  • ABC Diet - classic, lightweight and super-colored versions

    Read in the article:
    • ABC diet: essence, dietary rules and results
    • Hard option: ABC diet for 50 days
    • Light options: ABC light( ABC light) and ABC superlight( ABC superlight)
    • ABC diet: reviews, opinion of doctors andcontra-indications

    Diet abc will help to lose weight for 30 days on 12 kg

    The ABC diet can be compared in many respects to the professional sports diet, which is famous for its high efficiency and safety for health. If you follow this weight loss program, unlike most, you are allowed to eat a wide variety of foods and even have snacks after six evenings.

    ABC Diet: Essence, Nutrition and Results ^

    This unique method of weight loss was developed in the USA, especially for the Ana Boot Camp( hence the name of the diet) - a kind of army for slimming. Classes in this camp were held under the vigilant leadership of the coach and assumed strict discipline and compulsory physical activity.

    One of the main directions of the technique was strict adherence to specially designed nutrition plans, which include the abc diet - the traffic light.

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    The gratifying advantage of this program is that it does not require its fans to rush from extreme to extreme and be in a state of perpetual hunger. The main principle of the ABC diet is a balanced diet, with respect to which you do not need to give up tasty and nutritious dishes. It requires you to exclude from the diet only "garbage" products that cause the formation of fat deposits on the body.

    According to the rules of the ABC diet, all products are divided into three groups, designated by their color: "a" - red, "b" - yellow, "c" - green. The essence of this weight loss program is that products that belong to group "a" you have to be completely excluded from the diet( preferably forever), you can use products of group "b" only up to 18 hours, but for products "c" norestrictions are not superimposed at all. What is included in these groups?

    Group "а": - red

    • any products of fast food, mayonnaise;
    • fatty sorts of poultry, meat, and also fat;
    • ice cream, baked yeast, cream cakes, white bread;
    • beer, champagne, all fizzy drinks, milk;
    • cereals semolina.

    Group "b" - yellow:

    • pasta, porridge;
    • unsweetened pastry from puff pastry;
    • low-fat varieties of any meat;
    • natural sausages;
    • chocolate, caramel, and also lollipops;
    • solid cheeses, low-fat cottage cheese;
    • fruits and dried fruits;
    • spicy seasonings, pickles, ketchup;
    • coffee.

    Group "c" - green:

    • boiled fish, seafood of all kinds;
    • vegetables;
    • apples and citruses;
    • leafy greens;
    • eggs( not more than 2 pieces per day);
    • vegetable oil( unrefined).

    The main recommendations for the observance of the ABC program:

    1. You need to eat a little bit - 5-6 times in small portions. This approach allows to substantially relieve the digestive system and normalize the release of digestive enzymes.
    2. Dishes are better for boiling, stew or cook for a couple, frying should be excluded.
    3. After eating, do not immediately go to rest, but also to intensify activities too, it is not necessary - it is better to take a walk in the fresh air.
    4. The main share in the diet should be vegetables and fruits.
    5. To activate blood circulation and normalize the endocrine system, it is advisable to take a contrast shower daily.

    In addition, this method of weight loss has developed several rules that should be adhered to at the festive table, so as not to deprive yourself of the joy of delicious food:

    • alcohol is permissible, but only in the form of whiskey, vodka, martini or dry wine;
    • from all variety of dishes, which usually represents a festive table, you can choose only two - any combination. It can be salad and hot, hot and dessert or something else according to your preferences;
    • in the composition of these two dishes should include either meat or fish, but not both ingredients. For example, if you chose a fish salad, as a hot salad, you will also have to stop at the fish, but not on meat or poultry.

    As you can see, everything is simple enough and not burdensome, so the results of the ABC diet are simply impressive: for 50 days of nutrition by this method you can lose from 10 to 30 kg of excess weight.

    Hard option: ABC diet for 50 days ^

    The classic ABC diet, calculated for 50 days, is based on the observance of a certain calorie intake, which varies daily, with 6 days of these 50 meaning complete starvation. The essence of this technique is that the metabolism( metabolism) does not have time to adjust to the constant changes in the daily calorie content of the diet, which, in turn, leads to rapid weight loss.

    This program is also called "ana( ana) diet", the name of which came from the word Ana - the American movement for anorexia as an alternative way of life. To make your diet for a day you can do it yourself based on the above principles, the main thing is that the nutritional value of your diet does not go beyond the established norms( in Kcal):

    If you follow this weight loss program, you must drink at least 1.5 - 2 liters of liquids,and also take multivitamin preparations.

    It is necessary to leave the diet smoothly and accurately. In the first five days after its end, it is recommended to eat not more than 500 Kcal per day, on the sixth day for breakfast add a portion of porridge on the water, a week later - boiled or steam lean meat. The entire first month after the end of losing weight, the nutritional value of your daily diet should not be more than 800 - 1000 Kcal.

    You can independently develop a daily ration, using the calorie tables of products on our website, or you can take as a basis several of the variants below and combine them at your discretion.

    Sample menu for 500 Kcal:

    • breakfast - unsweetened tea or coffee;
    • lunch - a slice of dried bread;
    • dinner - cauliflower soup( 100 g) and chicken breast( 50 g);
    • snack - a small portion of salad from tomatoes and cucumbers;
    • dinner - cauliflower, steamed( 100 g), and chicken breast( 50 g).

    Another menu option for 500 kcal may look like this:

    • breakfast - oatmeal on water( 100 g), kefir( 100 g);
    • dinner - 2 oranges;
    • dinner - low-fat cottage cheese( 180 g).

    Menu for 400 Kcal:

    • breakfast - baby puree peach( 115 gr) - 75 kcal;
    • lunch - oatmeal on the water( 60 gr) - 210 kcal;
    • supper - baby food pear( 2 pieces) 115 g - 46 kcal.

    Menu for 300 Kcal:

    • breakfast - curd president( 100 gr);
    • lunch - chicken breast( 100 g);
    • dinner - 2 apples.

    Menu for 250 kcal:

    • breakfast - curd fat-free President( 100 gr);
    • dinner - cabbage stewed with egg( 200 g);
    • supper - baby food( 100 gr).

    Menu for 100 Kcal:

    • breakfast - sauerkraut( 200 g) - 40 kcal;
    • lunch - seaweed( 170 g) - 17 kcal;
    • supper - baby food( apple with zucchini, 105 gr) - 30 kcal.

    Lightweight options: ABC light( ABC light) and ABC superlight( abc superlight) ^

    Light versions of the diet - a traffic light - have also been developed. One of them, the so-called ABC light( abc light), is designed for 30 days, the other( ABC superlight)( for 50 days).The very name suggests that these weight loss programs are less rigid and more caloric, although they are also quite hard to bear. Therefore, some weight loss patients use the ABC diet for 30 days in a shorter version, shortening its duration to 5 to 10 days.

    Nutritional value of the daily diet of the ABC diet for 30 days( Kcal):

    ABC light diet table for 30 days

    Nutritional value of the daily diet of the ABC superlay for 50 days( Kcal):

    ABC diet table for the superlight for 50 days

    The ABC superlate diet is divided into 5 decades, at the end of each of which it is necessary to perform a control measurement of volumesbody and weight.

    We also recommend to familiarize yourself with the protein diet

    ABC Diet: feedback, opinion of doctors and contraindications ^

    Any dietary program has both positive and negative reviews. The effectiveness of the ABC diet for each person is different and depends on the individual characteristics of the body, on how strictly the leaner adheres to the desired diet, as well as on its initial weight.

    Doctors - dieticians from weight loss based on the ABC diet warn. Not only that, any hunger strikes negatively affect the body, causing beriberi, skin, hair and nail problems, while observing low-calorie programs there is a high probability of dizziness, fainting and constipation.

    Another problem is that during the 50 days that make up the duration of this diet program, the body is so used to a meager diet that this can cause anorexia. Yes, and whether you will be able to keep the result achieved is a big question. After all, at the end of any method of losing weight, metabolism in people is greatly slowed, which leads to a rapid set of weight.

    As for contraindications - in general, such an ABC diet does not. Like any other weight loss program, it can not be strictly applied to minors and the elderly. And if you, being on dietary nutrition, feel a significant deterioration of well-being - stop the diet immediately and return to a balanced full-fledged diet.
    We advise you to look at a video about the cunningness of light( light) food products, which flooded modern supermarkets and dietician advice, how to choose and consume low-calorie products correctly and without harm to health: