  • Cancer of the bladder symptoms

    Bladder cancer is a disease that is the proliferation of malignant cells in the lining of the bladder tissue. Often there is not one, but several tumors, and the cancer can spread into and through the walls of the bladder. The most common symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine, although there are usually no symptoms. Therefore, when the symptoms of a bladder disease appear, they are usually the result of other, less dangerous diseases, such as an infectious disease, benign enlargement of the prostate or stones in the bladder. Bladder cancer is rare until age 40 and is more common in men.

    Depending on the specific stage of development of bladder cancer, the following stages are distinguished:

    0 stage. In this case, we are talking about the detection of cancer cells in the bladder, however, without their spread to the walls of this organ. This stage, in turn, is divided into stage 0a, and also stage 0is. Adequate treatment of the stage as a whole can lead to a 100% disposal of the disease. Let us dwell on these variants 0a and 0is:

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    0a - the stage is represented as a noninvasive papillary carcinoma. It determines the development of the stage at which the growth of tumor formation occurs to the area of ​​the lumen of the bladder, but without its germination to the walls of this organ and without spreading to the lymph nodes.
    0is - stage of carcinoma "in situ".Indicates that malignant formation does not grow in the lumen of the bladder, nor does it grow outside its walls. To the lymph nodes of the tumor at this stage also does not occur.
    I stage. This stage is accompanied by the spread of the tumor to deeper layers of the walls of the affected organ, however, without reaching the muscular layer. In this case, also adequate treatment can lead to a 100% disposal of the disease.
    II stage. At this stage, the spread of the tumor process occurs to the muscle layer of the affected organ, but without complete germination into it. Distribution to the surrounding areas of fat tissue process is not happening. With timely adequate therapy, the chances of recovery are around 63-83% at this stage.
    III stage. This stage of cancer indicates that the tumor formation has sprouted through the wall of the affected organ, reaching the fatty tissue surrounding the bladder. In this case, the spread of the tumor process becomes possible to the seminal vesicles and to the prostate( in men) or to the vagina and the uterus( in women).The spread of the process does not affect the lymph nodes. At this stage of cancer, the probability of cure for it is about 17-53%, naturally, if an effective therapy is prescribed.
    IV stage. The spread of the tumor process at this stage occurs already to the lymph nodes, including possibly affecting other organs by metastasis to the lungs, the liver, etc. The probability of complete cure at this stage is extremely low, in addition, the probability of a patient's life for the next five years isless than 20%.