  • How to lighten hair with hydrogen peroxide: recipes and reviews

    Say what it is, but hydrogen peroxide was and remains the most favorite means for lightening hair in Russian women. Her reputation is not shaken even by the fact that the result of lightening has always been and remain hair, similar to cotton wool or bast - dull, dry, lifeless.

    Simply experienced women now connect this very peroxide with some tool that has a balsamic effect. So how to lighten hair with hydrogen peroxide correctly without heavy consequences?

    Step by step

    To lighten hair with hydrogen peroxide at home, you must meet a number of requirements.

    First, to prepare all the ingredients for the mixture only in ceramic form, as the metallic dishes peroxide will simply "corrode", since the reaction of the interaction of the metal with oxygen will proceed.

    Secondly, very dark brunettes of the same session with peroxide may not be enough. The procedure will have to be repeated several times. Blondes are enough and one.

    Thirdly, thick hair is clarified with 8-12% of the composition, medium thickness - 6%, and very thin - 5%.3 percent hydrogen peroxide is used even less often, mainly only with lightening of hair on the body.

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    Fourth, hydrogen peroxide is applied to dirty hair, since a layer of fat on the head can protect the skin from possible burns in case of an overdose. Now directly on the preparation of the solution. Usually the composition of the ingredients is as follows: 50 g of water, 60 g of hydrogen peroxide, 40 g of watery soap and 3 teaspoons of ammonium bicarbonate or ammonia.

    The solution must be prepared immediately before the procedure and applied very quickly, so as not to accidentally burn the scalp. The face is treated with a fat cream. The mixture is kept on the hair for about 10 minutes and rinsed off with warm water with non-alkaline soap.

    Reviews of women

    That's what women say that have ever lightened hair with hydrogen peroxide.

    Goldie_Blondie talks about her experience of lightening the blond hair: "Despite the fact that I'm a blonde, I decided to lighten my hair for a couple of tones. Since the paint was expensive to buy, I decided to use hydrogen peroxide and a Brelil mask with body butter. Mixed in a 1: 1 ratio.

    I sprayed on dirty hair using a spray gun. She made such a "shower" for about forty minutes. Then she washed her head with shampoo without silicone and dried without a hair dryer. The result turned out average: the hair became lighter, but now they are drier than they were. See the photos before and after, I attach them. "

    And here is what the Guest writes: "Its shade of hair is ash gray, so it always seemed to me that I was not afraid of peroxide. In the sense of lightening the hair for five with a plus, not that a brunette or a redhead. Strange, but I was right. The expected dirty shade did not happen.

    Result: The hair is a beautiful gray shade, shiny and well combed. However, recently dared to paint. After that, the hair became like a tow and split. I spread the photo of my hair with peroxide, before paint. "

    The user of olgao88 managed to get rid of the dark "antennae" over the upper lip on her face with hydrogen peroxide. She writes: "I acted standard. I bought a hydrogen peroxide( 3%) in the pharmacy and decided to lighten the "antennae", because I'm afraid to act as a depilator, and the hairs only get darker from the tweezers.

    In general, I wiped cotton wool soaked in peroxide with ammonia( proportions 1: 1), a problem place over the upper lip. Surprisingly, just after the second procedure, the hair began to lighten! Attaching photo. I am very pleased! Now I want to try the action of hydrogen peroxide when removing hairs on my hands. "

    But the user Anastasia Bird tried to lighten unwanted hair on the upper limbs. She writes: "I always had some" vegetation "on my hands - this is my genetics. For beauty's sake, I decided to try to make these hairs at least not so noticeable. I used 3% peroxide and a few drops of ammonia. Look at the result! ยป
