  • How to get rid of diarrhea - prevention and treatment of the disease

    As in the pathogenesis of diarrhea four mechanisms( intestinal secretion, increase in osmosis, disturbance of peristalsis and exudation), the treatment will be directed to their arresting. For correct and complete treatment, it is necessary to establish a precise diagnosis, which only a doctor can do. In addition to medicines, diarrhea treatment includes a number of other activities, such as diet and rehydration( recovery of lost fluid volume).

    One of the main goals of treating diarrhea is the relief of diarrheal syndrome. It is achieved by the use of antidiarrheal drugs that affect m-opioid receptors. They act exclusively locally. These include loperamide preparations - imodium, londium.

    Drugs of this group have antiperistaltic and antisecretory effects, and also increase the tone of the anal sphinctrum.

    Sorbents( sorbes, atoxyl, white coal) are also assigned, which adsorb toxins to themselves, thus preventing their absorption and entry into the total bloodstream. Probiotics and eubiotics are also prescribed for the correction of the intestinal microflora, which suffers severely during diarrhea: hilak, linex, lactiv-ratopharm, bifiform.

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    Antibacterial drugs are prescribed only in severe forms of diarrhea or if its causative agent is accurately established. Usually antibiotics of local action are appointed.

    Prevention of diarrhea

    Here, the most effective is the observance of personal hygiene, adherence to the requirements for cooking and storing food, refusing to eat raw water. Fruits and vegetables should be well washed in running water and peeled. It is also necessary to always have in the medicine cabinet: antidiarrheal drugs, sorbents, eubiotics, preparations for the preparation of rehydration solutions.

    Pharmaceutical care of patients with diarrhea

    1. Preparations hilak and hilak forte is not recommended to be washed down with milk.
    2. Drugs of lactobacilli should preferably be taken with milk.
    3. Do not use bacterial preparations with antibiotics, antacids and sorbents. You need to do this at intervals.
    4. Adsorbents reduce the activity of drugs taken orally with them.
    5. Activated charcoal stains the stool black.
    6. Long-term use of sorbents leads to a decrease in the intake of vitamins and trace elements into the body.
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