  • Long-term styling: 25 photos before and after this procedure

    Beautiful hairstyles often require daily styling. Someone gets it easily and quickly, but someone holds a watch in front of the mirror and is still dissatisfied with the result. These girls are suitable for long-term styling, the photos before and after it are very different - you can see them just below. Such a styling is done in a hairdresser's, it's called carving. This procedure ensures the preservation of a lush volume and beautiful curls for a long time - up to two months.

    What distinguishes long-term hair styling from a chemical wave

    Long-term hair styling is a variant of a long-known perm. She has a bad reputation. The chemicals necessary for such a wave are very aggressive. They made the strands stiff, lifeless and dull. Hair was deprived of health for a long time, often only a haircut could help them. Carving uses sparing compounds that keep curls healthy.

    Before and after - two different people!

    Long-term styling on medium hair is especially popular. This length allows you to make curls of different sizes - smaller at the roots and large at the tips of the hair. Particularly beautiful is carving on a hairstyle like a cascade. Long-term styling gives it extra volume. See the photo before and after the long-term styling.

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    First strands are wound on special curlers - carvers. The master can use small or large curlers - as the client wishes. And can combine them together. After that, the chemical composition is applied on the strand, it must be kept under a heat-saving cap for about twenty minutes.

    Cheerful curl on short hair

    Long-term styling on short hair will turn you into a fancy curly beauty. This procedure does not relieve you of the need for laying, but will make it much simpler and shorter. It is enough just to dry the hair with a diffuser. On short curly hair will be beautiful to look different accessories - rims, ribbons, hair clips.

    Even sparing agents for curling can damage hair. Carving is not recommended if the hair is damaged. Broken and colored hair will not benefit from this procedure. Do not make long-term styling on long, thick hair. Delicate compounds can not even cope with them.

    How much does this procedure in the cabin cost?

    The price of long-term styling, as a rule, is not very high in comparison with other hairdressing services. From this procedure it is better to refuse owners of dry hair, because it will dry them even more. Carving for dry hair can cause dandruff.

    Carving for long hair is not as good as short and medium. And long hair is heavier, on them any styling will hold worse. Owners of long hair can make carving only at the roots to give the hair volume. On long strands, long-term laying can create the effect of large waves.

    How best to style your hair after this procedure?

    It should not be forgotten that carving is not a ready-made styling, but only a foundation for it. About how to make a styling on curly hair after carving, will tell the video at the end of the article. You will need a hairdryer with a diffuser nozzle, a round brush and styling aids. A hot summer in curly locks looks fine with the effect of wet hair. But to create it you need to have a gel or mousse.

    Light chemistry and biocasting: similarity and difference

    Types of carving depend on the chemical compositions used. This is a light chemistry and biochemical. For biovavavki used more gentle compositions. After this kind of long-term styling curls stay longer. Since the biocoal is much more environmentally friendly and stable than light chemicals, it costs much more. In addition to the composition of the fixing agent, there are no other differences between light chemistry and biocrafting.

    How long will the curls last?

    How long does it take to install? Usually in the salons ensure that tight and elastic curls will delight you for at least a month. And after three months or a little less accurately have to repeat the procedure. Twisted hair straightened gradually and imperceptibly. On average, carving lasts a half or two months. Long-term styling is an inexpensive and effective procedure, it is worth trying.

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