
Hair color for gray-green eyes and light or pale skin: photos of different shades

  • Hair color for gray-green eyes and light or pale skin: photos of different shades

    Unfortunately, really green, pure eyes in nature can not be met because it is an extremely rare color. But very often there are girls with mixed shades of eyes, such as, for example, gray-green.

    This shade of the eyes is very harmful and moody, and in order to emphasize all its beauty, it is necessary to select a shade of hair correctly.

    Women with gray-green eyes are often confused with the owners of gray eyes. All because the pigment of the green is very close to the center and almost invisible even in daylight. And at night, this beauty manifests itself in full measure and gives the look a very bright magical shade. What color hair for gray-green eyes is better to choose?

    Blonde or red? Of course, the first and second!

    The eyes of this color look harmonious with the light color of the hair. This unusual combination makes from an ordinary girl an angel. Take a look at the photos themselves and see for yourself. It will be nice to combine such eyes with richly reddish hues of hair.

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    Most girls with such eyes just rave hair with shades of milk chocolate, caramel and copper. Such unusual shades make the girl more vivid, especially if she is the owner of freckles and fair skin. Such an image of a girl is very difficult to forget.

    The gray-green tint of the eyes is perfectly in harmony with the sandy hues of the hair. The wheaten and warm blond looks good. Perfectly emphasize such eyes brown blond curls. World hairdressers advise girls with such unusual eyes to turn their eyes to ash-blond shades.

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    A dark gray-green tint of the eye is very rare in nature, but it looks very beautiful, especially when the sun's rays cause the color to play. Owners of this shade of eyes are often girls with red or brown locks and pale skin.

    Sometimes a mixture of dark green with gray is found in girls with olive skin tone and natural fair-haired hair. It looks rather unusual that you can see in the photos below.

    Chocolate chic on the head

    This year's fashion squeak is a chocolate shade of hair. Any stylist or colorist will say that this shade is more suitable for brown-eyed or blue-eyed girls. But fashion - a pretty capricious girl and does not recognize the restrictions, so very often you can meet a girl with a gray-green eye tint and chocolate curls. It looks pretty impressive. Such a bold decision is recognized by stylists, they recommend paying attention to it.

    Very fine look melirovanye hair. Such a modern technology of dyeing hair allows you not to change the hue of the hair entirely, but only slightly to lighten it, making the strands more shiny. But there is a small BUT: the main hue of the hair should be brown. Only in this case it is possible to obtain the desired contrast, which will provide the necessary depth to the shade of the eyes.

    For kare-green eyes, too, there are no special restrictions when choosing a shade of hair. Such girls can be painted in almost any shade: black, terracotta, chestnut, fire red, chocolate, light fair, burgundy and light brown.

    It will be very effective to look like a red fiery shade of hair. The most important thing is that during hair dyeing, do not overdo the paint on your hair, otherwise the color may turn out to be slightly provocative.

    There is also a small restriction: the owner of this color of the eye is better not to be painted in a blonde.