
How to color the tips of hair in a bright color at home: a photo and a description of the techniques of Ombre, Balayazh, Dip give

  • How to color the tips of hair in a bright color at home: a photo and a description of the techniques of Ombre, Balayazh, Dip give

    Long enough, the tips of the hair that grew out were not considered very beautiful, but recently they have become very fashionable. A new technique of dyeing hair gives a very stylish, beautiful and unusual appearance. Plus, it helps girls to emphasize their individuality without special refinement over their hair.

    I wanted to try this method on my own? So, let's talk about how to color the tips of hair in a bright color at home.

    Method number 1 - Ombre

    In people this technique is called "Otrostshie tip".Master professionals claim that the ombre is an extension of the shade of hair from dark to lighter. During the ombre procedure it is not necessary to use only one color, you can use two, three or more, at your discretion. The combinations of shades can be classic and very bright.


    • Foil;
    • Comb;
    • Brush;
    • Paint.

    The process of dyeing the hair

    • We divide the hair into three equal parts and bind each elastic band.
    • Each part is well smeared with paint. It is recommended to start at the sides.
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    • We wrap the hair in foil.
    • Hold half an hour and wash off with shampoo.
    • To get a smooth transition, another layer of paint is applied to the hair, only for ten minutes and again washed off with shampoo.

    Method number 2 - Balažage

    Balaža came to us from France back in the seventies. Now he is again in fashion, as many girls are thinking not only about hair coloring, but also about their health.

    Balayage is the coloring of hair with locks, which helps to make an interesting game of color and give hair a natural burnout effect on the ends of the hair.

    What is important to know when doing this hair coloring technique

    • Before this procedure, hair can not be washed for at least a day;
    • The color of the ends should not strongly contrast with the basic shade, it should be matched to it;
    • Strands stand out in different thicknesses;
    • No caps are needed for this procedure.

    This technique looks very neatly on the hair and does not experience hair, which is very important for the health of the hair. Want to try? Below is an instruction on how to do it at home.

    We make Balajaz at home

    • We take a comb with rare prongs and over the entire head we make hair. To make the effect more durable, you can sprinkle your hair with varnish;
    • Take the scallop and divide the hair into six identical tufts;
    • On all sides we apply to the bundles of clarifying or any other paint. It is necessary to start from the very top and move towards the back of the head. From the roots you need to retreat two or three centimeters;
    • When applied to all the beams of paint, we record three minutes. And with the same paint do the smears already a little closer to the roots, shading them.
    • We keep the paint for half an hour and wash the hair well with shampoo.

    Balajazh for long hair

    The first way:

    We make a low ponytail and paint its tip with paint.

    The second way:

    • We divide the hair into several strands. It is better to do both thick and thin;
    • Where there will be a color transition, we tie an elastic band;
    • We paint tips;
    • Hold half an hour and wash it off with shampoo.

    Method number 3 - Dip give

    This technique beats all records, the Internet is just full of photos of girls with colored hair in this technique. Deep Dye assumes absolute freedom in color solutions, and you can dye your hair with paint or with ordinary food coloring.

    Painting Deep DIE

    • We have the ends of each strand on the foil;
    • Lighten them;
    • Flush the clarifier and apply the necessary bright color;
    • We stand for half an hour and wash everything thoroughly with shampoo;
    • We are bred in the bowl of a food coloring or paint;
    • We lower the ends of the hair into it;
    • We are waiting for ten minutes;
    • My hair with shampoo.

    Photo of dyed hair in the technique of Deepy

    As can be seen from the above, to give an unorthodox appearance to your hairdress does not necessarily have to contact a specialist, this can be achieved at home without much effort.