  • Corn stigma for weight loss

    Read in the article:
    • How useful are corn stigmas for health and weight loss
    • How to take corn stigmas: recipes, doses and contraindications
    • Results, reviews of weight loss and doctors about losing weight with corn stigmas

    Corn stigma accelerate metabolism and perfectly tame appetite

    Cornstigma has long been known to folk medicine as a very effective way to treat many diseases, purify the body and reduce weight.

    Corn itself is a very valuable and useful product, but it has exactly the stigma of the corn cob.

    What is useful for corn stigmas for health and weight loss ^

    • The main property due to which corn stigmas contribute to weight loss is the ability to reduce appetite, reduce hunger, need for sweet.
    • Infusions from this plant regulate blood glucose levels well, so it's easier to lose weight with dieting with reduced sweetness;
    • In medicine, corn stigmas are used primarily as a good choleretic and diuretic. They stimulate the movement of bile, promote cleansing from toxins, accelerate metabolism, reduce cholesterol. Undoubtedly, these are also important properties of corn stigma for weight loss
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    • In addition, they contain fatty and essential oils, vitamins B, C, K3, phyloquinones, pantheonic acid and other useful substances;
    • The use of corn stigmas is undoubtedly useful both for the control of edema and cellulite, as they well regulate the water-salt balance of the body and help to remove excess liquid;
    • Important in the fight against excess weight and the soothing properties of corn stigmas. They effectively reduce irritability, help cope with negative emotional background, promote a good sleep.

    How to take corn stigmas: recipes, doses and contraindications ^

    This plant has many useful properties. However, there are certain contraindications for the use of corn grub :

    • They can not be used by people with reduced appetite, underweight or anorexia;
    • Since corn broths have choleretic properties, be sure to consult a doctor if you have stones or serious kidney disease.
    • Corn stigmas help increase blood clotting, so they can not be used by people with varicose veins, or if there is a risk of blood clots. For the same reason, it is not recommended to drink tinctures from corn stigmas during menstruation.

    It is necessary to observe simple rules during the reception of medicinal broths from corn stigmas:

    • As this plant has a diuretic property and during its reception a lot of liquid is lost, it is necessary to fill this loss. Increase water consumption to 2 liters per day;
    • With water from the body is derived a lot of trace elements, in particular, magnesium and potassium. Start additional micronutrient intake;
    • The effect of any herbal medicine comes only with regular admission. For the reception of corn stigmas this is important doubly. It is worth to miss 1-2 times and already the hand again reaches for the sweet;
    • It is better to start using stigmas after the end of menstruation, then you will have time to drink the full course until the next;
    • Admission is recommended to combine with a low-calorie diet and physical activity.

    Corn stigmas can be purchased already in a dried form or harvested independently. If you plan to harvest the plant yourself, you should remember that you need to collect them in the "milk" maturity phase of the cobs. If you are late with the workpiece, then the benefits from the collection will be several times less. It is important that corn grows in an environmentally clean place and not processed by any chemical means. Dry the raw materials in the shade, like most herbs and store for no more than a year.

    From corn stigmas you can prepare a decoction, make tea or make an alcohol tincture:

    Decoction of corn stigma for weight loss

    Corn decoction for weight loss is prepared as follows:

    • 1 teaspoon corn stigmas pour a glass of boiling water.
    • The mixture is boiled for no more than a minute or is heated in a water bath.
    • Insist 45 - 60 minutes squeeze.
    • The resulting broth is divided into three meals and a drink during the day.
    • Take decoction for losing weight should be 30 minutes before eating.

    Another recipe for corn decoction:

    • 4 tablespoons of dry raw material is brewed with a glass of boiling water, heat is wrapped and left to infuse for 2 -3 hours.
    • You can brew such tea in a thermos, it's more convenient and effective.
    • The mixture is well wrung out and stored in the refrigerator.

    Tea with corn stigma for weight loss

    Corn tea for weight loss is prepared with the use of other herbs:

    • You will need 200 gr.corn stigmas, 100 gr.a sheet of a currant( dry), 100 gr.green tea.
    • 2 tablespoons of the mixture are brewed with a glass of boiling water( it is possible in a thermos bottle) and infused for 2-3 hours.
    • You can drink this tea for 1 glass for 25 - 30 minutes before eating.

    Alcohol tincture from corn stigmas

    • Insists on 70% alcohol.
    • 200 gr.dry raw materials are poured in 200 gr.alcohol, tightly closed to allow alcohol to evaporate and put in a dark place for 20 - 21 days.
    • Take 35 - 40 drops according to the same scheme.
    • Alcoholic tincture has a more pronounced soothing effect.

    Take stigmas need at least two weeks, but not more than a month. Then you should definitely take a break for the same time during which you took the infusion and repeat the course again.

    We also recommend that you read the article Ginger for weight loss.

    Results, reviews of weight loss and doctors about losing weight with the help of corn stigmas ^

    The results of using corn rootworms depend on many factors. Doctors recommend the reception of herbs to combine with the usual methods of losing weight: a low-calorie diet and physical activity, because in themselves the stigmas do not burn fat, but only possess properties that help the body in the fight against excess weight.

    Reviews of corn stigmas for losing weight on the Internet you can find absolutely different - about tons of enthusiastic fans who easily dropped 6 - 8 kg a month before severe skeptics who did not see the result of losing weight. Much depends on the metabolism of an individual, on his eating habits and not only.

    Someone has enough to drink tea from corn stigmas that will help stop eating at night and get a stunning effect, other broths allow you to sit quietly on your favorite diet, without breaking off on sweets at night, a third a few drops of tincture help to drop in the gym twice as muchexcess weight than usual.

    It is important to remember that only herbal decoctions, even from such a useful slimming plant as herbal stigmas, help a small number of people, but in combination with the usual methods of weight control give an excellent result.

    We also recommend you to watch a video on the video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: