  • Mint for weight loss

    Read in the article:
    • Peppermint with slimming: useful properties and effectiveness
    • Slimming with mint: indications, contraindications how to apply, recipes
    • Slimming peppermint: reviews, results, useful advice

    Slimming pills: reviews and results for weight loss

    Mint is known for its curative properties in the treatment of respiratory diseases, but few people know that it helps well fight and overweight.

    Peppermint when losing weight: useful properties and efficiency ^

    Useful properties of mint for weight loss are due to the fact that it significantly reduces the appetite - accordingly, instead of the usual portion of 400 g people eat only 200 g.

    It's such functions allow you to reduce weight for a shorttime, but it is worth considering that some mint drinks can not do, and for the best effect it is desirable to adhere to a diet.

    How to use mint for weight loss:

    • You can prepare various drinks with mint for weight loss: tea, infusions, cocktails;
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    • It is also recommended to add the plant to the dishes: for example, in salads. It will add them a little calories, but it will be possible to reduce the portion.

    You should know that mint leaves have only 49 kcal per 100 grams, but if you prepare infusions and teas from them, they will be non-caloric. When adding to cocktails, you need to consider the calorie content of other foods, but, as a rule, it is also low.

    Mint for weight loss: the pros and cons

    The use of peppermint for weight loss brings great benefits to the whole body:

    • Increases immunity, because it contains a lot of vitamins, oil and other useful substances;
    • Reduces craving for food;
    • Helps to transfer even the most complex diet;
    • Reduces blood pressure.

    There are several contraindications here: you can not drink beverages with mint hypotension, and also for those who have an allergy to it.

    Talking about whether mint helps to lose weight, it is worth bearing in mind that even the strongest fat-burning drugs can be ineffective if the diet is dominated by fats. In order to achieve the best result, you need to balance your menu in such a way that it benefits protein and slow carbohydrates: meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, fat-free sour-milk products, etc.

    Slimming with peppermint: indications, contraindications how to apply, recipes ^

    Mint for slimming: how to apply at home

    Mint tea and ginger for weight loss

    To prepare this tea, you need to do the following:

    • Grind a bit of ginger root, placeit in a saucepan, pour two glasses of water and boil for 20 minutes;
    • Remove from the plate, add mint leaves and lemon balm, brew for 10 minutes;
    • We take 1/3 cup, pre-adding lemon juice.

    Green tea with mint for weight loss

    Such drink is offered to drink during the day:

    • Brew in 1 liter of boiling water 1 tbsp.l.green tea for 20 minutes;
    • Add a sprig of mint, leave to stand for another 10 minutes, then drink.

    Slimming cocktail with mint

    It is recommended to drink a cocktail for a fasting day:

    • Cut mint leaves and 1-2 cucumbers, mix them with 1.5 liters of fat-free kefir;
    • Beat with a blender.

    Water with mint for weight loss

    The recipe for this drink is extremely simple:

    • Brew mint branches in 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 1 hour;
    • Drink instead of ordinary water.

    Slimming tea with mint and cassia

    There is also a special phytotea "Altai №3", which includes senna, rose hips, flesh, plantain, mint and stigma of corn. It has a mild laxative effect and quickly cleanses the intestines.

    Application rules:

    • Fill 1 bag of 200 g of boiling water, we insist 10 minutes;
    • Drink twice a day for 1 glass at meal time.

    Tea with mint and milk

    This tea also has a soft laxative effect:

    • 1 tsp.dry leaves of mint and 70 g of leaf tea are poured with boiling water, insist, filter, add 400 ml of milk and a little cream;
    • Mix in a separate container lemon juice, salt and sugar;
    • We connect the two compounds, we let them stand in the refrigerator for half an hour.

    Tea with mint and thyme for weight loss

    This drink is prepared as follows:

    • Mix 10 grams of dry crushed shoots of mint and thyme, add water to them, cook on low heat for 20 minutes;
    • Filter.

    Tea with mint and melissa for weight loss

    The process of preparation of the drink looks like this:

    • Take equal portions of lemon balm and mint, pour a glass of boiling water;
    • Leave to infuse for 10 minutes, then drink.

    Tea with mint and lemon slimming

    This tea not only helps to reduce weight, but also to get rid of viral respiratory diseases:

    • Mint leaves are brewed in 200 g of steep boiling water, add a few slices of lemon and 1 tsp.honey;
    • Drinking.
    We also recommend that you read the article Celery for weight loss.

    Mint for weight loss: reviews, results, useful advice ^

    Peppermint and slimming with it helps to achieve the most positive effect for the whole organism, since this plant is concentrated a large number of nutrients. It is used in a variety of areas, but recently it has become common in dietetics.

    What results of weight loss with mint can be obtained in just a month:

    • Weight reduction of 10-15 kg;
    • Increased immunity;
    • Improving health.

    Reviews of doctors about losing weight with mint:

    Oksana, 33, nutritionist:

    "It has long been proven that mint drops appetite, so I sometimes advise drinking tea on its basis to its patients. I do not know what helps them to lose weight more - a drink or a diet - but after a month they look much slimmer "

    Tatiana, 38, therapist:

    " Mint tea should be drunk not only for weight loss, but also for the prevention of acute respiratory diseases. If a person regularly uses it before going to bed, then chances are that he will manage to avoid such diseases as ARVI or FLU. »

    Olesya, 43, nutritionist:

    " Mint helps best at the beginning of a diet when a person does not have time to get used toto a new limited diet. If during this period to drink tea from it, then the risk of a breakdown is reduced »