  • Can I lose weight on apples - apples and weight loss

    The best dietary product is apples. They are useful, available, have great taste. Apples are considered a low-calorie product( about 87 calories per apple).Doctors recommend including them in the daily diet. And all lovers of slender figures care about whether you can lose weight on apples.

    Useful properties of apples

    Useful properties of apples

    This product is a source of iron, pectin and folic acid. Apples improve breathing, normalize blood pressure. This is facilitated by the vitamin C. Vitamin B helps to burn fat and reduces stress. And the fruit itself is practically fat-free.

    A small apple contains about 15% fiber. It helps to keep water in the intestines and improve digestion. Also, cellulose works to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.

    Polyphenols - a kind of antioxidants, normalize blood sugar. They are contained in the peel. That's why they are recommended to eat with a peel. In addition, apples contain kakhetins, they burn fat during sleep. Therefore, the question of whether you can lose weight on apples, as a rule, answer in the affirmative. And this is easy to verify!

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    Apple diets

    "Lovers of sweet"

    Apples with honey

    1st version .For two days it is necessary to eat a puree from 1 kg of apples. Apples pre-grate and add a little honey. You can drink non-carbonated mineral water and unsweetened juices.

    2nd version of .It is necessary to eat for two days apples( every day) at least one and a half kilograms. And before going to bed you need to eat baked in the oven apples with honey.

    "Apple three-day"

    Apple three-day

    The first day of

    Breakfast : Bread without a yeast( 1 piece) and 100 grams of cottage cheese( low-fat) + 3 slices of the average apple.

    Snack: Slice of bread + apple.

    Lunch : Prepare a salad: 1 apple, a bunch of celery, 1 orange, 150 grams of boiled fish, herring to taste, lemon juice. All mixed and seasoned with yoghurt( low-fat).

    Snack: You can eat an apple with low-fat cottage cheese.

    Dinner : apple and 1-2 sandwiches with hard cheese.

    The second day of

    . Breakfast : Grate the apple with the skin, add about 35 grams of oatmeal, an incomplete tablespoon of raisins + lean milk( about 150 grams).

    Snack: You can eat one apple.

    Lunch : 1 cut the apple into slices and eat.

    Snack: half-apple + 100 grams of low-fat yogurt.

    Dinner : Take 100 grams of boiled rice + finely chop and mix with it polbananana and one apple.

    Third day

    Breakfast : You can eat a slice of bread, 1 apple and three tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese.

    Snack: 150 grams of kefir + juice from lemon and cinnamon.

    Lunch : Lean beef( about 100 grams).

    Snack: Eat an apple.

    Dinner : Apple salad( you can add other fruits to your taste).

    "Hard apple diet"

    Hard apple diet

    For 6 days only apples are used. If your acidity is increased, eat sweet apples. If lowered - acidic.

    The first and sixth days: one kilogram of apples.

    The second and fifth days: one and a half kilograms of apples.

    The third and fourth days: two kilograms of apples.

    You can drink green tea during the day. If the diet is difficult to tolerate, add a little black crackers.

    Useful advice

    Caution - apple cider vinegar

    Sometimes for a long time there are apples that are problematic, because the acid contained in them can cause an appetite. But they can be effectively used for different days of release.

    If you doubt whether you can lose weight on apples, consult a dietitian. And remember that apple diets can be observed by people who have no bowel diseases. Lose weight in a "healthy way"!