  • Haircut trash: photo for short, medium and long hair length

    Trash is a very fashionable style of hairstyles, founded by Audrey Kitching, who already in the eighth grade was painted in purple. Despite the fact that for her bad behavior Audrey was often expelled from school, she was able to graduate with honors from a prestigious educational institution and become an example for young people all over the world.

    What is a trash style hairstyle? This is a categorical rejection of any framework, rules and canons, so there are no special requirements for the performance of haircuts( and even for the haircut itself).The only condition is brightness and unusualness. Therefore, the hairstyle can consist of several colored strands or show a rainbow of flowers. Of course, dyeing your hair in a poisonous green is a very radical step, and not all are ready for this. However, you can try to paint your head with the help of washable spray-paints that hold up to the first washing of the head. Did not like it - washed away and made a more traditional hairstyle. Also, the style of the trash allows hair coloring through the stencil( futuzh).

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    Moreover, you can not even paint yourself, it's enough to make the appropriate haircut in a cascade and bobs( without a fleece and trash)

    For long hair

    Usually, tresses are cut using stairs or cascading hairstyles, keeping the available length. On the top of the head strands are cut shorter, in order to give the hair a daring and voluminous. Facial locks are also shortened and will form part of the mass of the bangs, which is mostly long.

    When creating a hairstyle for a long hair, a peculiar hair cap is always left, from which the entire volume of haircuts will be created. To get an incredible and steep volume, you need to strongly comb the hair on the crown, considering that the strands that have been trimmed and so will give an incredible amount of hair, the styling will be especially spectacular, unusual and amazing.

    On average hair

    Cutting trash on medium hair almost does not differ from cutting to long hair, because it should also be voluminous and lush.

    Instead of volumetric stacking, you can make it the opposite - the smoothed mash. It is enough to smooth the hair on the crown and the roots, and their ends fluff. The bangs, as in any other trash hair, should be as smooth as possible.

    On short hair

    To create a similar haircut, you need to cut a few strands on the occipital part. At the same time, the locks of the vertex and facial strands remain longer. Unlike haircuts for long or medium hair, short trash haircuts should always be stowed.

    In order to get your hair done correctly, you will definitely need a styling.

    We will give the back of the negligence and daring by ruffling it. Remember that strands should be placed chaotically. To give volume to the hair, the strands of the front part should be stacked in stages, one on one.

    There is another version of trash-laying: you can comb the front strands to one side. With this laying, the back of the created careless hedgehog will stick out in different directions. This styling can be supplemented with your favorite accessory.

    Photo trimming trash:

    Master-class for the implementation of

    Trash due to the lack of formats and canons - the most simple of haircuts( except for "under the typewriter, of course).Therefore, almost everyone will be able to create it independently. A video in this you will help.