  • Ducan's diet

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    Read the article:
    • The essence of the Ducane diet
    • The stages of the Ducane diet
    • The stages of the Ducane diet: Attack of the
    • The stages of the Ducane diet: Cruise
    • The stages of the Ducane diet: Consolidation
    • Stages of the Ducane diet: Stabilization

    Compliance with the Ducane diet guarantees stable weight loss

    The Ducant Dietthe French doctor - dietician, has won wide popularity all over the world;thanks to it almost 15 million people were able to get rid of excess weight.

    Among the clients of Dr. Pierre Ducane are many well-known politicians and showbiz stars, for example Jennifer Lopez, Penelope Cruz, Gisele Bundchen and other celebrities.

    The essence of the Ducant diet ^

    The Ducane diet, as well as the popular Kremlin and Atkins, belongs to the category of low-carbohydrate. This method is more correctly called a power system, because it is designed for a fairly long time.

    Thanks to it it is possible not only to lose weight, but also to achieve a stable and lasting result. Many people, having reached the desired weight, take these principles as the basis of constant nutrition for life.

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    The essence of the Ducane diet consists in making menus exclusively from dishes containing many proteins and few carbohydrates. It relies on the use of two large food groups:

    • foods rich in animal protein;
    • vegetables.

    Its undoubted merits include the fact that the hungry do not suffer from a constant feeling of hunger, because from a fairly large list of allowed products, you can prepare simple and varied dishes without limiting yourself in either their quantity or frequency of reception.

    Dukan's slogan "Eat as much as you want the allowed products".It is also allowed to add spices, herbs, salt and mustard to the dish. Food containing fats and sugar can not be consumed.

    The list includes as many as 72 protein products and 28 kinds of vegetables. The main recommended protein products are:

    • meat( beef, veal, poultry, offal);
    • eggs;
    • fish and seafood;
    • low-fat dairy products;
    • cheese tofu.

    Table 100 authorized products for Dukan

    100 authorized products for Ducane: 72 types of protein products and 28 kinds of vegetables

    Ducal diet stages ^

    Dr. Ducan developed 4 main stages or phases: the first two phases achieve weight loss, and the last two phases achieve weight loss, and the last two phases -a new weight is fixed. After the first two phases, the person reaches a normal weight.

    All four stages of the Ducane diet have beautiful original names - Attack, Cruise, Fixing and Stabilization, and also their distinctive features:

    • The first stage of "Attack" is named so because at this stage there is a powerful "attack" of fat cells.
    • At the stage of "Cruise" you have to "swim" for a long time to the desired result.
    • The stages "Fastening" and "Stabilization", as the name suggests, allow to consolidate the result achieved in the first two phases.

    In all four stages, in addition to the recommended nutrition, in order to achieve the maximum effect, the following mandatory rules must be adhered to:

    1. Substantial drink. It is necessary to drink at least two liters of clean water every day.
    2. Oat bran. They need to be consumed every day to avoid constipation - a constant companion protein diet and protect yourself from excess weight gain.
    3. Physical activity. It takes 20 minutes to walk outdoors every day and exercise.

    Stages of the Dukan diet: Attack ^

    The first stage The attack on duration is the shortest and lasts from 3 to 10 days, depending on the initial weight:

    • with excess weight up to 20 kg, the first stage lasts 5 days;
    • from 20 to 30 kg - a week;
    • if the excess weight reaches more than 30 kg - 10 days.

    At this stage it is allowed to eat only protein foods, because for its digestion the body consumes calories much more than it contains in the products themselves.

    Sample diet menu Dyukana Attack

    • Breakfast: an omelet prepared from 3 eggs and low-fat milk, fish, tea or coffee.
    • Lunch: boiled or baked beef or chicken, juice.
    • Snack: seafood( mussels, shrimp), a small piece of cheese. Dinner: fish, kefir or yogurt.
    • During the day, add 1.5 tbsp.tablespoons of bran.

    During the first phase of the Attack, weight loss is maximal and ranges from 2 to 4 kg. The stages of the Dukan diet: Cruise ^

    The second stage of the Cruise is often called the stage of alternation, because at this stage:

    • in the diet to the protein products are added raw, boiled or baked in foil vegetables, except those that contain a lot of carbohydrates - potatoes, peas, corn, avocado.
    • The allowed vegetables include cabbage, beans, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, radish, pumpkin, pepper, mushrooms, turnip, pumpkin, radish.
    • Bran consumption is increased to 2 tablespoons.

    In the second stage, pure protein( protein) days( as in the Attack phase) need to be alternated with protein - vegetable according to a certain scheme, depending on the weight:

    • If you need to reset to 10 kg, then the alternation pattern can be any - 1/1, 3/3 or 5/5.
    • If you want to lose from 10 to 20 kg, alternate 3/3.
    • If you need to get rid of 20-30 kg, better alternate 5/5.
    • You can change the interlace pattern at any time.

    Sample diet menu Dyukana Cruise

    • Breakfast: coffee or tea, two small fat-free yogurt, a slice of lean turkey, chicken, one boiled egg.
    • Lunch: stewed vegetables( without butter), a piece of fish, tea or coffee.
    • Snack: a slice of lean ham, chicken or salmon.
    • Dinner: vegetable soup, beef shish kebab, tea.

    In the second stage of Cruise, weight loss is 1 kg per week, respectively, for each person the duration of the second phase will be individual.

    Stages of the Ducane diet: Consolidation ^

    Third stage Consolidation, or Fastening, begins the gradual introduction into the diet of those products that were used by a person before losing weight, that is, bread, pasta, potatoes, vegetable oil. To daily 2.5 tbsp. Bran can be added 3 tsp.honey. But one day a week throughout the whole Consolidation phase should remain protein, as in the Attack phase.

    The duration of the Consolidation phase is also individual and depends on how many kilograms you managed to lose in the previous two stages:

    • if you dropped 5 kg, then the fastening phase for you should last 50 days,
    • if 10 kg - then you will have to stay on the third phase 100 days,
    • 20 kg - 200 days, and so on.

    In addition, in this phase, the weight continues to decrease by 1 kg for every 10 days.

    Sample diet menu Dyukana Consolidation

    • Breakfast: 200 g cottage cheese or yogurt, 1 egg, a piece of chicken, tea.
    • Lunch: steamed vegetables, fish, tea or coffee.
    • Dinner: vegetable soup, grilled meat.
    We also recommend reading the Atkins diet article.

    Stages of the Dukan diet: Stabilization ^

    The fourth stage Stabilization is the final step in which normal food is allowed without restriction, but you still need:

    • daily 3 tbsp.bran,
    • drink 2 liters of water,
    • walk in the fresh air for at least 20 minutes daily,
    • engage in physical culture,
    • weekly arrange a pure protein day from the Attack phase.

    Sample DUKAN diet menu Stabilization

    • Breakfast: yogurt or a slice of cheese, 200 grams of ham or egg, coffee or tea.
    • Lunch: protein snack. You can have yoghurt or cheese on dessert.
    • Dinner: by analogy with breakfast.

    The fourth stage Stabilization for people who want to maintain the ideal weight and acquired the right lifestyle and nutrition during slimming, according to Dr. Dukan, should last a lifetime. The principles of proper nutrition are of paramount importance in the life of each person, because they not only help maintain an ideal weight, but also positively influence the general condition of the organism, increasing the chance to live longer.

    The importance of nutrition for the health and longevity of man was spoken by many more centuries ago by the ancient Greek physician and pedagogue Hippocrates, it is he who owns the catch phrase "We are what we eat!"

    It is also recommended to watch the video of doctors - nutritionists about the benefits of weight loss branand purification: