  • Pain in the heart symptoms

    Sometimes, even at the first glance at the "heart" patient, you can identify the disease that he suffers.

    In heart failure ( in mild cases) patients prefer to sleep on their right side, as lying on the left causes them unpleasant sensations in the heart area.

    In patients with left ventricular failure, patients prefer a sitting position.

    For chronic P-P1 deficiency, patients prefer to sit with their legs flat. The legs are usually swollen, but the dyspnea worries the patient less.

    Patients with vascular insufficiency feel much better in a horizontal position.

    The complexion of the "cardiac" patient can also tell a lot to the attentive observer: the pallor of the skin is often observed with anemia or spasm of superficial vessels, severe rheumatic heart failure or aortic valve failure. At a collapse the patient is always pale.

    Cyanosis ( cyanosis) of the lips, nose, tip of the tongue, extremities, earlobes is most often observed with severe degrees of pulmonary heart failure.

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    Edema in heart disease begins to appear in cases where the heart stops coping with the increased load on it and decompensation sets in. The location of edema depends on the position in which the patient is: in walking patients, edema is located on the soles of the feet and in the region of the legs, in the recumbent ones - in the region of the lower back and back.

    The main cause of edema is increased pressure in the venous capillaries. This leads to the fact that while the blood from the arterial knee intensively seeps into the tissue, its reverse absorption from the tissues is hampered by increased pressure in the venous knee of the capillaries.

    The appearance of cardiac edema is also promoted by:

    1. Poor renal excretion of table salt, which is abundantly deposited in tissues.

    2. Increased permeability of the vascular wall.

    3. Increase of the reverse absorption of water by the tubules of the kidneys.

    Shortness of breath .With heart disease, shortness of breath is one of the earliest symptoms. In mild cases, she worries the patient only in the state of physical exertion, in cases of moderate severity - when performing normal work, and in severe cases appears even at rest.

    The appearance of dyspnea with cardiovascular disease can be explained by several reasons:

    1. Stagnation in a small circle of blood circulation.

    2. Disorder of cerebral blood supply and hypoxemia( insufficient supply of oxygen) of the medulla oblongata.

    3. Lung diseases( emphysema, pneumosclerosis) - when their respiratory surface decreases, breathing becomes frequent and superficial, which further worsens the supply of oxygen to the blood.

    Heartbeat is a subjective feeling of heart contractions. In an almost healthy person, palpitations may occur during exercise, after a tight meal or under stressful conditions. In diseases of the cardiovascular system, heartbeat appears already in the early stages of the disease.

    Heart beat is often the result of cardiac neuroses and occurs with increased heart excitability.

    Pain. In a healthy person, pain in the heart can also occur with increased excitability of the nervous system, but more often it is the result of a pathological process. Pain is the watchdog of our body, and when the watchman gives a signal, then somewhere there are glitches.

    If pain occurs as a result of spasm of the coronary vessels, they are called angina pectoris. In these cases, acute myocardial anemia develops, and pain is a "cry of a starving myocardium."Stenocardiac pains are burning, compressive or pressing.

    In cases of inflammation of the heart, pain can be a constant dull character. In diseases of the aorta, she also wears a blunt constant character and is felt behind the sternum.

    In inflammatory diseases of the heart, the pain that occurs in it can be explained by squeezing the nerve endings of the heart muscle. And the pain that occurs with an attack of angina pectoris can be explained by hypoxia( oxygen deficiency).

    Dizziness. Dizziness and headaches are often the companions of improper circulation. This is explained by insufficient blood supply to the brain with oxygen and irritation of its nerve endings by the products of decay. Chills and fevers. Fever and fever in heart disease occur in inflammatory processes( endocarditis, pericarditis, myocarditis) and brain irritation with decay products in myocardial infarction, thrombophlebitis, or pulmonary infarction.

    Hemoplegia. Usually in heart patients hemoptysis occurs with stagnation in a small circle of blood circulation. Less often, it occurs in patients with stenosis of the mitral orifice or in the breakthrough of the aortic aneurysm in the respiratory tract. In the latter case, the patient dies.