  • Protecting the child from the sun

    Thin baby skin and summer sun are incompatible. In addition to the fact that bright sun causes burns, excessive sun exposure in childhood increases the risk of skin cancer in adulthood. Here's how to protect your child from sunburn:

    • The highest intensity of sunlight is observed from 10 am to 3 pm. If possible, plan a visit to the beach at late afternoon.

    • Wear a long shirt( for example, your old T-shirt) and a wide-brimmed hat.

    • Keep the baby under the umbrella or mushroom on the beach.

    • Beware of sunlight, reflecting from white sand. Turn the child away from these reflected rays.

    Selection of sunscreen

    Use a lotion or white gel-like protective cream, not transparent, which contains alcohol and can burn the baby's skin when applied. Buy sunscreen cream( SPF) 15. For games in the water, use a waterproof sunscreen and generously apply it again after several bathings. Especially sensitive areas of the skin, such as the nose, cheeks and ears, lubricate with an opaque sunscreen with zinc oxide.

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    Some children are sensitive to p-aminobenzoic acid( or para-aminobenzoic acid, PABA, if the cream is listed in English, RAWA), the active ingredient of many protective creams, so it is better to use a cream without RAWA.To determine if your child's skin is sensitive to this cream, test with a little cream on the child's arm before rubbing the cream all over the body.

    Because the absorption of sunscreens is poorly understood through the skin of young children, their use is not recommended for children up to six months.

    Shield for children's eyes

    Baby sunglasses can be fashionable, but are they safe? The baby's eyes are more vulnerable to the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays than the eyes of adults. Small eyes need to be protected. Ophthalmologists believe that the toy glasses from the sun can be worse than the lack of glasses at all. They just darken the eyes, why the pupils of the child expand, and more harmful radiation penetrates into the eyes. It is better to buy glasses labeled "100% UV filtration", but be prepared to pay a higher price for reliable protection;Besides, the child who wears glasses is rare, without removing. For one-year-old children, the most practical shield from the sun is a wide-brimmed hat and a pair of sharp adult eyes that protect the child from bright light reflected from sand, snow or white surfaces.