  • Vascular network on legs: how to get rid

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    Read in the article:
    • Vascular mesh on the legs: causes and treatment
    • A vascular mesh on the legs appeared: what to do
    • Vascular mesh on the legs: treatment and prevention

    Vascular network on the legs: can I get rid at home

    If I have a vascularmesh, you can get rid of it both folk remedies, and with the help of salon procedures, but you first need to understand the reasons for its formation: this will help to prevent the occurrence of varicose veins in the future.

    Vascular network on the legs: causes and treatment ^

    When a vascular network appears on the legs, this indicates the expansion of the closely located to the surface of the skin of the veins and capillaries. Such a problem must be solved immediately, by contacting a phlebologist-doctor, tk.without proper treatment, it will not disappear.

    Reasons for the appearance of a vascular network on the legs:

    • Heavy physical work, heavy stress on the legs;
    • Changing the hormonal background;
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    • Frequent visit to the solarium, the implementation of depilation and too rough massage;
    • Excess weight;
    • Pregnancy, caring for the baby the first year after birth, when women constantly wear the baby on their hands;
    • Harmful habits;
    • Heredity;
    • Wearing uncomfortable shoes.

    Vascular network on the legs: how to get rid of

    Now there are many methods of treating the vascular network on the legs, among which the most popular are the following:

    • Laser correction, in which the mesh is simply removed;
    • Use of special ointments and creams;
    • Use of folk remedies.

    If the mesh of vessels has only appeared and is not too noticeable, it can be eliminated in the simplest way - to take a contrast shower, which strengthens the walls of the capillaries. In all other cases, more effective treatment is required.

    A vascular network appeared on the legs: what to do ^

    How to remove the vascular network on the legs: home recipes

    Laser removal of the vascular network on the legs

    The best option is to remove the vascular network on the legs with a laser. The procedure itself is carried out quickly and easily, but requires preliminary preparation:

    • . 2 weeks before the session, you need to refrain from visiting baths, saunas and solarium;
    • Completely remove hair from the surface of the skin on which laser treatment will be performed;
    • On the day when the procedure is performed, wear clothes made of lightweight natural fabric, so as not to irritate the skin once again.

    The removal of the vascular network on the legs is as follows: the doctor adjusts the laser apparatus, turns on the cooling, and begins to act on the mesh itself. The entire session lasts no more than half an hour, and the effect is visible after the first time. In general, for complete elimination, you may need 3-4 procedures with an interval of 2 weeks.

    Preparations and ointments from the vascular network on the legs

    To remove the vascular network on your legs and to get rid of the symptoms of varicose veins, you can use the following:

    • Troxevasin gel: relieves swelling and heaviness in the legs, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves microcirculation;
    • Venoruton gel: prevents the formation of blood clots, prevents the destruction and expansion of blood vessels;
    • Cream from the vascular net on the legs "Sophia": makes the walls of the vessels more durable, contains natural extracts of plants;
    • "Doctor Wen": cleans and makes the vessels stronger.

    Vascular network on the legs: treatment, folk recipes

    Those who have a vascular network on their legs, treatment with folk remedies will be just right, because they act quite efficiently and do not require special skill in cooking:

    • Rinse and dry the Kalanchoe leaves, fill them with a 1-liter jar half. Pour boiling water to the top, close the lid and leave for a week to insist. Before use, filter, rub our feet daily from the bottom upwards for three months;
    • Pour cabbage leaf with boiling water for softening, put it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for a day. Before going to bed, we rub the problem with apple cider vinegar, and when it dries, make a compress from the frozen leaf. The procedure is conducted every day;
    • 75 g of Aronia ashberry fruit is combined with 100 g of hawthorn and the same portion of mistletoe. We take 2 tbsp.l.mixture, we brew 400 g of boiling water in a thermos bottle and leave it overnight. Before consumption, we filter out, drink four times a day 100 g of infusion;
    • We insist on the skin of the grapefruit for half an hour in water, drink a drink during the day;
    • Squeeze the potato juice, drink it 100 ml before meals for two weeks;
    • 1 tbsp.l. We pour 250 grams of boiling water on the leaves of the viburnum, we drink instead of tea.

    How to get rid of the vascular network on the legs: invasive therapy

    In addition to using the laser and folk remedies, there are other methods, but if there is a vascular network on the legs during pregnancy, they can not be used:

    • Microthermocoagulation: effective against a mesh less than 0.2 mm in diameter. Removal occurs with an electrode with Teflon or gold coating;
    • Microsclerotherapy: a special preparation is injected under the skin, which "glues" the lumens between the capillaries.
    We also recommend that you read the article Syndrome of tired legs.

    Vascular network on the legs: treatment and prevention ^

    To get rid of varicose veins, you need not only to know why the vascular network appears on your feet and how to treat it, but also adhere to additional recommendations:

    • Revise your diet: to refuse the use of sweet, cocoa, legumes, alcohol, too cold or hot dishes;
    • How can I go to saunas and baths less often?
    • Use towels made of soft material;
    • Do not do rough leg massage, becausevessels can burst under pressure.

    How to remove the vascular network on the legs: feedback from our readers

    Alina, 48 years old:

    "I treated couperose and varicose veins with a laser. For me this is the most optimal option, becausefor the entire course you can completely remove the redness and afterwards forget about it forever »

    Jeanne, 43 years old:

    " Sofiya "helped me with varicose veins. I used it for almost 3 months, as a result, the grid really decreased, and the pain was gone in the first week of application. "

    Galina, 55:

    " I have been suffering from varicose veins for several years. I tried a lot of creams - do not help. The girlfriend praised the laser correction - most likely, I will use this method, I see no other option »