnut for weight loss:

    • The tree bark, flowers and fruits contain a large number of tannins, glycosides, saponins and other useful components. It is under their influence that anti-inflammatory processes stop in a person, and blood is diluted.
    • In addition, many useful substances in the chemical composition of this plant perfectly helps to fight excess weight and eliminate the residual phenomenon after the elimination of fat deposits, cellulite.
    • The cream prepared on the basis of horse chestnut, well promotes improvement of microcirculation of a skin, and also removes edemas and strengthens a lymph drainage.

    Of course, the use of horse chestnut for weight loss increases with an additional course of exercise and anti-cellulite massage.

    • Massage cream can be made independently on the basis of any vegetable oil or milk cream. Well dried pieces of horse chestnut bark should be crushed in a coffee grinder to the state of a fine powder and mixed with butter or fatty cream.
    • The beneficial action of horse chestnut when losing weight will increase significantly from adding chamomile decoction or infusion of green tea into the mixture.
    • The cream is not subject to long-term storage, so it must be kept in the refrigerator and cooked in small doses.
    • Before the massage, it is necessary to wash out especially problem areas on the body and rub the cream into the skin with light movements.

    This procedure should be carried out every other day for a month, increasing the dose of cream on the body every week. To enhance the effectiveness of the cream for weight loss, you can take a bath before the massage procedure.

    How to take liquid slackers for weight loss: recommended doses, prescriptions, contraindications ^

    Using with the aim of losing weight the liquid chestnut , , several other recipes should be used to achieve a weight loss. And, although the powder from this plant raw material is not a panacea, its use for weight loss will be no less effective than the use of horse chestnut in the composition of massage cream.

    It should be noted that liquid chestnut has the most positive effect on weight loss in combination with exercise and reducing the composition and diet.

    • Powder liquid chestnut for weight loss is used more often not for external use, but for the internal.
    • A drink based on a liquid chestnut powder is also recommended for addition to the main food, since guaranine entering this vegetable raw material reduces appetite and reduces excess body weight.
    • Guarana powder contains some caffeine. Therefore, it should be borne in mind that the acceptable level of intake of liquid chestnut, which includes caffeine and guaranine, should not exceed 150 mg per day.

    Tincture from flowers of horse chestnut for weight loss

    Not only fruits and bark of chestnut trees give sufficient effect with weight reduction. An excellent tincture for weight loss is obtained from the flowers of the plant:

    • For its preparation in half a liter of 20% vodka solution, 30-50 grams of horse chestnut flowers are immersed.
    • Infusion is maintained for about two weeks and strained is taken 20 drops three times daily after meals.
    • Continue to take the tincture should not more than three weeks.

    Taking a powder of liquid chestnut, it is advisable to adhere to a low-calorie diet. Combining taking a slender chestnut slimming with physical exertion and knowing exactly the amount of calories consumed, you can achieve weight loss by more than 4-5 kg ​​per week.

    • Stimulation of the nervous system, increased vitality and additional energy intake will be successfully spent on burning excess fats.
    • In the body there is incomplete elimination of fat cells, and sparing the process of reducing the amount of fat in the cell itself.
    • Half a teaspoon of liquid chestnut along with consumed food in the morning gives a tangible and quick effect.
    • There are recommendations to take a liquid chestnut extract together with green juices. Celery juice is especially suitable for this purpose. Approximately about half an hour the human body will be needed for the first signs of saturation of organisms with guaranin.
    • The powder can be dissolved in food or washed with plenty of liquid.
    • To eat liquid chestnut with other food additives or with medical medicines is strictly not recommended.

    This herbal preparation has no side effects and it is very similar to wild horse chestnut. There are also no contraindications for the use of horse chestnut. Its harm or benefit is not proved by traditional medical methods. However, there are certainly some limitations.

    The risk group in this case will include:

    • Pregnant and lactating women;
    • People with cardiac and vascular diseases;
    • People who work or are in extreme situations.

    The exact instruction on reception of a liquid chestnut is practically unknown. Therefore, do not measure the prescribed dose of the drug on the eye with a teaspoon. The effect of the drugs described in this article will be much better if you consume them in accordance with the weight stated in grams.

    We also recommend that you read the article Amino acids for weight loss.

    Results, reviews of thin and doctors about losing weight with a liquid chestnut ^

    Internet - reviews about the application of liquid chestnut for weight loss are in the diametrical opposite. There are both clearly negative statements, as well as a large number of positive responses.

    The results of slimming with horse chestnut are also not fully understood. Dietology advises not to get involved in taking these fast-cutting body mass medications without getting full consultation from doctors.