  • Treatment of varicose veins at home

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    • Symptoms and symptoms of varicose veins
    • Treatment of varicose at home

    Timely treatment of varicose at home avoids operation

    Varicose veins are a very common and dangerous disease that poses a serious threat to health and sometimes to a person's life. Many people with varicose veins, especially in its initial stage, underestimate the severity of the illness, believing that this is a purely aesthetic problem that can easily be hidden under clothing.

    In fact, if you do not start treatment of varicose in time, it is possible to develop such formidable complications as thrombophlebitis, thrombosis and even pulmonary embolism, which can lead to a sudden lethal outcome.

    Symptoms and symptoms of varicose veins

    Since varicose veins may develop at a fairly young age( after 20 years), especially with hereditary predisposition, each person should carefully monitor the condition of their veins, know the causes of varicose veins and pay attention to the first alarming signs andsymptoms of varicose veins to prevent the progression of the disease.

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    Inspect your veins carefully, standing in front of the mirror in good daylight - they should not rise above the level of the skin. If, when stroking the lower leg or thigh, the veins rise above the surface of the skin, this is the first sign of varicose veins. The early symptoms of varicose veins also include a feeling of bursting and heaviness in the calves and swelling of the shin toward evening. If by the end of the day comfortable shoes start to reap, you need to check for swelling.

    For this, for several days, measure the circumference of the calf in two places - an ankle( in the narrowest part below) and a calf( in the widest part) in the evening before going to bed and in the morning immediately after awakening. If the discrepancies in the measurements for several days are more than one centimeter, this indicates a violation of the venous blood flow and requires immediate treatment.

    You should also pay attention to the rapid fatigue of the legs, the appearance of skin itching, as well as an increase in temperature and swelling in the ankle. In addition, cramps in the legs, a feeling of running chills and pigmentation and seals in the lower part of the shin are possible. In advanced cases of the disease, trophic ulcers and bleeding of varicose veins appear. And the presence of asterisks, contrary to the established stereotype, is most often not a symptom of varicose veins, but merely points to the expansion of intradermal vessels, which is often found in women with hormonal changes.

    Treatment of varicose at home ^

    Timely treatment of varicosies at home, in particular the treatment with medicinal herbs, has a good curative and preventive effect and allows you to cope with the disease without surgery. Treatment of varicose veins at home with specially selected herbal collections is aimed at reducing blood coagulability, strengthening the venous walls, preventing the formation of new blood clots, as well as gradual softening and resorption of the existing ones.

    Traditional methods of treatment of varicose, applied inward
    • Tincture of flowers or fruits of horse chestnut .50 g of fruit or chestnut flowers chop and pour?l.vodka or 40% alcohol. Put in a warm dark place for 14 days, shaking daily. Take 40 drops 3 times a day for a month. This same tincture is useful to lubricate the lower leg.
    • Muscat nut tincture .100 g of ground nutmeg fill?liter of vodka. Reap 10 days, shaking occasionally. Then strain and take 20 drops 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. After you drink the whole bottle, take a break for 10 days and again repeat the course until complete recovery.
    • Howling of hop cones .1 tbsp.chopped cones, pour 1 cup boiling water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Take a glass before eating 3 times a day. Also, you can make compresses from this decoction on the enlarged sections of the veins.
    • Infusion of hazelnut leaves ( hazel).2 tablespoonsleaves( the best raw materials to collect in May) fill it?l.boiling water and hold in a thermos for 2 hours. Take 1/2 cup three times a day before meals.
    • Chocolate-honey infusion .250 g of purified chopped garlic, pour 350 g of honey liquid and leave for 2 weeks. Take 1-2 months 3 times a day for half an hour before meals for 1 tablespoon.
    • Apple vinegar should be taken before each meal( 2 tsp per glass of water).
    • Collection of medicinal herbs .Mix 10 g of horse chestnut bark, 25 g of willow bark, 15 g of grass spore, 15 g of fragrant rue leaves and 15 g of yarrow herb.1 tbsp.mixture pour a glass of boiling water and hold in a water bath for half an hour. Then strain and take 3 times a day for a glass of broth. The course of treatment is 4 weeks, then take a break for 4 weeks and repeat the course again.
    Traditional methods of treatment of varicose, applied externally
    • Tincture of Kalanchoe , used for the grinding of varicose feet, quickly relieves pain. Take fresh Kalanchoe leaves, rinse, dry and grind. In a half-liter jar, fill up to half of the medicinal raw materials and pour to the top with alcohol or vodka. Insist week in a dark place, periodically shaking. Then strain and rub the sick legs in the morning and evening, starting from the foot and moving to the knees and up.
    • Honey compress before going to bed. Take a clean cotton cloth and put a layer of unsafed honey on it. Put on the sick veins, wrap them on top with plastic wrap and elastic bandage. Hold the first compress for 2 hours, leave it for 4 hours on the second day, you can keep it all night in the following days. The course of treatment is 50 days.
    • Compresses from sea salt to improve the vascular tone. Sea salt dissolve to a gruel-like condition and put for 1 hour in the refrigerator for cooling. Then put the cold salt on a clean cloth and attach it to the sore spots, fixing it with elastic bandage. Keep until the salt is completely warmed.
    • Compresses from lemon slices .Lemon slices put on sick sites, top cover with paper and bandage. Keep at least 2 hours or leave overnight.
    • Potato Compress .Fresh potatoes rub on a small grater, put a thick layer on the affected area and secure with a bandage. After 4 hours, replace the compress with a fresh serving. Hold the day.
    • Ointment from pork interior fat .Mix pork interior fat( net) with pharmacy bile in a 5: 1 ratio. Apply on sick legs, not rubbing.
    • Tincture of green walnuts .Add the green nuts to the bottom of the dishes and top with olive oil( above the top layer of nuts by 2 cm).Put in a sunny place for 40 days. Lubricate sore spots at night.

    With varicose veins, a toning foot massage with aromatic oils is very useful. Mix 3 drops of peppermint oil and 2 drops of amaranth. Lubricate the palms and stroke the veins with light movements from the bottom up.

    Herbal foot baths

    Local herbal foot baths have an excellent tonic and stimulating effect on blood vessels, improve blood circulation, relieve excessive fatigue and accelerate metabolic processes. Just remember that with dilated veins, the water should not be hot, but warm, no higher than 36 - 38 degrees.

    • Tray from Swamp grass Swamp .Brew a decoction of herb grass( 100 g of grass for 5 liters of boiling water, insist 8 hours) and keep the legs in it for 30-40 minutes.
    • Bath from nettle, burdock and birch leaves .Mix these herbs in equal proportions and brew 3 tbsp.mixture of 1 liter of boiling water. After the broth is infused for half an hour, strain and add to the foot bath. Hold for 20 minutes.
    • Bath from chamomile, oregano, nettle and balm .2 cups of the mixture, boil a liter of boiling water, pour for 30 minutes, add 2 liters of warm water to the bucket and hold the feet there for 30 minutes.
    • A bath of mint, thyme and valerian root is soothing, so it is useful to do it overnight, before going to bed.1/2 cup of the mixture, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave in a water bath for 15 minutes. Add a strained infusion into a basin with 2 liters of warm water.
    • Flax seed tray improves blood circulation well.2 tbsp.flax seed brew with a liter of boiling water, pour for 20 minutes, strain and add to a basin with 2 liters of water. Hold for 20-25 minutes.

    An excellent prophylaxis of varicose veins is hardening, which contributes to narrowing of blood vessels and activation of blood circulation. Start hardening with regular douches, lowering the temperature by no more than 1 degree daily, gradually bringing it to the minimum-comfortable. Begin dousing from 1-3 minutes, gradually bringing up to 5-7 minutes, in this order - hands, chest, back, legs. After getting used to systematic douches, go to a contrasting soul - alternate warm body temperature jets with cold water for 10 seconds, finishing the procedure with necessarily cool water. At first, showering should not exceed 5 minutes, as the adaptation can increase the duration to 20-30 minutes.

    For effective treatment of varicose veins it is very important to find it at the very beginning and use phytotherapy in combination with a diet that improves the condition of the vessels and therapeutic gymnastics aimed at restoring full blood circulation. Only timely preventive care for your feet will help to avoid serious problems in the future.