  • Frozen pregnancy symptoms

    Pregnancy death( not developing) - pathology of pregnancy development, termination of development and growth of the fetus, its complete death. It can occur at all times of pregnancy. The most commonly frozen pregnancy occurs in the first trimester, but it can occur at a later date. In most cases, an undeveloped pregnancy is not a sentence and after that a woman can safely become pregnant and give birth.

    Various genetic disorders.
    Infectious diseases: influenza, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis and others.
    Hormonal disorders, for example, inadequate amounts of pregnant estrogen and progesterone in the body, as well as the destruction of the balance between them, since the excess and the lack of both hormones lead to the fading of the fetus. Low hCG( human chorionic gonadotropin);
    Chronic stress and frequent emotional overstrain, as well as taking certain antidepressants;
    Alcoholism, taking drugs and smoking.
    Pregnancy after in vitro fertilization;

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    Sharp climate change, long distance flights;
    Age of the pregnant is older than 35 years.
    Symptoms of the frozen pregnancy in the second trimester radically differ from the signs in the early stages of pregnancy.

    - The basal temperature is reduced by 0.8-1 degrees, and becomes as in non-pregnant women. The rectal temperature with the frozen pregnancy decreases, since there is no longer a live fetus. However, this does not always happen.
    - If the death of the embryo occurred within the first 2 weeks of conception, the monthly ones will come on time or with a delay, and will proceed unusually, with great bleeding and a few days longer. Prolonged unusual menstruation is an occasion to consult a gynecologist.
    - Breasts cease to hurt, roughness passes. The disappearance of soreness and roughness should be alerted in conjunction with the remaining symptoms.
    - Nausea, so characteristic in the morning hours with a normal pregnancy, suddenly passes, self-improvement improves.
    There may appear meager or abundant discharge, any drop of blood on the linen in the early stages of pregnancy should alert and force immediately to go to the gynecologist.

    Symptoms of a suspended pregnancy in the second trimester depend on the length of the pregnancy and on how much time has passed since the moment of death of the child. The child who has died is already beginning to decompose in the uterus, which leads to intoxication of the female body and disorders of the blood coagulation system. This is very dangerous, and can cause uncontrolled, fatal uterine bleeding. In later terms, it is vitally important to interrupt the frozen pregnancy as soon as possible in order to avoid serious consequences for the mother. How to find out a dead pregnancy at a period of 13 to 17-18 weeks, when you have not yet felt the baby's movements? Unfortunately, there are no special symptoms. The uterus ceases to grow in size, the stomach volume does not increase. Possible allocation with a stagnant pregnancy, they are often bloody in nature, but if the cause of fetal fetal infection, they can be any. The temperature at the frozen pregnancy rises on already enough big term from destruction of a fetus and is caused by the infection developing in a uterus. It is often impossible to understand that pregnancy has died out, that's why it is so important to observe the gynecologist regularly, without missing the terms of appearances for admission. The doctor will immediately notice that your uterus has ceased to increase and does not correspond to the term of pregnancy.

    How to feel a frozen pregnancy for a period longer than 17 weeks? Stopping the fetal movement is the earliest symptom. If you have already felt the wiggling of the fetus, and for more than a day you have not heard it - be worried if everything is all right. Let it be better that the alarm is false. Other symptoms, such as pain, bleeding with a frozen pregnancy are, but not always, do not rely on them as the only reliable signs of trouble. The tone of the uterus, any discharge( abundant watery, smearing, brown) should be an excuse for turning to the gynecologist. There is a risk of maceration of the fetus, that is, the decomposition of the deceased fetus, which can lead to serious complications such as peritonitis or sepsis.

    The examination includes examination of the gynecologist, ultrasound of the pelvic organs and a blood test for hCG in the dynamics. The level of hCG in the dead pregnancy does not grow and lags far behind the hCG in normal pregnancy. To better assess the dynamics of hCG in the blood, it is advisable to take the test two times at intervals of 48 hours.

    Mismatch of the size of the uterus during pregnancy, that is, the uterus is smaller than it should be.

    According to ultrasound, the size of the embryo is less than the due gestation period. He does not have a heartbeat. When ultrasound is also possible to identify anembrion - a kind of undeveloped pregnancy, when the fetal egg is empty, without the embryo.

    Treatment after a frozen pregnancy begins with a mother and father examination to prevent a recurrence of the situation in the future. Both spouses donate to sex hormones and thyroid hormones, which undergo a thorough examination. This will help to identify and eliminate the causes that triggered the appearance of pathology.

    - a healthy lifestyle, rejection of bad habits, regular exercise;
    - examination by a gynecologist before planning pregnancy and timely treatment of all infections and hormonal disorders;
    - taking folic acid and vitamin E during pregnancy planning and in the first trimester until 12-14 weeks of pregnancy.
    These measures strengthen the body and prepare a woman for future pregnancy.