  • Haircut bean curry for short hair: photo compilation 2015

    Bob kara is a hairstyle in which two haircuts - bean and square are connected at once. In 2015, this model became the favorite among hairstyles for short hair. It is easy to pack and stylish in any situation. Here, as in the classical square, the hair is cut at the level of the mouth, parallel to the lower part of the face, but on the vertex, the hair is slightly shorter and forms a raised neck. A selection of photos of haircuts for beans on short hair you will find just below.

    A bit of history

    This style appeared at the beginning of the XX century. Its creator was the French hairdresser Antoine de Paris. At first, this hairdo had a very scandalous reputation, because short hair for women was not always an ornament, and at the beginning of the last century such length was all the more condemned by society. Nevertheless, the revolutionary trends and feminism have done their job, and the haircut bob has firmly established itself on the Olympics of fashionable hairstyles. In the 1960s, the bob became more voluminous, in the 1970s it got its twisted ends, and in the 80s - plucked feathers in the face( so formed temporal strands).In the 90s, the most desperate women of fashion began to make a multi-layer bean, rather than smooth. Finally, lovers of the kara's hairstyle decided on a bean with elongated strands that were longer at the front of the face. So there was a new, all-known haircut called Bob Care.

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    With a bang

    Traditionally, the bean cuts with a bang, photos can be seen below:

    Felt almost always present in the bean and in the car. Hairstyle Bob kar inherited this tradition and did not cancel the bang. Straight, oblique, graduated at the ends - choose any. Just remember that with not quite right and rough features of the face, this hairstyle will make a funny woman rather than decorate her.

    For those who do not like bangs, stylists have made an exception. Meet: a bean without a bang. This version of the hairstyle allows you to demonstrate a beautiful forehead.

    Length at the back of the head

    The technology of this haircut is such that the stylist can vary the length of the hair at the back of the neck to achieve the desired volume effect. The back of the head may be short or long. To understand which option you need, it is better to look at the back view of this hairstyle.

    Here's how the haircut looks like a bean with a long neck:

    And with a short one:

    The trend of the current season is a bean on the leg. The leg in this hairstyle is formed due to the shorter length of hair on the parietal part of the head.

    View from all sides

    To better understand what a woman's hairstyle looks like, it is highly recommended to look at the view from all sides of the head before the trip to the hairdresser - front, back and profile.

    Trends this year

    This year, hairdressers offer to do the laying of bean curry in the style of strict classics or romance in the style of grunge.

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