  • Does your child hear?how to determine this

    Here are some simple observations that can be made at different ages to test your child's hearing. If you answer many questions, do not let your child's hearing check the doctor.

    • Give your child acetaminophen. The first dose can and should be doubled.

    • Pour a little cooking oil, such as vegetable or olive oil, into a small glass and heat by placing the glass in warm water. Inject a few drops into the sore ear. Massage the outer end of the external ear canal to allow the drops to flow to the tympanic membrane and relieve pain.

    • If your baby's otitis occurs frequently, keep prescription anesthetic "Auralgan" drops.

    • Place the child with a sick ear upwards or sit it vertically and try to help him fall asleep in this position. It may be necessary for you to sit down, cushioned, in bed and put the baby to sleep on your chest, putting a healthy ear to your chest, and pointing the patient up.

    • To encourage the outflow of secretion from the nasal passages( and, possibly, from the Eustachian tubes), arrange a steam bath for the child.

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    When air polluted by microorganisms passes through the respiratory tract, inflammation can also occur elsewhere. We have just completed our journey to the middle ear. Next come the sinuses of the nose, small cavities in the bones of the facial skull on the sides of the

    of the nose, under the eyes and above the eyebrows. With a cold, as in the nose, the mucous membrane in these sinuses becomes inflamed, as it secrete mucus. This mucus accumulates in the sinuses and drains to the nose, after which it even more strongly flows from the nose, or flows back into the pharynx, causing nasopharyngeal dripping, tickling in the pharynx and resulting coughing when lying on the back. Instead of flowing out of the sinuses and eventually disappear, as is usually the case with colds, sometimes this fluid is retained in the sinuses, where it stagnates and becomes infected. Unlike otalgia( earache), a cold or sore throat, sinusitis has mild symptoms and often remains unidentified, because the child does not feel too bad.