
Consequences of stress: character accentuation and occupational therapy

  • Consequences of stress: character accentuation and occupational therapy

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    The word "stress" in modern media is as common as "business."Perhaps these two concepts are closely interrelated, one generates another. Most of us have reconciled ourselves to the fact that stresses have to be experienced constantly - they began to be perceived as a certain inevitability of our time. The same inevitability, as well as numerous somatic diseases, which are caused by stress.

    What is stress? Each of us puts our understanding in it, consonant with our own problems and insoluble internal conflicts. If we ask any of us what stress is, the range of answers will be the widest:


    mental breakdown;

    a person's reaction to an extreme situation;

    power failure;




    All responses to some extent characterize stress as a state of mental or nervous overexertion, caused by a number of reasons. Depending on them, psychologists subdivide stress into physiological and psychological stress.

    The causes of physiological stress usually become too strong physical activity, very high or, conversely, low body temperature, inflammation, increased or decreased pressure, allergies, difficulty breathing, asthma attacks, and a variety of pain symptoms. Psychological stress can be informational and emotional.

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    Information stress is most often the result of unbearable information loads, when a person is not able to cope with the task, something to understand or comprehend. This state is well known to students. A person in a state of information stress constantly does not have time to do something, forgets something, is late, presents too high demands to himself and others.

    Emotional stress is the most common type of stress to date. Usually it is generated by situations of constant internal anxiety, threat, resentment, danger, all sorts of fears. Such stress leads first to psychological problems. If they do not dare, an emotional breakdown occurs. It takes very little time, and the motivation of a person who experiences emotional stress, becomes inadequate, his behavior changes, and sometimes motor and speech functions are disrupted.

    Perhaps every day the life of a particular person makes their own adjustments to the typology of stress. It is clear that it is impossible to lay down the states and experiences of the individual in the Procrustean bed of classifications. Year after year

    psychologists offer new versions of the classification of stresses. Almost all of them tend to the fact that the most typical consequence of stress are the psychopathology of the individual.

    This term usually refers to the development in a person of inadequate psychological and social emotional responses. A consequence of the classification of character accentuation was the psychosomatic typology. Its essence lies in the fact that every psychopathological type of personality is characterized by diseases peculiar to it.

    In modern psychiatric literature there is an opinion that it is stresses that cause depressions, obsessive emotional states, other deformities of character and personality, including somatic diseases. It is not often possible to meet the point of view according to which psychopathology is hereditary in nature.

    The most common cause of psychopathy is stress, including unreacted emotional experiences. In second place - the consequences of improper education, child-parent trauma, the absence of one of the parents in the family, lack of love and warmth in childhood. The third and fourth places, respectively, take the transferred diseases( including trauma, infection, intoxication) and weighed heredity.

    It is enough conditionally to distinguish the so-called steps to psychopathies, pathological accentuations of character:

    at first the personality is characterized by an unreasonable change of mood, uncontrollable anxiety, irritability, chronic internal dissatisfaction, unmotivated aggression;

    then a person feels fits of vague anguish, which alternate with fits of fear and anger, with

    rage poured into the heads of his household, the cry can quickly turn into a cry;

    the person tries to escape from contacts, loses sexual interest to the opposite sex, closes in himself, limits the circle of communication, from any kind of activity quickly becomes tired and exhausted;

    appears suspicious, pathological doubts, the level of categorical claims to all others increases, the desire to get away from making any decisions, especially those related to personal life;

    some kind of super-hero is formed, quite often it is accompanied by a sense of yourself as some kind of supervalued, great personality, turning into a feeling of complete own insignificance.

    In popular language, the accentuation of character is the enhancement of some character traits that are not pathological in themselves. But for this person they become a sort of red rag, to which it reacts inadequately. The accentuated person becomes vulnerable. This vulnerability has a certain vector. A person can be realized, occupy a high position in the social plan, but as soon as a psychotraumatic effect is characteristic for him, he reacts pathologically.

    Accentuated personality - a person with a weak link, which can be compensated over time. As a rule, people who aspire to certain social, creative or scientific heights, achieve them, - accentuated persons. For them, any realization is the way to compensate for one or another of the sick links.

    And a healthy person, and the patient is a psychophysical organism that explores the world and try to adapt to it. In the process of "struggle for life" Accumulated a certain psychosomatic experience,

    which becomes the cause of any mental and physical illness. The process of healing can go in two ways: reflective, that is, an awareness of what happened and why it is unreflective - with the help of a medical leech.

    As each accentuation inevitably manifests itself in the behavioral, verbal characteristics of the personality, this type of mental and somatic impairment entails a certain type of psychic and somatic impairment, the specialists asked the question: "Is it possible, just looking at a person, to immediately understand what and what his psychopathologies can be? »

    Long-term studies allowed psychologists to come to a positive response: the constitutional signs were ranked. Actually, on this basis, several basic types of accentuations have been identified. Experts disagree about how many of them exist. A detailed description of them can be found in the literature, and this book describes some of them, most predisposed to diseases that are effectively treated by a medical leech.

    Outwardly, these are people of short stature, incomplete. Often they look drained. The skin of women of this type is often oily or mixed, the hair quickly becomes fat. Men-psychasthenics do not grow bald down to old age, as a rule, these are brunettes with brown or green eyes. Characterological properties of this type of people, the features of their behavior and temperament are approximately the following:

    fast fatigue;

    chronic energy shortage;

    feeling of inferiority;

    increased anxiety;


    addiction to psychoses and neuroses;



    a tendency to constant introspection.

    Speaking about the health problems that arise in psychasthenics, specialists usually note low blood pressure, weakened immunity, against which, as a rule, there is a chronic disease of the bladder or kidney. Hirudotherapy will be for you the most acceptable method of treatment and prevention. You are advised to conduct a home hirudotherapy once every six months. Locations of leeches: projection of the liver, projection of the kidneys, coccyx, projection of the heart, mastoid processes, collar zone. If you are a woman, add to this the setting of leeches on the projection of the appendages. The break between sessions is 5-7 days. Do not forget that hirudotherapy is not combined with all medications, and that it has its own contraindications.

    As a rule, these people are solid, full, prone to puffiness, often and strongly sweat. For women, rare fragile hair is typical, men early bald. Manifestations of character and behavior in people of this type are as follows:

    is constantly demonstrated in people's elation, which is replaced at home by attacks of blues or depression;

    an abundance of energy that is not always distributed adequately;

    heightened impressionability;


    attacks of uncontrollable anger;touchiness.

    Cycloids in the majority - conflict people - in the depth of the soul, confident in their own rightness. They adapt well to circumstances, easily change their decisions and observe only those of their promises, which are convenient for them at the moment.

    Cycloids usually suffer from diseases of the stomach and stagnation of the liver, they are also characterized by pathologies and diseases of the genital area. Representatives of this type of accentuation can use hirudotherapy to a lesser degree than psychasthenics. They are usually recommended to combine medical leeches with phytotherapy, apitherapy and medications.

    Have you consulted an expert? You were recommended home girudotherapy and even held the first session in the clinic? Set yourself 3 to 5 leeches per projection of the liver with a break of 5-7 days. Spend yourself three such sessions. During the fourth session, "feed" leeches on the projection of the kidneys, and a week later - around the navel.

    This is another type of accentuation, which is quite common today. They are people of average height, by nature, as a rule, not inclined to fullness, but rather "dense".Lysina this type of men - the correct round shape, the eyes - expressive, looking directly into the soul. The schizoids need only look at you to understand what kind of person you are. They avoid contact with those who change their masks, they themselves do not like to make an impression. They do not have many friends. But their friends are real, no more faithful and faithful than a friend, than a schizoid.

    The greatest pleasure for both men and women of this type is to think, analyze. And their analytical activities, as a rule, take place without estimates. The schizoids do not hang a label, they do not aspire to win a dispute at any price. It is interesting that they are often not interested in the result of the thought process as such - they get immense pleasure from the most intellectual activity.

    An important feature of schizoids is speech. Words are not tossed into the wind, they say unhurriedly, weighing every word, perfectly remembering the previous one. Their speech is lace with an exact, correct drawing, which they weave, as a rule, impromptu. Almost all schizoids can speak beautifully. They look unobtrusive, they do not dress well, it's just as important as you look. They perceive people according to what they say and how they say. Features of their temperament, character, behavior and response to the outside world can be described thus:

    emotional secrecy and coldness;

    isolation, seclusion from the outside world;

    tendency to analyze everything, even what would not be worth, for example, your feelings;

    the habit of generalizing;

    reluctance to let anyone into their inner world;

    "viscosity" of thinking;


    love for all sorts of new information;

    is often pedantic;

    is often a lack of intuition in communication.

    The most typical diseases for the schizoid brain disease, strokes, thrombophlebitis. Vulnerable to their place is the throat. Schizoids recommend the combination of hirudotherapy with the use of cosmetic and medical products based on medical leech. To find out more: what kind of funds are available, you can visit the International Center for Medical Leeches, in which well-proven means are produced. Thrombophlebitis is well treated with leeches: It is necessary to put from 3 to 5 leeches around the diseased site, 110 by no means on the vessel. As for diseases of the Brain, home girudotherapy is not recommended. Recommendations for the design of leeches for those who have suffered a stroke are given in the section "Treatment with leeches of heart diseases."

    Isteroid - people are quick-tempered, impulsive, demonstrative. They are much more important than they are perceived, than what they really are. For these reasons, they often are not happy with themselves. Rather, they constantly fluctuate between the two poles of perception of oneself: from "they are very happy to themselves" to "they themselves can not stand".They then think that there is no one more cleverer, more beautiful, more talented in the world, then they say to their reflection in the mirror: "What a freak I am."Most often these people are intemperate. Intemperance of them is of different kinds:

    delicious, plentiful food;

    addiction to alcoholic beverages, which often makes them alcoholics;

    drug dependence;

    leading to the exhaustion of self and partner sex.

    "There should be a lot of things!" - this motto is guided in life by most of the hysterias. Their body often needs all kinds of dope. Scientists have found out that alcoholism, as a rule, is typical for this accentuation. The mechanism of the development of alcoholism and the behavior of the alcoholic will be described below, but you can easily recognize in this behavior a person's hysterical accentuation.

    They say hysterias quickly, spontaneously and confusedly. They do not follow their speech, and if they ask them to repeat what they just said, they can not do it. They easily forget what they recently promised, especially if they do not want to remember it. Friends they remain as long as they are comfortable, do not tolerate open criticism, and if a friend dares to say something negative to them, then he is immediately transferred by an hysteroid into the camp of enemies.

    Imagine this situation: you come to the dacha to your friend. He shows you his well-groomed flowers, bending over an unblown bud, assures you that it is a black peony. You are delighted. But another week passes, you again find yourself in this dacha and see that the peony is not black, but the most ordinary one. You are disappointed, and the owner laughs, he is glad that he played you so easily. As you guessed, this is an hysteroid, with a typical behavior for this type. They like to play all, and when they catch on the word, they do not feel the slightest remorse. But just dare to play it yourself! At best, a barrage of indignation will come upon you, at worst - the hysteroid will be hidden and, if necessary, you will get revenge.

    One should not, of course, think that all people of this type are scoundrels and scoundrels tailored from nothing but flaws. They have their unconditional dignity. They are pleasant to communicate with, they are easy and comfortable, most of the hysterias have a great sense of humor. They are often endowed with good taste and artistic flair, from which beautiful actors and writers are made.

    Another thing is that people of this type do their best to avoid situations in which they would have to fulfill one or another of their obligations. Psychologists argue whether the hysterics really "push" out of their minds what they feel hurt or hurt, or just pretend to have forgotten. This has to do with adultery.

    Isteroids can change some constitutional features with age: heavier fat or vice versa, lose weight. Men usually hide typical for this type of uneven bald patches, trying to give them a well-groomed appearance. Ironically said phrase nakaya you have a bald head "can be perceived by them as a compliment. In general, for them it is very important how it looks. In clothes they try to attract the attention of the people surrounding the color suit or bright detail. A man with a red scarf and bright red shoes is likely to be an hysteroid, because neither a schizoid nor a psychasthenic will allow himself such a thing.

    This type of accentuation, as a rule, is characteristic for adolescence with all the typical behavioral characteristics for adolescents:

    endless fantasies and pretense;

    detailed retelling of those events that were not;

    a tendency to displace unpleasant facts and events: they completely sincerely forget everything they do not want to remember;

    in any company immediately try to take center stage, if they fail, lose to this company any interest, up to demonstrative indifference;

    use of any means to attract attention, bright details in clothing - one of the ways;

    adventurism, insecurity: people of this type it is better not to completely trust anything;

    pronounced vanity;

    conformism, the desire to "be no worse than others": as a rule, the hysterics want that in their lives and in their home it was all the same as that of one of friends, acquaintances.

    Physicians are afraid of hysterias, therefore diseases on them most often fall like an avalanche: suddenly and chronically. The spectrum of diseases can be the widest, and the characteristic feature of all their diseases is extreme neglect. It is very difficult to convince them to undergo a preventive course of hirudotherapy. Even the operating table and the surgeon's knife over the hysteroid are not an argument for him that it's time to take seriously the shaky health. The following arguments can be given to the hysteroid in support of treatment with hirudotherapeutic methods:

    this treatment is fashionable and prestigious;

    someone( a significant person for a hysteroid) was treated with leeches, and it helped;

    has already passed through this and everyone talks about it.

    On the one hand, the hysterias are often afraid of being "white ravens," and on the other, they tend to be "steeper" than those around them.

    People of this type are recommended hirudotherapy in the presence of someone close or relatives. It is difficult, of course, to imagine what should happen if the hysteroid agrees to this. But still try to persuade a person of this type as a preventive measure to make yourself at least four sessions on a general preventive scheme.

    The most common accentuations have been described above. There are many intermediate types. Any classification, as is known, is conditional, but often a correct and accurate understanding of the situation or the person, his reactions and the causes of the majority of personal problems gives their correlation with precisely that particular type. In each of us, as psychologists have established, two opposing tendencies have struggled since time immemorial: on the one hand, the desire to belong to a certain class, type, group, on the other, the need to feel an individuality, to no one like a person.

    By reading descriptions of accentuation types, you probably understand which type you belong to. Some lines caused you categorical disagreement, others you "hooked".You looked at yourself from outside and determined what your somatic problems might be. At this point in time you do not have them? This is very good, but it is worth remembering the likelihood of their occurrence

    and from time to time to conduct a preventive course of hirudotherapy, focused on the typical diseases that are typical for your accentuation.

    The question of correlating somatic diseases with mental disorders is devoted to a lot of very interesting studies. From here even a special direction was born in medicine - psychosomatics. The main idea, repeated by the researchers of this question, is: "All somatic diseases are the consequence of one or another psychopathology, which, in turn, is the generation of stress."

    People have different stresses. For some, it is a source of mobilization of internal forces to achieve the desired result, for others - a symptom of the disease. Psychologists found that stress is necessary for the mental health of a full-fledged person, if their number does not exceed the ability to cope with them. The danger of the disease occurs when we incorrectly determine our personality type, we overestimate the bar of requirements for ourselves and try to become not who we really are.

    The discrepancy between the level of claims( what a person wants from life) and the level of expectations( his inner sense of what he really is capable of) becomes the main cause of mental and physical illnesses. A child from childhood is taught not to accept himself as he really is, compare, evaluate. As an adult, he continues to be afraid of bad grades, constantly compares himself to someone and tries to be better than others.

    We all experience stress, the body of each of us adapts to them in one way or another. Who among us has not encountered the behavior of a person who very much wants to drop a poop, but eats more and more every day? Or is it another behavior: a suffering diabetic who can not keep from sweet? Did not you have to deal with a peanut, adoring a spicy, smoked or strongly fried food? Nutritional "masochism" is becoming today one of the main psychological problems of modern society. By the way, to the number of food masochists are alcoholics and drug addicts.

    A person becomes a masochist when there is soil and environment: chronic stress, lack of positive emotions, lack of love and warmth, psychotraumatic, disharmonious home environment, quarrels between parents or spouses. Quite often this is the reason for the constant overeating of a deliciously prepared by the mother or wife of the product. A person begins to ignore what and how much he ate. A tightly stuffed stomach creates an illusion of security and peace, because in this state, he simply does not have the strength to think about anything, he becomes unable to analyze the true causes of his experiences, anger and discomfort.

    A special place among such "food" types of masochism is alcoholism. We all know perfectly well that alcohol, despite its high caloric value, with its excessive consumption, causes an old, as the world, hangover syndrome: a state of weakness, irritability, anxiety, discomfort, a violation of the function of internal organs. With prolonged forms of alcoholism, a nervous system is disrupted in a person, and psychic and psychosomatic disorders are clearly pronounced. You will learn more about alcoholism later, now it is necessary to limit ourselves only to the designation of its main cause: prolonged chronic stress.

    Chronic lack of modern people's positive emotions accustoms him to experience them through Getting suffering. Turning the life of their loved ones into the hell and worrying about it, a person becomes more irritable, intolerant, restless and aggressive. He does not have enough strength for anything, he is always late. For all that, he feels that his mood is deteriorating. Such a person does not adequately perceive everything that happens to him and around him. As a rule, some are guilty: colleagues at work, parents, the second half, even children. Izot once he notes that he has an irresistible feeling of anger at everyone around him and, first of all, himself. Friends become enemies, the home becomes a ruin. All this leads first to psychological problems, then to mental and somatic problems. Therefore, today the prevention of stress becomes the main task for physicians and psychologists - in short, for all who are trying to help the stress-worn man today.

    "How, by what means?" - doctors, healers, psychologists, psychics and even writers break their heads. Some invent mysterious devices and mysterious medications, others make passes by hand, trying to "disperse" stress, others hang on the neck of suffering from the stress of patients heavy amulets, the fourth place on the copper plates their feet and palms, the fifth throw them into the hole and make them starve. This list could be continued for a long time. For just as long it would be possible to continue another list: negative side effects, which are often the result of the most incredible inventions of stress.

    Psychological correction, psycho prophylaxis, bioenergetics - for many these words are synonyms.

    What is usually understood by the term "psychological correction"?

    This question can be answered correctly by any psychologist. Another thing is that most readers are afraid to ask about whether they themselves need qualified psychological help. Curiously the following: many of our readers have a very distant idea of ​​what they now require most. Today the situation is such that psychologists and specialists who are ready to "correct" you are almost more than willing to entrust their problems to them.

    It is possible to talk about psychocorrection with the help of a medical leech with a great deal of convention, because any correction involves the participation of a person, a psychologist or a psychotherapist in this process. Usually, psychocorrection means correction, reorientation or adjustment of those features of a person's mental development that go beyond the social norm.

    None of the currently existing psychological schools have yet tried to use a leech. Perhaps because one of the main sources of understanding and changing a person's fate and their mistakes is through speech. It is considered that changing means to understand, and any invasion by a person without awareness of the problem by the patient can only bring harm.

    Medical leech in this regard is an exception. It refers to the proven way to remove from the person the negative impact caused by both his own mistakes and the negative influence of the environment. Workers of cabinets hirudotherapy in one voice say that in the queue to the hirudotherapist there are never scandals. The very presence of a person next to a leech calms, improves his relationships with others. That's why, as a supplement to any of the methods of psychocorrection, you can and should use hirudotherapy.

    Scientists have found out that in the secretion of the salivary glands of a medical leech there is a special enzyme - the neurotrophic factor, by means of which a number of nervous and mental disorders of an organic and functional nature are treated.

    The long-term practice of medical therapists shows that after two or three sessions of leeches treatment, the general well-being improves, the mood rises, a calm deep sleep, a good appetite. The patient after the leech has a feeling of inner harmony, confidence, calmness, irritability and apathy disappear. Girudoterapevty watch their patients and after the course of treatment. For several months they have a positive perception of life, calm and self-confidence, a comfortable psychological atmosphere in the family. The person becomes more tolerant, gentle, benevolent.

    Clearly, it is impossible to solve all psychological problems with the help of leeches, but as an effective auxiliary method of correcting most psychological problems, the leech is simply irreplaceable. It would be misleading to consider hirudotherapy as an independent method of treating mental disorders, especially hereditary psychopathologies. Though among modern гирудотерапевтов there are also such. In one of the centers, leeches treat epilepsy and schizophrenia in the following way: the patient is shaved hair on the head, after which, in a loose order, up to ten leeches per session are placed on the head. They say that it helps: 3-4 sessions, and there was no exacerbation. At home, this can not be done in any case.

    Leeched is quite difficult to harm, no matter whether it's professional or domestic hirudotherapy. It is difficult, but it is possible, basically it concerns the number of leeches delivered during a session, compliance with the rules of setting and caring for a wound.

    Neuroses, irritability, aggressiveness, depression, loss of interest in life - all this can be corrected with the help of leeches. It is not difficult to guess how a man who has been overcome by seasonal spring and autumnal depression, who has long been the cause of chronic mistrust, will react to the proposal to put himself a leech: "What I have not tried! It remains only to put leeches! "

    Quite often hirudotherapy is the only and unexpectedly effective way. The main problem is different: it is difficult to convince patients who are depressed to undergo a hirudotherapy. They can be offered to make themselves cutaneous applications, using creams on a leech basis. The effect of such creams is similar to the effects of leeches, but much weaker. Unlike hirudotherapy sessions, cuticle applications from "leech creams" have a number of advantages. Firstly, a person who has been overcome by serious psychological problems, agrees more readily to cutaneous applications than to leeches, and secondly, this procedure is easier to implement at home.

    Scheme of treatment with cutaneous applications can be proposed in the form of a general healing massage of the body and head with the use of drugs based on leech. As a rule, a person calms down for the second session, by the third session he has a positive attitude towards himself and others, and by the fourth - the belief that happiness and the solution of all problems are in his hands.

    Statistics show that spouses who are once every six months prophylactic home treatment for leeches according to the general health improvement scheme are much less likely to feel mutual irritation and discontent with each other than before hirudotherapy.

    This section of the book could be called in a different way: the way to improve relations with people close to you. It will be about the psychological, mental and physical health of those who are dear to you and are important. Do you remember the first lines of the novel "Anna Karenina"?Of course, remember: "All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."

    The cause of most diseases are unsolved psychological problems, inability to understand who is next to us, and to see the situation through his eyes, as well as his own wrong reaction to the events of our life. Do you agree that each of us sees the world in his own way? But you also noticed that many people are similar in their perception of the reality surrounding us and the attitude towards it. It was this "similarity" that became the basis for the typology of neurolinguistic programming. Knowing which type you and your relatives belong to, you can foresee possible psychological and somatic problems and prevent their occurrence. The correct way of prevention for you will again be a medical leech.

    This section will describe the psychological features of each type, tells you how and with what means you can help yourself and loved ones prevent disease, prophylactic schemes for putting leeches at home.

    So, in order to ensure that relations in the family or at work are adjusted and at least come close to such, unfortunately, not so common today phenomenon as "harmony", you need to take into account a few important and interesting points.

    As you know, we all perceive the world with the help of five senses. This vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch. Each person, as a rule, one of the senses is the leader. Some of us perceive the basic information and the range of sensations of the surrounding world with the help of vision, someone is able to perceive the other person only if it suits the smell of this person, and someone needs to feel the

    "groping" to understand "whether it's mine. "There are also those who perceive the main flow of sensations with the help of ears, And no external attractiveness of another person or the wonderful smell of his spirits is capable of falling in love with himself more than the beautiful and exact word said by this person.

    It is clear that any classification associated with feelings is conditional, but, nevertheless, knowing the leading way to perceive the world, it is easier to communicate and correctly correlate with a particular person. It is not by chance that people say: "A man loves the eyes, and a woman ears."Most men perceive the world and people primarily through the eyes, and most women - with the help of the ears, which, in fact, generates quite often a misunderstanding between them. Of course, this does not mean that a man who perceives a woman's eyes does not care how she smells, even if her appearance corresponds to the best world standards. Well, if this woman, as we found out, perfectly fits into the world standards of beauty, does not cook well, or he( most likely, she) has an unpleasant to the touch rough skin, falling in love with excellent standards can reverse. However, next time, choosing the second half, the retreating will again first see, then hear or feel to the touch, or vice versa, depending on its individual characteristics.

    How do you determine which of the senses is leading for a person you constantly have to deal with? What is the cause of this or that reaction to your behavior of your parents, the second half Or the child, contact with which lately has become difficult for you?

    It is known that the movement of eyeballs is related to the type of person's thinking and is the main indicator of his attitude, the main way of processing internal experience, a characteristic of how and with what sense organs he first perceives people close to him. Therefore, in order to determine which type a person belongs to, you will need to closely follow the movement of his eyes during this very simple psychological experiment. But, of course, not so that he immediately asked you why it was you, in fact, staring at him.

    Look calmly, you can ask a question, drop your eyes and raise your eyes only after the last word of your question is sounded.

    Choose the right moment to test the person you are interested in: calm, comfortable atmosphere, good mood, positive psychological family climate at the moment, quiet atmosphere at work. You will need to ask the subject question or offer him a topic that will make him remember something. Below is an approximate list of phrases that you can use.

    Dear, tell me, please, about the brightest experience of your childhood.

    Son, tell your grandmother what you liked best yesterday at the fair.

    Mom, do you remember how we celebrated your birthday last year? I wonder whose gift you liked the most?

    Did you watch yesterday the next series( of a film or a series, depending on the subject's interests)?What do you remember most of all?

    How was your day today?

    What flowers grow around your house?

    than you spoke to our partners yesterday?

    In a word, it does not matter how long ago it will be a remembrance that your subject will tell, the main thing is that it is not necessarily negative and the person to whom you ask the question was pleasant about it

    to remember. During the answer, watch closely the eye movements of the person to whom you are asking your question. You will need to fix the first movement of the eyeballs of your subject. On this basis, you determine which of the sense organs is leading for him in the perception of the surrounding world, people and you including.

    So, where can your subject see and what does this show. The reaction options can be five:

    to the right upwards;

    left up, and then right up;

    sideways to the right;

    sideways to the left;

    left down or right down.

    Now let's talk more about each of these options.

    The eyeballs of your subject, before he answered the question, made a move to the right upward. He can also look at the ceiling, but only on the part that is to his right, to look for the answer even to the right, somewhere in the sky or on the right side of the roof of the next building. The movement of his eyes can be barely noticeable: to the right upwards, then to the left upwards, after which he will begin to answer your question. Try to notice the first movement.

    Looking up to the right, a person visually reconstructs the situation, recalls how she looked then, at the moment, about which he is about to speak. So, as you guessed it yourself, before you is a person for whom vision is the main source of information about the world around and the main way by which you can somehow influence his mood, emotions, feelings and attitude towards you.

    For such a person, first of all, it is important how the person with whom he has to deal, whether his second half or a business partner looks, looks. When he enters a foreign house, he feels comfortable only if there is beautiful and cozy. He can forgive you for a poorly cooked supper and even for his absence, the smell of burned cutlets or escaped coffee has not disappeared before his arrival, but he will never forgive your untidy appearance. Whoever your subjects - the boss, subordinate, father, mother, husband, wife or child - know that for this person your appearance is the main thing in his attitude to you.

    Observations on the behavior and reactions of people of the first type show that the main problem that prevents them from being healthy is a chronic sense of guilt. Quite often, it is generated by abnormal child-parent relationships, the consequence of which are kidney diseases. The sense of guilt, fixed in childhood, deforms the relationship of the adult with the people around him, which is even more negative for his kidneys. Leeches restore the right energetic exchange of a person with the outside world, help him get rid of feelings of guilt - it is these properties of leeches that are the reason why most urological diseases can be cured by the methods of hirudotherapy.

    For people belonging to the first type, leeches should be placed on the projection of the kidneys, coccyx, sacral spine and projection of the liver, making breaks of 5-7 days. A detailed scheme of the formulation, recommended by the urologist-girudoterapevtom, is given in the section "Treatment with leech in urology and andrology."

    Do you already know your diagnosis? Is it pyelonephritis, paranephritis or cystitis? Have you already consulted a doctor and he recommended that you warn the exacerbation by conducting a prophylactic home healthcare course every six months? Do not forget that urologists-girudoterapevty not recommend putting leeches at home, if you are currently exacerbating. To remove acute and purulent forms of pyelonephritis, parainfrit or cystitis with the help of leeches is possible only in specialized clinics.

    The one to whom you asked your question, looked left up, and then to the right upwards or to the side. It is important for you to notice the first movement of his eyes. So, it was directed to the left upwards. Such a person first sees, then feels. Touch or smell is the main additional source of his relationship with the outside world, including his family.

    For such a person, your appearance, the smell that reigns at this moment in your home, including the smell of your spirits, the taste of the upcoming dinner, are equally important.

    The main psychological problem of representatives of the second type is the inability to restrain their irritation and anger, resulting in liver and stomach diseases. Such a common dyskinesia bile ducts today is typical for the second type. Doctors believe that the most common cause of stagnant phenomena in the liver today is a violation of the internal motility of the biliary tract. The reasons for this may be the following:

    malnutrition, which does not contain the body's required amount of vitamins;

    lack of food culture, including rare but abundant meals;

    sedentary lifestyle.

    In the body of a healthy person, bile secretion is constantly occurring, but its excessive accumulation in the gallbladder can adversely affect the liver. As is known, during a meal, the gallbladder is greatly reduced, and if a person eats heavily only in the morning and evening, the fluid inside the gall bladder stagnates. Physicians say that the violation of biliary motility goes in two ways: hypertonic and hypotonic. For the first, spasms of the bile ducts are characteristic, for the second - a lowered tone, when bile is very weak.

    Complete people most often refer to the hypertonic type, thin, exhausted - to hypotonic. Both those and other doctors prescribe antispasmodics, advise to eat regularly, but a little.

    So, you or your loved ones belong to the second type, and you are going to put leeches as a preventive measure. Set 3-5 leeches per projection of the liver with a break in a week. It is advisable, of course, that the first session you conducted a professional hirudotherapist. Remember that hirudotherapy is not combined with all medications. If you are taking any medicine "from the liver", consult a doctor if hirudotherapy is acceptable.

    As doctors say, diseases are getting younger today. The so-called dyskinesia of bile ducts takes more and more diverse forms depending on the age, condition of the gallbladder and the individual characteristics of the organism.

    Some doctors treat all types of hepatitis as a stagnation of the liver. To date, there are several types of this disease, which are reduced to two main: viral and toxic. Hepatitis is an inflammatory process in the biliary tract, which leads to the swelling of small ducts, close to the bile. In professional hirudotherapy, the cases of treatment of hepatitis C are described. Employees of hirudotherapy clinics are sure that within two to three months a medical leech is capable of putting any type of hepatitis on the patient's feet.

    Hepatitis at home recommended to treat Professor KG Seleznev. Even with acute hepatitis, he suggested a scheme for setting leeches at home: every

    three days for 4-5 leeches on the right hypochondrium. The professor believed that ten or twelve sessions were sufficient for a complete cure.

    In modern hirudotherapy there are many opinions on this issue, some of them differ from each other. Most girudoterapevtov still do not advise to heal at home hepatitis. First, there is a need for constant clinical monitoring of the treatment, and secondly, self-treatment of hepatitis C, for example, can be unsafe for households, because this type of hepatitis, as is known, can be transmitted by airborne and through the blood.

    the origin, causes and methods of transmission of different types of hepatitis doctors are still arguing. Modern medicine has not yet come to a consensus as to whether the patient can be completely cured of this or that type of disease. Most doctors answer this question negatively. But with the fact that most patients with hepatitis relate to the second type described in this book, physicians had to face repeatedly.

    The eyes of the person to whom you asked the question, looked to the right, as if expecting that the ear "prompt" the right answer to the question, will help him remember the situation, about which he is asked. Before you is a person who first of all perceives the world through the ears. The way you look, what smells in the apartment and from you, and what the present dinner is, it's not so important for him, but if you say something not right or just something uninteresting to him, his mood can deteriorate dramatically.

    Such people are primarily affected by cardiovascular disease. For two centuries doctors have been writing that there is no more effective means for treating heart diseases than medical leeches. Due to their effect, blood pressure is reduced by 20-40 units, an increase in blood flow velocity is registered, capillaries expand.

    Home girudoterapevty recommend putting leeches in two cases:

    for the prevention of cardiovascular disease;

    for removal of consequences of the transferred disease.

    In such cases, put 2 or 3 leeches directly on the projection of the heart. Sessions are repeated after five or seven days.3-5 sessions are enough. Perfect leeches help those who are discharged from the hospital, when after a heart attack or stroke lasted a month. Hirudotherapy helps to resolve the already formed thrombi, "scares" those that are just about to form. In addition, leeches help to work the heart muscle and positively affect the blood. Those who are familiar with the consequences of a stroke, such as numbness of hands, high blood pressure, facial twitchings, will be surprised by the effect: all this will completely disappear after a few weeks of hirudotherapy.

    The spectrum of cardiovascular diseases, in which professional hirudotherapy effectively helps, is discussed in more detail in the chapter "Treatment with leeches of heart diseases".

    These diseases will help you cure professional girudoterapevty who have been using leech in their practice for many years. Today in sanatoriums they use hirudotherapy to treat patients with coronary heart disease during the rehabilitation phase. As it turned out, the effect of medical leeches significantly increases the effectiveness of the rehabilitation stage of patients with myocardial infarction.

    There are specialized clinics in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, whose employees are sure that the leech is one of the best treatments for certain cardiovascular diseases. But with acute forms of cardiovascular disease, you can use a medical leech only in the presence of a doctor. It is advisable that he listened to you before and after staging leeches. This is especially true for patients who have had an acute stroke or heart attack. And of course, do not try to remove an acute heart attack with medical leeches, in such cases, always call a doctor.

    Your subject looked to the left. Before you is a person who perceives the world through hearing, and also through sense of smell and touch. Only smart and beautiful words for such a person is not enough. However, without saying such words, you run the risk of losing interest for him.

    Such people are most often concerned about increased or decreased blood pressure, as well as cardiovascular diseases. Even at the beginning of the last century, scientists found that the positive effect of hirudotherapy is provided not only by the secretion of the salivary glands of leeches, but also by a common reflex action, irritation of the receptors of the skin and vessels at the site of the bite. Leeches have always been a well-known "folk" way to normalize the pressure - they are able to lower it by 20-40 units.

    In the event that your usual pressure is low, but at the moment its indices are very high, put yourself in one session no more than two leeches. If you are not hypotonic and just try to arrange for yourself with the help of leeches prophylaxis, use them in the amount of three to five. Measure the pressure before and after the session.

    Do not forget that after the session, the pressure can drop by 10-15 units, you will want to eat, sleep. Relax, eat and let the inner healing processes that are taking place now in your body, complete your beneficial action.

    Set yourself a leech with a break in a week. Preventive course according to the general scheme is carried out every six months.

    You can use leeches even with a very high pressure - the crisis will go away. Enough, as a rule, two or three sessions, during which you need to put one or two leeches on mastoid processes. Do not put leeches endlessly: during the first three sessions the leech injects into your blood the amount of nutrients needed to stabilize blood pressure.

    Before answering your question, your subject looked left down or right down. Before you is a person who perceives the world, focusing on his inner experience, on his own feelings: touch, smell, taste, movement for him is more important than visual and auditory perception.

    The main problems of such people are mental disorders. Quite often they have weakened immunity, they are extremely sensitive to any unfavorable external and internal factors, suffer from a variety of infectious diseases, including the sexual sphere. Remembering this, you should contact the specialists of the appropriate profile in time.

    With hirudotherapy you need to be more careful, because people with weakened immunity and mental disorders often respond to an allergic reaction to leeches. It is better to start a course of treatment with one or two leeches, combine hirudotherapy with other medicinal and non-medicated medications that strengthen immunity: reflexotherapy, physiotherapy, phytotherapy. But all this, of course, after consulting with specialists.

    So, you managed to determine to which of the five most typical variants is the

    eyelid you are interested in. All people can not be placed in the Procrustean bed of classifications, but practice shows that the most common are people who belong to one of these five options. Both men and women who perceive the surrounding world or a loved one, first of all, "through the nose" or "to the touch," are extremely rare. Therefore, we will consider how to establish relations with such people in the context of the above five options.

    How to behave with someone who first sees, whether your child, the second half, a colleague or any of the parents. Try to find out what his favorite color is. If this person is not your loved one, but at the same time is important to you and your mood or affairs depend on his inner state, you can present him some kind of present. Of course, he should be exactly the color that this person loves most.

    Are you uncomfortable asking this person about his favorite color? You can try another way. Find out the year of his birth and, depending on this, determine his favorite color. Pay attention only to the last digit. For example, if a person was born in 1963, then his choice of color is determined by the number 3. The relationship between the preferred color and the year of birth usually looks like this.

    People whose year of birth ends in 9 and O tend to like yellow, orange, beige, brown tones.

    Does your year of birth end in 1 or 2?In this case, most likely, your favorite colors are white, silver, gray.

    The year of the person you are interested ends in 3 or 4?He certainly prefers blue, blue or true colors.

    If a representative of the first type was born in years that end in the number 5 or 6, he will most likely choose green.

    Figures 7 and 8 "force" the born in these years to choose red, burgundy, cherry colors.

    Of course, there can be exceptions in this series. But, as a rule, people prefer the color peculiar to their year.

    So, if this is a member of your family, try to use this color in the design of an apartment or a house. Do this unobtrusively, slowly, but gradually. Step by step, change the design of your common space in accordance with what you like a person close to you. Does my husband like green? Hang green curtains or buy him green slippers. Or maybe you should think about a green blouse for yourself?

    Does your wife prefer beige-brown tones? Give her something in this range, she will be unspeakably happy with your gift. For those who first of all see, the appearance of the gift is of great importance, and if you give roses, it must be necessarily gorgeous roses, preferably the color that she prefers.

    And, of course, try to keep an eye on your appearance. If you are a woman, remember that your appearance in curlers and a worn out home robe is not suitable for your chosen one. If you are a man, know that your unshaven face or stale body can provoke a scandal. When presenting to a person of the first type in one form or another, do not show him the shortcomings of his figure( whether you are husband or wife), always try to please the eyes of a representative of the first type.

    Consider all recommendations for the first option. Your appearance, color and decoration of the premises for the second option are very significant. But plus to that you need to remember also about other addictions of such people: taste, smells, sensations. Their mood depends on what smells in the room and whether the cake is delicious, and it does not matter what you say at the same time. Well-groomed appearance, pleasant smell that comes from you, a cup of fragrant coffee - and your "object" is subdued. With that condition, of course, that it belongs to the second type.

    Remember, it's easier to unobtrusively create a psychologically comfortable environment for such people than to glue the destroyed relationships together. Representatives of the second type are suggestible, accommodating, but at the same time very stubborn and capricious. Change their mood before they have time to pour on you the accumulated irritation for the day.

    Do you have to deal with the person who belongs to the third type all the time? Together with you in the house lives the one who first hears? In this case, you will first have to do your self-education, because your words, your speech, then, as you say and what you say, has the most important meaning for your second half, the child or the parent. And no matter how beautiful you look, no matter how delicious you cooked dinner, if you say stupid things or show your ignorance, you for this person no longer exist.

    It's hard, of course, to immediately take and start saying beautiful smart things. If you are not sure that you are good at it, say a representative of the third type more often about beautiful words about him. If this is a woman, tell her about how good she is, smart, beautiful and kind and how you appreciate her for it, and she will forgive you everything, starting with the untidy appearance and ending with not the most pleasant smells coming from your shoes. The same applies to bosses and subordinates. People who perceive the world "through their ears" like to hear first and foremost good and kind words about themselves.

    However, this process - speaking the same beautiful words - is not infinite. If you feel that your repertoire of good words is exhausted, that you begin to repeat, and your second half or boss today is annoyed for some reason with all the words he listened with delight yesterday and the day before yesterday, look for other topics. Take an interest in well-being, ask, for example, about a case that interests a person. This may have a very direct relationship to work or to the sphere of leisure.

    Take care that your words do not cause obviously negative emotions. Alternate a new, interesting information for the third type of information with kind words addressed to him, and you will receive in return a sea of ​​respect, care, love and tenderness. And, of course, you will get what you first need from this person.

    Another tip: use music therapy in your home or company. Ask somehow a representative of the third type about his musical preferences and, guided by them, manage the "weather" in the house or at the factory. As therapeutic it is not recommended to use too loud or fast music. If a person prefers a disco, pick something in this style, but calm. You can consult with sellers of sound recordings or a specialist in the field of musical psychotherapy.

    In such cases, as a rule, use classical world hits, electronic music( of course, if members of your family or colleagues are normal to this music).think of your musical passions in the last turn, but do not force yourself, listening to your beloved wife or chef jazz, which you can not stand.

    Carefully read the recommendations for representatives of the third type. Follow them, but remember that for people such as humans, along with aural perception of the world, odors, taste of food, the sensation of your kojashi, your touch are important. Such people first of all hear, but only with words you will not subdue them and will not force to accept your point of view.

    Creating a psychologically comfortable environment for people of the fourth type is better with the help of music therapy, pleasant, kind words. Change their mood and attitude to you and aromatherapy is also capable. Communicating with such people, remember that they really like unobtrusive, gentle and affectionate touch. For them, this is a kind of establishment of contact. The boss, who pats you on the shoulder, a child who constantly pulls by the hand, the wife, who takes the non-existent mote from you, is more likely to be of the fourth type.

    The most difficult people in communication are those who first of all trust the internal sensations. For them, the main thing is to feel the interlocutor, "mentally touch", to feel a close or even unfamiliar person. Communication with such people, as a rule, is quite complicated.

    But the mood of representatives of the fifth type can be managed, of course, pursuing only positive Delhi. In the event that one of your colleagues or members of your family is more than you need a tactile, kinesthetic experience, remember this every minute. Encourage such a person with a touch, approvingly touch the wrist of his hand. For him, this will mean much more than a representative of the third option a kind word.

    If they are people close to you, kiss, hug, just gently stroke them on the back or on the head. Remember that smells, taste, color, hearing - all this also matters, but it is your touch that is primary.

    You can look great, make fragrant coffee, include quiet beautiful music and pronounce a beautiful sea of ​​words to your colleague or loved one, but this will not improve his mood. And if you kiss, pat on the shoulder or gently embrace a representative of the fifth type, how in his heart the sun will immediately play. This is especially true for children whose parents do not understand that most of their children need tactile encouragement from their father and mother. The grown-up "under-warmed by touch" in childhood can then feel lifelessly unhappy all their lives, hardly realizing the true cause of all their adult problems, troubles and sorrows.

    As you know, all our diseases are caused by incorrect behavior or wrong reaction to close people and the world around us. The reason for an incorrect emotional reaction lies in negative thinking. What are the features of this thinking and what specific mistakes do we make, subsequently causing a number of somatic diseases?

    Each of us is familiar with the state when it is difficult to control ourselves. Emotions spill over the edge, there is an uncontrolled state of irritation, resentment. A person begins to look for the culprit of his troubles - of course, around himself. I want to calm down, but something stops me. What? Of course, their own misconceptions about how to properly behave. Intelligent, educated people do not even think that failure to fulfill their promises, lies, betrayal, jealousy, irritation, envy inflict irreparable harm on themselves. "

    Many people genuinely do not understand that by breaking their promises, forcing the other person to wait and ignoringtheir obligations, trying by all means to convince the other of their rightness, they poison their lives and the lives of their loved ones, they themselves harm their health.

    What are these negative thoughts, what are they usually born with? We list the most typical causes of negative thoughts( in the first place are those that occur today most often):


    anger( anger);


    is a lie;

    feeling guilty;




    desire to punish the guilty;

    sense of superiority;

    desire to control another person;





    Today it is not a secret for anyone that irritable people are often hypertensive. More than half a century ago, scientists tried to find a medical explanation for this relationship. It looked like this. As is known, the pressure exerted by blood on the walls of blood vessels is determined by two factors. The upper, systolic, pressure records the movement of blood through the armies with each contraction of the heart. The lower, dialogical, exists in the artery between the two shortened cardiac muscles. The ratio 100/80 means,

    , that the pressure in the arteries during heart contractions is equal to 100, and between them - 80 units. Fury causes a very strong reaction from the heart and blood vessels, which helps increase blood pressure.

    When a person gets angry, there is a hormonal splash in his body. Fury and anger contribute to a sharp rise in the body of testosterone( in men), cor-tizol, epinephrine and norepinephrine. Chronic high level of testosterone is the correct basis for the development of atherosclerosis. The "leap" of cortisol affects the immune system, not allowing the body to fight infections. Epinephrine and norepinephrine contribute to the flow of blood to the heart and outflow from the liver.

    It takes several months. The chronic state of manifest anger or anger triggers the release of glucose into the blood. A man screams, gets irritated, it seems to him that it gets easier, but in fact the following happens: as a result of the outflow of blood from the liver, the level of cholesterol in the blood rises, which in turn leads to the deposition of fat in the arteries. The more and more often a person gets angry, the higher the high blood pressure damages the arteries and heart. The heart starts to work more vigorously, the working capacity of the heart muscle soon decreases.

    It takes another six months. Anger and fury lead to liver dystrophy. There are malfunctions in the digestive system, the excretion of gastric juice is disrupted, the contraction of the gastric mucosa is increasing. The person begins to eat more, the heart works more intensively. On the walls of the arteries, ruptures are formed, which are covered with fatty plaques. Before the infarct remains very little.

    Insecure people who experience despair, resentment, doubt everything, are less prone to cardiovascular disease. Their somatic problems are of a different order. Suppressed fear contributes to a lesser allocation of gastric juice, loss of appetite, there is gastritis or stomach ulcer.

    Reading these lines, you probably already understood the cause of some diseases, and perhaps even mentally revised the situations that provoke you to negative behavior. It is difficult, of course, to take and change your behavior, style of reactions, relationships with surrounding people. But the main, first step in this direction is the desire to want to change yourself.

    As we have found out, not bad ecology, heredity or malnutrition, and first of all personal style of behavior, have to this or that disease. There are three psychosomatic types, each of which corresponds to a certain risk group. The first type will be conditionally designated as "A", the second - "B", the third