  • Cleansing the bowels with salt water

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    Read in article:
    • Why to clean the intestines
    • Purification of the intestine with salt water
    • Contraindications and frequency of cleaning procedures for the intestine
    • Method for cleaning the intestines with salt water Shank-Praxalana
    • Eating and drinking after cleansing the bowels with salt water

    Cleaning the intestines with salt water makes the whole body healthier

    The use of regular cleaning of the intestine from slags, toxins and poisons, formed due to malnutrition, poor ecology and stress, has long been of no use to anyoneneniya.

    Why is the intestinal cleansing?

    "Dirty intestine" is a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic putrefactive bacteria, which gradually displace a useful microflora from it.

    As a result, many problems arise in the body:

    • there is a deficiency of vitamins and microelements, synthesized by beneficial bacteria in the intestine;
    • poisons are absorbed through unprotected rectal walls and enter the liver, which leads to a breakdown in the structure of the bile and the formation of gallstones;
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    • suffers from excretory system, which results in furunculosis, acne, inflammation and signs of early aging on the skin;
    • the immune system is destroyed, various allergies and chronic diseases appear;
    • toxins adversely affect the vessels, causing their spasms, increased blood pressure( symptoms of hypertension), and the development of heart attacks and strokes;
    • toxins and poisons can penetrate from the intercellular space into the cell itself, destroying it at a genetic level and contributing to cancerous degeneration.

    The main signs of slagging of the intestines when it's time to take action:

    • drowsiness,
    • headaches,
    • apathy,
    • smeared tongue,
    • bad breath,
    • heaviness in the lower abdomen,
    • rumbling and bloating,
    • rash on skin,
    • constipation,
    • inflammation of the mucosa in the mouth,
    • plaque on the teeth,
    • a lot of papillomas and dangling moles on the neck and under the arms.

    Typically, people who are not too young or are not very healthy, there are always a few listed symptoms. Therefore, regular cleansing of the intestines should become a priority for every person who wants to preserve their health and protect themselves from disease.

    Purification of the intestines with salt water ^

    The most effective and complete way to cleanse the body is to cleanse the bowels with salt water, used in yoga exercises for many centuries. This unique technique is called Shank-Praxalana and allows to completely clean the gastrointestinal tract, which is impossible with any other methods, except complete starvation.

    All other methods, unfortunately, give only the illusion of complete purification, because traditional enemas and colonotherapy work only in the thick department. There are cases when people who believed that they had a clean intestine after the sessions of hydrocolonotherapy, when performing Shank-Praxalana, were surprised to find in their feces cherry stones, eaten many months ago.

    The fact is that in the digestive tract on the way from the stomach to the anus, the food passes a large number of sphincters and valves that open and close, helping to advance it.

    The Shank-Praxalana technique, in addition to purifying the intestines with salt water, involves the performance of special exercises that relax the muscles of these valves. Thanks to this, the salt water freely enters the rectum and acts there like a lubricant, softening the stool and releasing it from the plugs.

    Contraindications and frequency of bowel cleaning procedures ^

    Purification of the intestine with salt water according to the Shank-Praxalan method is contraindicated:

    • for people with stomach ulcers and acute digestive tract disorders - colitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, diarrhea, dysentery, tuberculosis, acute hemorrhoids and intestinal cancer.
    • Also it is not worth it to spend during menstruation,
    • at elevated temperature or arterial pressure,
    • heart attacks,
    • any exacerbations of chronic diseases,
    • for colds, when the body is too weak.
    • Such a method of purification during pregnancy and immediately after exiting from fasting is prohibited( not earlier than a month).

    The Shank-Praxalan procedure can be carried out as necessary, as prevention four times a year when the seasons change. For persons suffering from chronic constipation, it can be the best means of "re-education" of the intestine and used instead of enemas - at least twice a week, and then, as cleansing, every two weeks.

    To achieve the best effect on cleaning the intestine, it is advisable to prepare in advance, that is, to relax, moisturize and warm up your body. For this, during the week try to refrain from fatty, fried, spicy and meat dishes, take a warm bath every day and every day drink vegetable freshly squeezed juices - carrot, apple, beetroot, cucumber.

    The method of purification of the intestine with salt water Shank-Praxalana ^

    The procedure for purification of the intestine with salt water is as follows:

    • it is necessary to dissolve 1 tbsp.sea ​​salt in a liter of warm water and drink 1 glass, alternating drinking a glass of water with the implementation of special movements at a fast pace, helping to relax the sphincters.
    • So it is necessary to repeat 6 times( a glass of water - doing exercises), until 6 glasses are drunk.

    Exercise number 1 "Pump".

    • Stand upright, feet shoulder width apart, hands in the lock above the head with palms up, breath free.
    • Slow slopes alternately to the right and left, 8 times in each direction.
    • These movements are opened by the pylorus of the stomach, so that water can get from it into the duodenum.

    Exercise 2 "Circular Movements".

    • Pull the right arm forward, press the left to the chest.
    • By removing your right hand, turn to the right only by the upper body.
    • Then the other way. Do 8 times.

    Exercise 3 "Cobra".

    • Take a lying position on the abdomen with an emphasis on the elbows, feet at a width of 40 cm.
    • Hold your breath, get up on your hands and turn to the right, trying to see your own heel.
    • Go back to the starting position, relax.
    • Repeat the other way. Do 8 times.

    Exercise 4 "Squatting."

    • Squat so that the distance between the feet is about 30 cm, and the heels are located on the outside of the thighs, and not under the buttocks.
    • Put your left knee on the floor, hands on your knees.
    • With your hands, tilt your right foot to the left, tilting your body slightly forward. In this case, try to press your right foot on your stomach.
    • The same should be repeated on the left side, 8 times in each direction. This exercise helps the water to move into the rectum.

    After drinking 6 glasses and making 6 complexes, there should be a desire to defecate. If they are not there for 5 minutes, repeat the whole complex of movements again and go to the toilet. If again there is no emptying, which is unlikely, make a small enema with plain water without salt.

    After the first evacuation of the intestine, you need to drink a glass of water again, do the exercises and go to the toilet. This cycle must be repeated until the water is clean. The number of repeated procedures depends on the individual contamination of the intestine, but usually no more than 10 - 14 glasses are required.

    After finishing cleansing, drink 3 cups of plain water and, pressing on the root of the tongue, try to induce vomiting to completely clear the stomach and turn off the evacuation mechanism. If you do not, then within an hour several more times you want to visit the toilet.

    Sometimes after a few drunk glasses of salt water there is nausea and stomach overflow, a feeling that water does not pass into the intestines. This indicates that the first sphincter did not open. In this case, do 2-3 series of exercises. As soon as nausea passes, the passage to the stomach has opened and you can continue the procedure according to the scheme.

    If you feel that a gas plug has formed in the intestine and interferes with the emptying process, press the abdomen with your hands, make a stand on the shoulder blades( birch) and do a set of all four exercises.

    We also recommend that you read the article Cleaning the vessels with folk remedies.

    Eating and drinking after cleansing the bowels with salt water ^

    After complete cleaning, rest for half an hour, then definitely eat, no later than an hour after the last emptying of the intestine( this is important, because you can not leave your stomach empty after salt cleaning for more than an hour).You can not drink before a meal, despite the thirst that has appeared, because by this you will support evacuation and continue to go to the toilet.

    • The first recommended meal is rice cooked with water and butter( about 40 grams), wheat, oats or pasta with grated cheese.
    • Do not consume milk, kefir, white cheese, fresh vegetables and fruits, acidic foods and alcohol during the following days.
    • Bread can be eaten after the second meal, after a day return to normal meals, except meat.

    The first bowel movements appear approximately 24 to 36 hours after the intestinal cleaning procedure, they are golden yellow and odorless, like in infants. The positive effect of cleansing manifests after a while in the form of fresh breath, improving the complexion and purity of the eye proteins.

    In addition, after cleaning Shank-Praxalan, many people get rid of allergies and get excellent nutrient absorption, as a result of which everyone gets the ideal weight - thin ones get rid of unhealthy thinness, and those who lose weight lose weight.

    People who intend to seriously take care of their health and cleansing can spend Shank-Praxalan every month, as it helps to rejuvenate, strengthen immunity, feel well and increase energy in the body.

    We also recommend that you watch a video of the popular TV program "Live Healthily" about the intestines - the reasons for its poor performance and effective methods of combating it: