  • Frigidity symptoms

    In our society, every second woman complains of a decreased sexual desire. Such women are called frigid, but the term does not quite correctly express the essence of the phenomenon, since there are few women who have never experienced sexual desire or sexual satisfaction in their lives. In fact, frigid women are physiologically incapable of receiving satisfaction from sexual intimacy.

    Many sexologists argue that frigid women do not exist at all, but there are only sexually awakened and unleashed. Each of them reacts to sexual intimacy in its own way. It depends on the upbringing that she received, from the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the body, from personal experience and attitude to sex in general. There are many reasons for this.


    This term refers to the reduction or discontinuation of the pituitary hormone system, which develops upon damage to the pituitary brain tissue. The causes may be a tumor, trauma, various infections, postpartum blood loss effects of asphyxia( lack of air).One of the main symptoms is a breakdown in sexual activity. At the patient the sexual inclination decreases and disappears, hair on a pubis and in axillary hollows drop out. There is drowsiness, lethargy, mental and physical activity decreases, menstruation disappears, the mammary glands decrease in volume, in the postpartum period there is no milk production. As treatment, hormone therapy is used to compensate for the lack of hormones produced by the pituitary gland.

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    Low excitability of

    About 10-20% of women are characterized by low excitability and do not experience a special desire for sex. Such women can often change partners, as they experience a feeling of sexual dissatisfaction. The cause of coldness and low excitability may be hormonal disorders or weak sensitivity of nerve endings.

    Temporary frigidity

    In a woman's life there can be periods when she does not experience sexual attraction. This can be due to physical or mental exhaustion, stress, during pregnancy and in the first months after the birth of the child. When the cause that caused the temporary frigidity of a woman disappears, the sexual coldness itself disappears.

    False frigidity

    Occurs in women on the background of constant dissatisfaction with the results of sexual intercourse. Dissatisfaction can be both psychological and physiological. Disappointment after physical contact leads to the fact that a woman begins to avoid sexual intimacy, does not experience sexual attraction and rarely feels agitation.

    False frigidity can be a reaction to the betrayal of her husband, when for social reasons she continues to live with him, but in the depths of her soul there is resentment, and her body physically and physiologically refuses to take part in sexual activity.

    False frigidity can also be the result of severe education and suppression of the "animal" instincts, the perception of sex as something dirty and unworthy.

    This type of frigidity can be attributed to the consequences of sexual trauma( rape, sexual harassment of close relatives).

    The reason must be clarified individually. A comprehensive examination and conversations of psychologists will help to identify and solve a problem that prevents a woman from enjoying life, loving and being loved.

    Doctors say: "There are no cold women, there are inept men."This statement was true in those days when young girls had no information about sexuality, except those they received from their relatives, leaving their family only at the time of marriage. Their only mentor in sex education was a husband, but often he turned out to be a bad teacher.

    Modern young girls derive information about the relationship of the sexes from literature, feature films, where the sex life is shown without retouching and masking. Therefore, many of them have a real understanding of the physical basis of marital relations and vega package into marriage, being sufficiently experienced in sexual matters.

    Many women with reduced sexual desire feel deceived and afflicted, while others are reconciled to this situation, while others complain that they have to endure caresses, without which they could completely manage.

    However, this attitude towards sex can have an adverse effect on the nervous system and the work of the pelvic organs.

    In any case, family well-being suffers. A husband, not satisfied with his wife, begins to look for connections on the side, outside the family. This offends his wife, she becomes irritable, scandals break out in the house and all this leads to the disintegration of the family.

    Even if it does not come to a divorce, family relations give a break, love fades, sex life does not bring any satisfaction to spouses: neither moral, nor physical, nor intellectual.

    It should be noted that many women do not know themselves, they doubt themselves and their abilities to experience full and harmonious sexual experiences. The partner is the least able to help them. It's about a man who does not have any sexual experience, and about one whose experience is limited to communication with one type of women and turns out to be unsuitable for sexual intimacy with a representative of another type.

    A woman should immediately let the partner know what she likes and what does not. Excessive shyness can be pushed aside for a while or even drowned by the awakening sexuality. She must meet such attempts of a man to awaken her sexuality, not to restrain her reactions, but, on the contrary, tell her partner when she experiences the greatest pleasure.

    A woman who was unduly bound during sexual intercourse, unable to overcome her shyness, not only becomes cold, but also irritable, starts to suffer from various neuroses and eventually spoils her life and the life of her sexual partner.

    In the treatment of frigidity, ascending narzan douche is well assisted in genital organs, stimulating agents that promote blood flow to the pelvic and external genital organs, and the use of the lover "Zofrya" by the husband.

    Mechanical means such as pistons, artificial penis made of elastic material, stimulating erectors, Japanese condoms with tendrils and other devices are also used. Mechanical means bring the threshold of sensitivity of erogenous zones to normal values, due to which a woman can test an orgasm that is inaccessible to her during normal intercourse.

    A big role in the treatment of frigidity is played by solar therapy, hot sand. Of no small importance is the erotic situation of the south, the sea and resorts.

    The cause of sexual coldness may be disrespect to her husband. Before getting married, a girl often sees in her lover the ideal of a man, she in the imagination awards him with those qualities that he really does not possess. After the beginning of family life, the wife is convinced that her husband is not what she imagined in her dreams, her respect for her husband is lost, love is lost, the woman becomes indifferent to sexual caresses - coldness arises.

    The reason may be a rough first life intercourse, which repels the woman, even from thoughts of sexual attraction - she was waiting for affection and cleanliness, and came across the cold rudeness of the male.

    Gynecologists have observed that in cold and frigid women, menstruation is lengthy and painful. They last 5-8 days. This is explained by the fact that insufficient secretory function of the ovaries does not allow the uterus to contract in time and it very slowly returns to its original state, and it also opens slowly at the beginning of the menstruation.

    Many women experience a sudden numbness at the moment of the onset of orgasm, a feeling that they seem to fall through, lose consciousness, and then a feeling of a strong push in the area of ​​the clitoris or in the depth of the vagina and, as it were, the radiant heat diverging from these areas throughout the body.

    According to doctors, the lack of orgasm is quite common in women, and although the figures vary greatly, the percentage of this phenomenon varies from 20 to 40 women who regularly live sexually.

    It should not be assumed that frigid women are not able to love that they are unavailable for family happiness or they can not have children. They are beautiful mothers and wives, show tenderness, affection, feel love for her husband, appreciate him as a friend, the father of children, although they do not care for the intimate side of their married life. They do not suffer from their coldness and if they turn to the doctor, either because they would like to receive sexual satisfaction, which others experience, or under the influence of reproaches from the spouse.

    Husbands almost always blame the coldness of their wives, not suspecting that they are the cause of sexual dissatisfaction, because of complete ignorance of the elementary issues of married life. Unlike true frigidity, such disharmony is hard experienced by a woman, often leads to family frustration and may be one of the causes of neuroses. Because of the frequency of such situations, sexopathologists even have a saying: "There are no frigid women, there are inept partners."

    In case of any sexual disorders, in order to avoid physical and moral suffering, complications and eventual family breakdown, our opinion - as a result of shyness, consult a doctor-sex therapist.

    Before going to a polyclinic, still conduct an objective self-evaluation of sexual relations with a partner, make the necessary adjustments, using our advice to achieve harmony.

    First of all, pay attention to the situation in which usually comes closer - how intimate and cozy it is, exclude the possibility of any intrusion into the room. Make sure that prior to sexual intercourse, disagreements and disputes were resolved because of everyday issues, mutual cordiality was restored. Extreme fatigue accumulated over the day is not the best physical and psychological background for enjoying intimacy. In this case, it may be useful and successful to try to postpone it in the morning. Take a warm shower or bath. Very useful is a mutual soothing massage - stroking and light tapping all over the body from the head to the toes.

    Kisses and stroking of erogenous zones are considered one of the important factors in the love foreplay. The absence of this stage of preliminaries is, as a rule, the main reason for the insufficient preparation of a woman for sexual intercourse, does not allow her to fully enjoy sexual satisfaction and as the top of it - to experience orgasm. In a man everything happens earlier than an unprepared woman needs, but he must learn to control himself, to delay the onset of ejaculation.

    Sometimes it is useful to change the "habitual" sexual posture, it introduces diversity, gives new sensations, and the main thing can help to find the only position in which a woman, depending on the anatomy of her genitals, will be fully satisfied.

    Quite often women are able to achieve orgasm during intercourse only when the clitoris stimulates the hand at the same time.

    To achieve sexual harmony, one simple rule of contemporary sexology should be understood: there should be no prohibitions in love, everything that benefits both partners can be done, but one must not coerce one another to do what one does not like.

    In ancient times, a woman preparing for intercourse was not only washed and smeared with incenses, but also rubbed with cat skins.

    Each of us had to stroke a cat, play with it. Sometimes( especially if the room is dark), you can see how, when you touch the wool, sparks of static electricity leap on the surface of the cat's skin. When rubbing a woman's body with a cat's skin, charges accumulate on the bulges, they are electrified. Especially a lot of them are concentrated in the nipples, on the labia, vulva, clitoris. At the sexual certificate or act such woman is very raised or excited, its or her sensitivity is raised or increased, therefore the orgasm comes more quickly:

    For this purpose also skins of rabbits, dogs, other pets are used. They, too, can increase the excitability of women, but not to the extent that skins of cats, especially Siberian and Persian breeds.

    Read more about erotic food here.

    To strengthen male sexuality, there were always two main principles of nutrition: high caloric content of food and use of products with a specific activating effect. In different parts of the world, in different countries, preference was given and given to different products. In Europe and North America, the potentiating effect is attributed to raw chicken eggs, walnuts, in the East more believe in the power of exotic dishes.

    Here the rhinoceros horn, the blood of the snake, the testes of various animals, etc., are used to strengthen the potency here. But in all countries doctors and healers agree in one thing: to maintain sexual activity it is necessary to eat honey, pollen of plants, nuts of all kinds( especially walnuts)sprouted grains of wheat and other grains.

    Food consumed by a person should contain a sufficient amount of vitamins, especially the vitamins "of reproduction" E and L, which are contained in sufficient quantities in chicken eggs, cod liver, in carrots. For the process of sexual arousal it is very important that there is no shortage of B vitamins in the food, which increase the effective conductivity of the impulses along the nerves. Such vitamins are abundant in cereals and legumes, in potatoes, in fish dishes.

    To normalize blood circulation and increase the body's stability, Vitamin C is needed. A sufficient amount is available in rose hips, currants, sorrel, mountain ash and other plant products.

    In addition to vitamins, erotic food should contain a sufficient number of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for the body and be high-calorie and balanced."Geranda Samhita," one of the Old Indian treatises, also gives advice on the amount of food taken: "Half of the stomach should be filled with food, one quarter with water, and one quarter - remain empty for breath control."

    Cooking erotica for cooking uses widely herbs, vegetables, fruits, roots, seasonings, spices. She does not forget about dairy products, such as yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, etc. For the preparation of erotic dishes, meat of large and small cattle is used, and especially fish of various kinds.

    Among the fishes one of the most revered is flounder - a fish that evokes love, from game - pheasant and thrush, from the domestic birds celiac scallops are considered to be a delicacy, camel milk is a love drink.

    Erotic dishes do not kill with prolonged frying, but are prepared by pulsating heating. They are brought to a boil, removed from the fire and repeated several times, until complete.

    All products consumed by us in food can be conditionally divided into three groups: adversely affecting the potency and harming the body, positively affecting the potency and neutral.

    Let's start with plant food. Such fruits as cherry, cherry, apricot, dogwood, remove slags from the body, facilitate the work of many organs, purify the blood. In general, fruits and vegetables can be considered men's food, as they activate the activity of the body and increase potency.

    Nutmeg plants such as hazel, peanuts, pistachios, walnuts, well relieve fatigue, increase the vital forces of the body and, consequently, the potency.

    Citrus fruits: oranges, lemons, figs, pomegranates activate the activity of the intestines, improve the work of the heart, have a pleasant aroma and are well combined with many dishes. Even in antiquity knew that grains of pomegranate activate sexual activity, improve potency. They were constantly on the table with rich people with harems. They also knew that the zest of citrus fruits, flavored on vodka, is good for weak, low-active men to find their face and become a good sexual partner.

    Of vegetables, especially should stay on onions. There are many of their varieties: green onion, leek, onion, onion, garlic, etc. Erotic dinner can not be without members of this family. Back in olden days, onion vegetables were called "bed heroes".

    Spicy greens( portolac, savory, thyme, St. John's wort, mint, anise, caraway, tarragon, etc.) should always be present in erotic food as seasonings and side dishes for meat, game, fish. Spicy herbs and in general all spices cause a rush of blood to the area of ​​the small pelvis, and this, naturally, increases the potency.

    Of wild plants, special attention should be paid to dandelion. A few leaves of the yellow dandelion inflorescences greatly increase a man's sexual strength and help to successfully cope in bed with any woman. It's not for nothing that the French have a so-called dandelion diet in great fashion. Of other wild plants, one should note nettle, quinoa and leaves of burdock. If you constantly add the man to food these plants and give them in the form of salads and seasonings to main dishes, then his sexual power will increase to a great extent.

    Cheese and cottage cheese are important components of the "love menu".They are served in the form of seasonings to salads, vinaigrettes. From cottage cheese it is possible to prepare sharp snacks, adding in it garlic, pepper, raw vegetables, mayonnaise, spices, condiments. From cheese and cottage cheese it is best to prepare mixtures for refilling meat and fish products.

    A few words about potatoes. Potatoes should be served not in a separate dish, but in the form of several slices with salads, in the form of a garnish, with mustard and mayonnaise. Potatoes are heavy food and low-calorie, especially fried. But the peel of baked potatoes contains substances that increase sexual activity.

    If a woman intends to meet a man in an intimate environment and expects a little adventure, it is better not to load the stomach with something heavy, not to abuse alcoholic beverages. A man should be neither hungry nor too full after dinner. There are quite a few dishes, light enough and useful for the stomach and sex, which can add a touch to your romantic evening.

    One of these dishes can be mollusks or crustaceans that increase libido, they are very tasty, they are conveniently found in bed. If the house has shrimp, cut them into smaller pieces, shovel in a mortar with garlic, add coriander, black pepper and salt to taste. Again, shave to a messy state. Roll small balls, soak them with oil and fry. They can be prepared in advance and fried if necessary.

    Sweet dishes also have exciting properties. Honey mixed with 300 grams of milk, eggs and a tablespoon of brewer's yeast is a good reinforcement after a sleepless love night. This dish refreshes the partner and pours in it new forces, which can still come in handy.

    In the West, now spread one romantic dish, dramatically increasing potency. This - Barbados pudding, which is also called "mazut lake."

    Its recipe is simple:

    4 tablespoons of cocoa without sugar, 2 tablespoons of instant coffee, 8 tablespoons of sugar, 5 egg yolks, 5 egg whites, 5 tablespoons of dark rum, salt, 1/2 cup of thick cream. Pour the cocoa into a cup, standing on a water bath( or use a steamer), dissolve coffee and sugar in a quarter cup of boiling water and stir well. Then, gently stirring, pour this mixture into cocoa and heat for five minutes on a small fire, beat the yolks, adding them one by one, add a pinch of salt to the five egg whites and whisk until thick, and then gently combine with a mixture of cocoa and coffee. Pour the resulting pudding into a large glass dish and cool for at least 8 hours. Before serving, whip cream with a tablespoon of sugar and aged rum( up to 4-5 tablespoons).Put the pudding in vases and pour rum cream.