  • How to measure the temperature correctly

    Even a slight increase in temperature affects the child's well-being. However, it is often necessary to know the temperature of a child accurately. The temperature can be measured in three ways: rectally, orally and in the armpit.

    Thermometers can be mercury and digital. Digital, in turn, is divided into ear( measure the temperature in the ear), oral( most often as a nipple) and measuring temperature in the armpit.

    A glass mercury thermometer contains mercury or colored alcohol to indicate temperature. It is easy to handle and gives relatively accurate temperature values. Its disadvantage is that it can break and the child is injured. The glass thermometer must be shaken before use until the mercury column drops to 35.5 ° C. After use, the thermometer should be shaken to make the mercury column fall below 37 ° C and wash with cool soapy water. If necessary, the thermometer can be sterilized by holding it for a while in the antiseptic solution. Then put it in the usual place, if necessary, it was at your fingertips.

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    A digital thermometer with an audible or optical signal indicates that the temperature measurement process is complete. It can not be sterilized, but simply if necessary, wipe with an antiseptic solution.

    Temperature measurement in infants

    Some experts believe that up to 6 years, temperature measurements in the armpit are not accurate, and neither a mercury thermometer nor a digital thermometer can be used in the mouth that the baby can not properly hold.

    When rectal temperature measurement, apply thermometer with petroleum jelly for better slip. Put the baby on the back and slightly bend his legs, pulling up. Holding one foot of the foot of one leg between the thumb and forefinger, and the other foot - between the index and middle, with your free hand, insert the thermometer into the child's anus approximately

    by one centimeter, holding it in your hand like a pencil.

    For accurate temperature measurement, the thermometer tip should be in the back pass for 2-3 minutes. The measured body temperature should normally be 36.8-37.5 ° C.

    If you measure body temperature in an infant in the armpit, do it better as follows.

    1. Shake the thermometer with sharp movements of the brush down, so that mercury descends into a thickening at the end. If you use an electronic thermometer, make sure that it is turned on and indicates readiness for measurement.

    2. Place the baby on your lap and shove the end of the thermometer under his arm.

    3. Firmly press the baby's handle and hold the mercury thermometer for 5-7 minutes. The electronic thermometer usually reports itself when the measurement is completed.

    4. Remove the thermometer and, turning it so that mercury is clearly visible, look at the temperature.

    Temperature measurement in children over the age of the year

    Children over the age of a year can be measured under the arm, and it is best if the child lies on the back. Before using the thermometer, make sure that the tip of the

    and the mercury column are below 37 ° C( if the mercury column is higher than this number, you need to take the thermometer behind the back end and shake it until the mercury level drops below this mark).

    Insert the thermometer under the mouse and make sure that it does not slip out.

    The measurement time for a mercury thermometer is 7 minutes. The temperature measured in the armpit is approximately 5-6 tenths of a degree below body temperature and is normally 36.2-36.8 ° C.


    temperature measurement

    Despite the lower accuracy, it is often limited to oral temperature measurement( this method is more often usedin Russia, since many doctors recommend that parents measure rectal temperature only under the supervision of a doctor).This method can be used for children who can hold the tip. Paracetamol is the most effective drug for lowering the temperature. Aspirin should not be used for children younger than 12 years to avoid the risk of such a rare complication as Ray's syndrome. For infants it is necessary to adhere strictly to the indicated dose of the drug. Repeated administration of the drug should be strictly following the instructions. Do not wear warm things on a febrile child, do not cover it with a thick blanket. This will reduce the heat transfer of the body. Give the child a copious drink.

    If you have an electric fan, it can also be used to lower the child's body temperature. If all this does not help, wipe the child with a sponge soaked in cool water, but in no case from the refrigerator, since this can only worsen his condition.

    nickname thermometer under the tongue for 3 minutes or use special thermometers in the form of nipples.