  • Hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches

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    Read in article:
    • Hirudotherapy: benefit or harm
    • Hirudotherapy at home, instruction, description
    • Hirudotherapy: results and reviews

    Treatment with leeches in traditional medicine: what diseases cures

    Hirudotherapy is used to treat a variety of diseases, and in most cases doctors recommend itAs an additional effect on the body, along with the prescribed drugs.

    Hirudotherapy: benefit or harm ^

    Hirudotherapy is a method of treating diseases with the help of leeches. As is known, their saliva contains more than 150 biologically active substances, useful for human health.

    Despite the fact that for many people the procedure is extremely unpleasant, some still prefer it to therapy with leeches.

    Hirudotherapy: pros and cons

    Having decided on the treatment with hirudotherapy, it is important to know its main advantages:

    • It does not give side effects;
    • After a bite of leeches there is a bloodletting, due to which "bad" blood comes out;
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    • The leeches themselves affect biologically active points;
    • Saliva of annelid worms improves blood composition and blood flow, and also helps to get rid of many diseases.

    The disadvantage of bdell therapy is the presence of contraindications and the fact that not everyone can decide on it because of dislike for the worms themselves.

    Hirudotherapy: points of suction of leeches

    As it was said before, leeches are attached to biologically active points, and they are chosen independently. Do not try to put them on a previously conceived place - they will still return to where they need to.

    The only exceptions are veins and large arteries: they can only be affected in individual cases, and the doctor must do it. The area of ​​the leech's room depends on what disease is required to be cured:

    • Neuritis of the auditory nerve - 2-3 worms on the zone of the mastoid process;
    • Thrombophlebitis: 10 leeches are set on the problem vein for 60 minutes;
    • Diseases of the eye: in the temporal region;
    • Alleolitis: on the gums;
    • Gynecological diseases: on the vaults in the vagina, around the back opening;
    • Skin diseases: leeches are placed around the affected area of ​​the skin or on it;
    • Tuberculosis: around the anus.

    Hirudotherapy at home, instruction, description ^

    Treatment with leeches at home: how to do, points and diagram

    Hirudotherapy at home

    The first two sessions are recommended only in the clinic: despite the harmlessness of the procedure, if not done correctly, it will not give the desired effect, and evencan do much harm. To achieve a full cure, you need to pay attention not to these tips:

    • Leeches should be only medical, not marsh, otherwise there is a risk of contracting very serious diseases;
    • You can use worms only once, and then destroy them, or keep leeches in clean water and wait 1-2 months when they again get hungry;
    • During treatment it is necessary to refuse from alcohol and smoking, and also to adhere to an easy diet without fatty dishes.

    Scheme hirudotherapy( treatment) medical leeches is as follows :

    • First day: establish three leeches on the liver area( right hypochondrium), hold them for 1 hour;
    • The next day, we place 4 worms on the same zone;
    • Two days later we put three leeches on the coccyx;
    • After 2 days - 3 worms per liver zone.

    Hirudotherapy: indications and contraindications

    Contraindications to hirudotherapy:

    • Hemophilia, anemia and other blood diseases;
    • Hypotension;
    • Pregnancy;
    • Days of menstruation;
    • Oncology;
    • Hemorrhagic diathesis;
    • Individual intolerance to the components of saliva leech.

    Hirudotherapy in gynecology

    Treatment with leeches is recommended in the presence of the following diseases:

    • Myomas, endometriosis, febromas, cervical erosion;
    • Mastopathy, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, bartholinitis;
    • Inflammation of the pelvic organs.

    Hirudotherapy with osteochondrosis

    If you are worried about cervical osteochondrosis, leech therapy is often prescribed:

    • Apply a leech to the cervical vertebrae on the neck, leave it for no more than half an hour;
    • We perform the procedures every 5 days, the general course - 10 sessions.

    Hirudotherapy for varicose veins

    For the treatment of varicose hirudotherapy, only a physician should conduct:

    • On the day of the session, do not use perfume and take a bath;
    • Before applying leeches, the specialist treats the skin on the leg with an antiseptic solution;
    • During the procedure, the patient must lie down.

    Hirudotherapy for hemorrhoids

    It is recommended to perform the procedure only for proctologists, because doing it yourself is very difficult:

    • The patient is placed on his side or on the stomach;
    • The treatment area is wiped with antibacterial solution;
    • For the treatment of the initial stage of the disease, 1-4 individuals are used, which, in addition to the region of the anal opening, also shrink onto the coccyx;
    • The session can last up to 40 minutes, and after it it is necessary to impose an antiseptic bandage, tk. For a while the place of the bite can bleed.

    Hirudotherapy for weight loss

    Many salons offer hirudotherapy for the burning of subcutaneous fat, and the sessions themselves are conducted as follows:

    • The specialist installs leeches on biologically active points, as with acupuncture. In an hour they fall off;
    • To accelerate the metabolism and normalize the hormonal background, worms are placed overnight in the region of the sacrum and mastoid processes. Course -1 once a day for 10 days, no more than 3 leeches are used.

    Hirudotherapy with prostatitis

    For the treatment of prostatitis, the following scheme is used:

    • First session: leeches are placed under the solar plexus and in the liver zone;
    • The second session - in the frontal region - on the sides and above the penis;
    • The third and fourth sessions: the zones are chosen by the doctor. You can spend at home;
    • Fifth session: worms are fixed on the coccyx.

    Hirudotherapy with hypertension

    For the normalization of pressure, the following points are used for installing leeches:

    • Behind the ears;
    • At the waist;
    • Along the forearms;
    • Above the seventh cervical vertebra.

    Hirudotherapy in cosmetology

    If you need to cure dermatological diseases, rejuvenate or get rid of cellulite, leeches are also used for these purposes:

    • It is best to entrust the procedure to an experienced specialist;
    • The effect occurs on the area behind the ears, the back of the neck or the affected skin.

    Hirudotherapy with diabetes

    To prevent complications that are fraught with diabetes, it is also recommended treatment with leeches. The course consists of at least 10 procedures, which should be performed only by an experienced specialist - independent treatment is fraught with bad consequences, becausewith such a disease, blood coagulability is often violated.

    We also advise you to read the article Cryotherapy - cold treatment.

    Hirudotherapy: results and feedback ^

    On average, each treatment session with leeches for any disease lasts about 45 minutes, and the course includes 10 procedures. This time is enough to clear the blood and alleviate the symptoms of the disease, but it is not recommended to engage in self-medication.

    Hirudotherapy: feedback from

    Marina, 38 years old: "

    My mother has diabetes mellitus, and glucose level skipped earlier every day. The doctor advised hirudotherapy, and despite the dislike of leeches, my mother still agreed. After the course, it's been six months already, but the illness is very rare now. "

    Valentina, 34 years old:

    "When I wanted to lose weight, I decided on hirudotherapy, tk.metabolism was slowed down. After that, everything went smoothly: the weight began to decline rapidly, and in the end, within 2 months I threw off 15 kg. "

    Margarita, 28 years old:

    " Of course, I can not look calmly at leeches, but when I needed to get rid of the pains with osteochondrosis, the doctor advised exactly hirudotherapy. There's nowhere to go, I decided to try, and in the end I feel good for several months already. "