  • Essential oils for weight loss

    Read in the article:
    • Do essential oils help lose weight: myth or reality, benefit or harm to the body
    • Essential oils for weight loss and blood circulation: recipes, how to use at home
    • What essential oils for weight loss are the most effective: reviews, tips, the results of losing weight

    Essential oils for weight loss: reviews, results

    About the benefits of essential oils certainly know everything: they are usually added to hair and skin masks, do with them inhalations for the treatment of respiratory diseasesTei also be used for weight loss.

    Do essential oils help lose weight: myth or reality, benefit or harm to the body ^

    Essential oil is a fragrant mixture of liquid substances that secrete plants. They usually contain many vitamins and trace elements that are able to penetrate deep under the skin and increase blood circulation, so esters are very often used to carry out massages against cellulite and fat deposits.

    Which essential oils contribute to weight loss:

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    • The first place is occupied by the ether of grapefruit: its smell reduces appetite and speeds up the metabolism;
    • Esters of dill, cypress and ginger burn fat cells;
    • Black pepper oil activates the metabolism, which is important for losing weight;
    • Esters of lemongrass, mandarin, myrrh and patchouli can be used to tighten the skin immediately after losing weight;
    • Juniper and rosemary oils remove slags and toxins;
    • Esters of rose, neroli, geranium, bergamot and jasmine can be used to raise the tone during a diet.

    All these varieties can be used either individually or as a mixture of essential oils for weight loss, and here it is necessary to combine them correctly: for example, floral mix only with the same or citrus aromas, and fresh smells are harmonious only with similar ones.

    Essential oils for weight loss and cellulite are used as follows:

    • For wraps;
    • For massage;
    • For inhalations;
    • For aromatherapy;
    • For the use of scrubs;
    • For bathtubs.

    Essential oils when losing weight not only accelerate fat burning, but also favorably affect several systems in the body: cardiovascular, nervous, blood and lymphatic. Often they are prescribed for aromatherapy in various diseases, but even so, esters are contraindicated for those who have closely located blood vessels or individual intolerance.

    Before you start wrapping or massage, you need to take a shower and thoroughly clean the skin, as well as make an allergic reaction test by applying an aether to a small area from the inside of your wrist. If the rash does not appear after 20 minutes, then you can continue.

    Essential oils for weight loss and blood circulation: prescriptions how to use at home ^

    Essential oils for weight loss: the best recipes for home use

    Bath with essential oils for weight loss

    It is enough to take a bath every day with such a mixture to get a charge of vivacity and get rid offrom cellulite:

    • We cultivate 1 kg of salt in water, add a glass of milk and 3 drops of mandarin or grapefruit ether;
    • We lie in the bathroom for 15-20 minutes.

    Body wrap with essential oils for weight loss

    The essence of this procedure is to enhance blood circulation due to the influence of high temperature and used oils:

    • Heat the desired portion of jojoba oil in a water bath, add to it any of the ethers you like;
    • Lubricate the hips and stomach, wrapped in polyethylene film;
    • We do this until 1 o'clock;
    • We wash off, we conduct sessions in a day.

    Honey body wrap with essential oils

    To get rid of a few centimeters in the hip and waist area, you need to use this recipe in the same way as the previous one:

    • We heat honey, we add to it esters of cypress, orange, grapefruit and rosemary( 3 drops each);
    • We handle problem areas.

    Essential oils for weight loss in the sauna

    This mixture perfectly cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, helps reduce appetite and overcome colds:

    • We connect 3 drops of juniper, sandalwood and lemon esters into 1 liter of water;
    • The resulting solution periodically watered the stones.

    Essential oils for weight loss inwards

    This technique is recommended for those who want to reduce cravings for food and speed up the process of losing weight:

    • Mix any of the esters( 3 drops) with a base: honey, kefir, vegetable oil or kissel( 1 cup);
    • Accepted daily.

    Aromatherapy essential oils for weight loss

    Those who have an aroma lamp, are offered several of the most suitable for weight loss and stress removal:

    • Mint;
    • Oregano;
    • Valerian;
    • Citrus fruits.

    Essential oils for weight loss belly

    To remove fat folds from the abdomen area, it is recommended to use home scrub with essential oils:

    • Dilute 3 tbsp.l.sea ​​salt, we add 5 drops of grapefruit esters, ylang-ylang and mandarin;
    • Massaging the stomach for 10 minutes;
    • We wash off, we conduct sessions every 2 days.

    Essential oil of juniper for weight loss

    Juniper oil can be used as follows:

    • Add to aroma lamp;
    • Do a scrub against cellulite.

    Essential oil of cinnamon for weight loss

    Cinnamon is famous for that it improves blood circulation during wrapping:

    • Heat a glass of honey, we add cinnamon( 5 drops) to it;
    • We process the problem areas, wrap them on top of the film and lay down under the blanket for half an hour;
    • Flush.

    Essential oil of slimming orange

    Like all citrus, orange air can be used for any procedures, but those who do not have an aroma lamp or the possibility of getting a massage can use this recipe:

    • Dissolve 10 drops of oil in 100 ml of hot water;
    • Wet the cloth in the solution, apply it to the stomach;
    • Hold until cooling, repeat all 3-4 times.

    Cedar Essential Oil for Slimming

    Cedar ether is most often used for aromatherapy in a bath, or for anti-cellulite massage:

    • 10 ml of almond oil is mixed with 10 drops of cedar ether;
    • Mass problem areas for 15 minutes daily.

    Essential oil of bergamot for weight loss

    Bergamot ether is used in the following cases:

    • For wraps;
    • For inhalations;
    • For massage.
    We also recommend that you read the article Laurel Leaf for Weight Loss.

    What are the most effective essential oils for weight loss: feedback, useful advice, the results of losing weight ^

    Doctors do not recommend taking a bath with essential oils inside, as this can cause negative reactions of the body, and even more so you can not drink esters in its pure form. For other procedures, these extracts from plants are very useful, and help to cope not only with being overweight, but also with stresses.

    Reviews about essential oils for weight loss of our readers:

    Olesya, 23 years old:

    "I did wrap with cinnamon aether and honey for a month, and really helped! Cellulite as never happened, and 3 kilograms disappeared without any special diets, but I adhere to proper nutrition. "

    Valentina, 29 years old:

    " How much I did not try to remove fat from my stomach with scrub - it helped not noticeable, but the skin after birthtightened well. I think that all these massages are effective only when a person eats useful food, and not sweets and fast food, which I really love and I allow myself to have a snack a couple of times a week »

    Marina, 37 years old:

    "I managed to defeat cellulite by wrapping it with several ethers. Let it take several weeks, but effectively »