  • Time of day and accuracy of testing

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    Biological circadian rhythm is one of the most important biorhythms of the human body. He is the most studied and must first of all be taken into account when studying the work of his organism, his capabilities.

    Many thousands of years ago, Chinese scientists and physicians created the doctrine of the rhythm of the processes occurring in the human body, the violation of which leads to pathology.

    It has been established that every organ of our body has its optimal point( its specific time) of the most intense activity and at this time it is the most vulnerable.

    This exercise allowed the development of timely impact schemes with curative purposes. Special needles, sagebrush cigarettes for cauterization, and acupressure were also used.

    In China, a special device was developed to determine the optimal time for of chen-tszyu therapy ( acupuncture).

    In the human body, 5 main and 12 essential "organs" were identified according to the generality of their functional activity.

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    The most valuable was the statement that all organs are interrelated and exert influence on each other. For example, liver disease affects the functioning of the heart, the blood circulation, which in turn affects digestion, etc.

    The body's disease forms a "chain break" in the sequence of organ interactions - the rhythm of their work.

    This trend of alternative medicine is successfully developing now.

    It turned out that you must take the medicine in the optimal time for a positive effect on the sick body, and not "3 times a day in a teaspoonful."

    At an international symposium held recently in France, many reports noted that such an approach significantly enhances the curative effect and gives a significant economic effect - fewer medicines are required.

    Similar studies and approaches to treatment are now used in balneotherapy, mud therapy, physiotherapy and other therapeutic treatments.

    During the day there are fluctuations in body temperature, arterial pressure and other physiological functions.

    • The body temperature should be measured twice a day - at 10 and 18 hours. At 18 hours it reaches its maximum.

    • Our heart is reacting most physically to physical activity at 13-14 hours, at which time the digestive system( lunch) is usually loaded.

    • The maximum blood pressure values ​​are noted from 16 to 20 hours.

    • From 6 to 12 hours, the excitability and lability of human visual analyzers are highest.

    • In the morning, the body's sensitivity to cold has been increased. This should be taken into account when carrying out hardening in cold water - the first procedure is better to start in the afternoon, and then use them in the morning.

    • Sensitivity to high temperatures is lower in the morning.

    • The maximum increase in heart rate under the influence of physical activity is noted at 13-14 hours. In this period, even highly qualified athletes can not always show a "passing" standard at the Olympic Games, noted Polish scientists. This watch is unfavorable for training and competition.

    • At 13-14 hours the body reacts poorly to both massage and high temperatures, for example, a sauna and to receive various healing baths.

    • Fluctuations in the temperature of the scalp completely repeat the daily fluctuations in the internal temperature, and fluctuations in the temperature of the skin of the limbs are shifted in phase by 180 degrees. The discrepancy in the phase of temperature rhythms inside the body and on the surface is the well-known chronobiologist Yu. Ashoff explains by changes in the surface blood flow, on which heat transfer from the inner regions of the body to its surface depends.

    • The luminous sensitivity of the eye reaches its maximum sensitivity after sunset, and by the time of sunrise there is a significant decrease in the dark adaptation.

    • Daily fluctuations in muscle strength also have periods of recovery and decline. L. Ya. Glybin determined that higher strengths are noted at 5, 12, 16, 20 and 24 hours, and lower ones at 2, 9, 14, 18 and 22 hours. In other words, the scientist noted 2-hour fluctuations of the indicators during the day.

    • The curve of dynamometry changes has a peak at 15-18 hours, and the decline - at 3-6 in the morning.

    • The maximum cholesterol level is 18 hours and the smallest - from 24 to 12 hours with a minimum of 6 am.

    • The maximum glucose level is recorded at 18 hours and 24 hours, and the minimum at 6 and 12 hours.

    In-depth studies of MV Berezkina showed that individual physiological, hormonal, hematological and biochemical indices have a distinct daily curve, rhythmicity characteristic of a certain age, sex, rhythm of vital activity and, obviously, human chronotype.

    However, individual indicators for each healthy person can at certain times of the day go beyond the upper or lower limits of generally accepted values ​​of the norm, which does not always indicate the presence of pathology in the body.

    The scientist concludes that it is time to develop daily chronograms of the norm of basic indicators and to implement their application both in polyclinics and in hospitals. And for each time of the day( morning, afternoon, evening and night) there must be chronograms so that the doctor can compare the performance of the organism within the daily fluctuations.

    It is also time to develop standards for each age, gender and, most importantly, each person's chronotype.

    Everyone is aware of the need to check the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation( ESR) in diseases. However, only differences in ESR at 18 and 12 hours have an important diagnostic value, and the highest rate of erythrocyte sedimentation is noted at 15 hours. At 18 o'clock and 3 o'clock in the morning with the minimum values ​​of ESR the maximum number of erythrocytes is recorded, which indicates an increase in the viscosity of the blood.

    Also within a day fluctuations in the number of leukocytes, which in the evening hours sometimes exceed the upper limit of the norm, and in the practice of medicine it is characterized as the presence of inflammatory processes in the body.

    It is not unimportant what time of day temperature has increased. Studies of the Czech physician 3. Gail showed that in viral diseases, the temperature rises more often in the evening hours, and when bacterial - in the morning.

    It was noted that women and men have a difference between maximum and minimum body temperature during the day. The greatest discrepancies were found in the period from 13 to 14, 16 and 18 hours.

    "The game with the hands of the clock" - the constant transitions to summer and winter time in our country - has led to the fact that biorhythms of the whole body are knocked off the usual indicators. Hence the decrease in immunity, increased susceptibility to colds, exacerbation of systemic chronic diseases( cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, hormonal systems).

    Dependence of blood indices from the Sun is reflected in ancient and modern Chinese medicine, confirmed by modern studies of Japanese( Maki Takata) and Russian scientists( NA Shultz).