
How to Make a Hairstyle Bundle: Step-by-step Photo and Video Instructions

  • How to Make a Hairstyle Bundle: Step-by-step Photo and Video Instructions

    The hairdress is considered to be one of the easiest, but elegant, which can be safely performed on both long hair and medium. There are several options for creating a beam, depending on this, this hairstyle can be suitable for both business, evening dress, and for a sports outfit or outfit in casual style. An undeniable advantage is that each girl can make this hairstyle to herself because of the simplicity of the performance.

    This article will describe how to make and fix a bunch on the head according to the classical scheme. Also, a variant of forming a hairstyle based on two beams will be proposed. In addition, women of fashion learn how to make a hairdress with a donut and a bunch of corrugated. Let's start with the photo-selection.

    Classical version of

    The process of beam formation according to the classical scheme will be described in detail below.

    1. First of all, the hair should be combed well, and then combed back.
    2. Then the hair should be collected in the tail, depending on where the beam will be fixed - on the vertex, from below, from the side.
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    3. Then the strands of the tail should be twisted in the form of a bundle and laid in the shape of a knot around the base of the tail.
    4. Next, the strands must be secured with invisible objects.

    With the help of a donut

    If you make a bun with a donut, the hairdo will turn out lush and voluminous. Whichever length such a hairstyle is made, the effect of long thick hair will be created.
    In order to make a high beam using a bagel, the hair must be combed and made smooth. Then the hair should be collected in the tail on the crown. Then the resulting tail must be passed through a bagel. Then the strands of the tail must be wrapped around the donut, you can still divide the hair in the tail into strands and wrap each around the donut. At the final stage, the hair should be secured with invisibility and sprinkle the finished hair with varnish.
    In order to obtain a low beam, the hair must be combed back and collected in a low tail. Then it is necessary to pass a foam rubber bagel through the resulting tail and wrap the tail strands around the bagel. All construction must be fixed with invisible devices.


    Below is a step-by-step description of the process of forming a bundle of corrugation. A bundle made of hair with a corrugated structure is obtained by volume.

    1. In order for the hair to turn out with a corrugated structure, it is necessary, with the help of a corrugated corrugation, to give each strand a basal volume and a fine waviness.
    2. The hair needs to be divided into thin strands, put a strand between the plates for five seconds, then release and thus twist the strand along its entire length. If there is no such fuse, you can braid small plaits, then straighten them with iron, and then unwind the braids.
    3. Then it is necessary to apply the styling product to the hair at a distance of twenty centimeters from the roots and comb the hair, then they will turn out to be shiny, and from them one can easily make a hairdo.
    4. Then the hair should be combed back and collected in the tail.
    5. Then the hair in the tail should be divided into several strands and put each strand in the shape of a flower. Strands should be fixed with invisible and lacquered.

    The photos below show the results of each stage of work.

    Of two beams

    A beautiful elegant hairstyle can be made on the basis of two beams. This option is suitable in case the hair is thick and curly.

    1. First you need to separate the front strand, twist it, add to it the upper part of the hair and form a bundle.
    2. The beam should be fixed with invisible devices.
    3. Then the remaining hair must also be twisted in the form of a bundle.
    4. The resulting two beams must be fixed with invisible objects and sprinkled with varnish.

    Video on the topic of the article