  • Milk Thistle

    Read the article:
    • Useful properties of thistle for weight loss
    • How to take milk thistle for weight loss: recipes, doses, contraindications
    • Results, reviews of weight loss and doctors about losing weight with the help of milk thistle

    Application of milk thistle reduces weight by 5 kg per month

    Milk thistle,or a thistle refers to medicinal plants. For a long time it was used for diseases of the gallbladder and liver.

    However, as a result of scientific research it was discovered that the milk thistle contributes to the burning of extra pounds.

    Useful properties of milk thistle ^

    The use of milk thistle for the body and losing weight is obvious, because its composition includes the following useful substances:

    • Silymarin, which helps strengthen cell membranes, the formation of new cells. In addition, due to this substance, the action of toxins on the body is neutralized.
    • Fatty oils contribute to the restoration of tissues, accelerate metabolic processes, heal wounds, prevent the negative effects of carcinogens on the human body.
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    • Essential oil of milk thistle accelerates the secretion of iron and the work of the stomach.
    • Thanks to the resin content, the milk thistle increases the immunity, and is also a disinfectant.
    • Slime, a part of the thistle, heal wounds, excrete sputum.
    • Lignans, which are also part of the unique composition of milk thistle, excrete harmful substances from the body, prevent the development of malignant tumors, and lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. In addition, lignans contribute to the acceleration of metabolic processes, the normalization of the hormonal balance, the improvement of the nervous system.
    • Thanks to flavonoids, capillaries are strengthened, blood pressure stabilizes, heart work is normalized.
    • With the participation of the saponins contained in the plant, the secretion of bronchial glands occurs, the synthesis of corticosteroids. Saponins regulate water and salt metabolism, contribute to the removal of inflammation.
    • The content of organic acids favorably affects the metabolism.
    • Protein, which is part of this medicinal plant, can normalize the balance of hormones, improve the protective properties of the body.
    • Alkaloids relieve pain, and also contribute to the normalization of blood circulation.

    Thistle contributes to weight loss due to the fact that it is a medicine for diseases of the excretory system. Adjusting the work, for example, the liver, milk thistle removes from the body cholesterol and other harmful substances, the presence of which causes weight gain and obesity.

    In addition, when using this medicinal plant, the intestine is cleaned from old stools, the level of bad cholesterol and sugar in the blood decreases, the work of the genitourinary system is normalized, and so on. This is said by the numerous good responses of those who lose weight with the help of milk thistle.

    How to take milk thistle for weight loss: recipes, doses, contraindications ^

    However, despite such a large list of useful properties, milk thistle has contraindications, and is also capable of causing side effects. It is necessary to use the milk thistle competently, after consulting a specialist. It should be remembered that the plant is contraindicated:

    • in the presence of individual intolerance,
    • mental disorders,
    • depression,
    • epilepsy.
    • Cautious with milk thistle should be pregnant and nursing mothers,
    • people with cancer.

    In case of excessive use of this herb, there may be side effects such as bloating and upset stomach, headache, skin rashes.

    In order to make the effect of losing weight using the thistle stronger, it must be combined with a dandelion. Dandelion roots are an excellent diuretic, and, like the milk thistle, maintain the normal functioning of the liver, the gallbladder. Dandelion leaves are added to salads or they are made from tea.

    Tea made from milk thistle

    Milk thistle can also be used to make healthy tea. For its preparation it is necessary: ​​

    • crush a tablespoon of thistle seeds,
    • then pour the ground seeds with boiling water( 3 cups),
    • boil,
    • strain.

    It is recommended to drink tea from thistle for weight loss 2 - 3 times a day. To drink a cup of this miraculous tea is better for half an hour before a meal and in the evening before going to bed. You can also take a teaspoon of seeds in their pure form before meals 3 to 4 times a day and wash them with water.

    At the moment, the following tools from milk thistle will help you lose weight:

    Milk thistle for slimming

    Milk thistle for slimming is a drug used to improve blood quality, purify the liver and kidneys. It is a biologically active additive( BAA) in the form of flour from plant seeds.

    Milk thistle powder, which removes harmful substances from the body, is an excellent preventive harmless. The drug can be used in its pure form or added to food during its preparation.

    Milk thinner in capsules for weight loss

    Represents the oil of this medicinal plant, enclosed in a natural shell. This method of oil intake is suitable for those people who do not like the taste of this oil, for example, in salads.

    In addition, the conclusion of oil in the capsule helps to solve the problem with the correct dosage. It is used, first of all, for the purification of the liver.

    Milk thinner in slimming tablets

    Produced under the name "Karsil".Tablets of milk thistle include a number of useful compounds. This drug is very convenient to use, and also has the following properties:

    • reduces toxins on the human body,
    • reduces the harm of alcohol and harmful food to the liver,
    • renews the digestive system.

    In addition, the tablets will accelerate the metabolic processes, which as a result leads to the loss of extra pounds and effective weight loss. Experts recommend taking pills during diets, exercising for a better effect. The results of using thistle for weight loss can be noticed after 2 weeks.

    Oil of milk thistle for weight loss

    This is a very simple tool for losing extra pounds, which you can buy at every pharmacy. Slimming with thistle oil is carried out due to the content in it of substances that reduce the amount of harmful cholesterol in the body. And vitamin F, contained in oil, promotes the splitting of fat deposits and active weight loss.

    We also recommend that you read the article How to reduce appetite and lose weight.

    Results, reviews of weight loss and doctors about losing weight with milk thistle ^

    Comments on the use of milk thistle for weight loss are as follows: thanks to this plant, kilograms go away slowly, but it's safe for health. Many losing weight noted that for a month of consumption of milk thistle it takes about 3 -5 extra pounds.

    In addition, using a thistle for weight loss, you can be sure that the dropped weight will not return back.

    We also recommend you to watch a video with useful advice of dieticians about the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: