  • Bioscoupling of hair with large curls: photo and video of curls

    Bioclavices come in many varieties: both more sparing, and with a strong fixation. But here the size of curls, they can be with small and large curls. In this article, we will consider the method of bioscurring hair with large curls with a photo before and after the procedure.

    A large bioscrew will look better on hair that has not been painted before. Thus, your hairstyle will have a more natural and refined look. The disadvantages of this technique include fast hair straightening, while small curls will last longer. But from such a situation there is a way out! It is only necessary to apply hair daily with the help of special means: mousse, hair spray or foam.

    It is believed that bioscovings, creating large curls, look most beautiful on long hair. But it is in this article that we will dispel this myth. As such locks will approach and on average, and even on short hair.

    For long hair

    This option is great for long hair, making them more lush and bulky. As for the color of the hair, it is combined with all types. This is a youth trend, which is now used by all Hollywood stars.

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    We present you a video where you will see the process of long-hair biosolutions on a long hair:

    For medium hair

    Large curls are perfect for owners of medium length hair, especially if the girl has expressive eyes and a rounded face.

    By the color of hair - this kind of bio-wax looks good on light, red and dark curls.

    On short hair

    In the case of short curls, there is an opinion that it is better to refrain from a dream with large curls. But no, the main thing is to know the right approach.

    The main thing is to choose the way that the large curls looked really effective. For short hair, the method of the root biocoal is used, which excellently lifts the strands and makes the hair more spacious. Remember Merlin Monroe!

    Very much even by the way will do the curl only at the ends of the strands. It will look harmonious and very beautiful.

    Therefore it is not necessary to listen to the opinion of outsiders that only fine curls are good for short hair.

    How the process of

    happens As soon as you turn to the master to create a masterpiece, then be ready to make a decision. To choose it is necessary a technique, the size of hair curlers, a sparing method or not, and other nuances. For large curls, of course, more oversized curlers will be chosen. If you have an allergic reaction, you should warn the hairdresser beforehand. In this case, a sample will be tested for a particular component, and then you can begin the procedure.

    Hair is shampooed and light head massage is done.

    Strands are wound on the bobbin( if a fine wave) or on curlers( with a larger size of curls), treat them with a solution. Before this, it is necessary to choose the makeup and caring masks, which will be applied after the end of the procedure.

    For a softer effect on the hair, sodium bromide is used, then the structure of the curls will be restored.

    After the unwinding of the hair strands, a special fixative preparation is applied. He will protect the core of the hair and moisturize it along the entire length.

    It's important to remember that the condition of your hair before the procedure depends to a large extent. If the hair was healthy, then with proper care, they will continue to please the landlady with gentleness and brilliance. Well, and if the hair was already damaged, then do not wait for something good.

    In order for the effect of the biocauper to last longer, the experts recommend that the hair be reconstructed. This procedure will improve the condition of the strands, since they are exposed to a special shampoo. He will clean the core and the cuticle of the curls.

    A couple of words at last

    The procedure performed by a good master on a professional level does not harm the hair at all. If the wave is performed qualitatively, then do not worry about the violation of the structure of the hair.

    Remember a few important points that will help restore the affected hair:

    1. So that the hair is not dry, it is worth moisturizing with balms or masks of nutritious nature. The bio-zavivka is not washed out, therefore it is possible to use any masks.
    2. For the restoration of strands, it is recommended to conduct a course of therapy with special minerals and ceramides once a month.
    3. After waving, do not immediately run and wash your hair, or even worse - stain. It is worth it to refrain at least a couple of days.

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