  • Swelling of the quincy symptoms

    Acute Quincke ( acute angioedema, giant urticaria, trophoneurotic edema, angio edema) is an acutely developing, rapidly passing allergic edema of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and mucous membranes, it is a unique reaction of the body to the effect of various biological and chemical factors.

    Named after the German physician Heinrich Quincke, who first described it in 1882.Quincke's skin is affected by adults and children, but more often the disease occurs in women and at a young age. Children and the elderly are rarely seen. Manifestations of edema Quincke - an increase in the face or part or limb. The color of the skin does not change.

    Reasons for

    There are two types of Quincke edema: allergic and pseudoallergic.

    Quincke allergic edema, like other allergic diseases, occurs as a result of a strong allergic reaction of the body. It is often combined with food allergy, bronchial asthma, urticaria, and hay fever. In other cases, the cause of edema Quincke is a drug allergy, food allergy, insect bites, helminths and protozoa, blood diseases and autoimmune diseases.

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    The cause of allergic edema may be the effect of specific foods( eggs, fish, chocolate, nuts, berries, citrus fruits, milk), medicinal and other allergens( flowers, animals, insect bites).
    Predicting factors for the development of Quincke's edema may be parasitic and viral infections( giardiasis, hepatitis, helminthic invasions, etc.), diseases of the internal organs and the endocrine system( for example, the thyroid gland).
    There is a hereditary( pseudoallergic) edema of Quincke.
    Quincke's edema at the same time, like allergic edema, develops under the influence of substances that cause the formation of histamine - the same allergens. Edema develops in a sensitized organism under the influence of specific allergens: flowers, animals, food, medicine, cosmetics or nonspecific: stress, intoxication, infection, hypothermia. Predisposing factors may be diseases of the liver, thyroid( especially with its reduced function), stomach, blood diseases, autoimmune and parasitic diseases. Often in this case, the disease acquires a chronic recurrent course.

    In some cases, the cause of edema Quinck can not be established( the so-called idiopathic edema).

    Painless, fast-growing, limited swelling of the skin, subcutaneous adipose tissue and / or mucous membrane, sometimes accompanied by a feeling of raspiraniya skin. Most often, Quincke's edema is located on the lower lip, eyelids, tongue, cheeks, larynx, and the swelling of the larynx and tongue can lead to the development of asphyxia - difficulty breathing, cyanosis of the tongue. Quincke's edema in the larynx is especially dangerous. At the beginning, hoarseness of the voice, "barking" cough, is first noted, then the difficulty of breathing with dyspnea increases. The complexion acquires a cyanotic shade, then sharply turns pale. In addition, severe angioedema can be the beginning of an even more severe immediate allergic reaction - anaphylactic shock.
    Local edema of the lips, eyelids, scrotum, as well as mucous membranes of the oral cavity( tongue, soft palate, tonsils), respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, urogenital area are possible. Edema is rarely accompanied by pain, more often patients complain of a feeling of tension of tissues.

    The appearance of Quincke's edema in the intestinal mucosa can lead to pain in the abdomen, and in the mucosa of the bladder - to the violation of urination.
    To rare forms of edema Quincke is the edema of the meninges, the mucous membrane of the uterus, the synovial membrane of the joints. There is a characteristic feeling of numbness and itching. Easy Quincke's swelling quickly starts suddenly and also passes by itself on its own.

    Treatment of

    Elimination of allergen contact;
    administration of drugs to increase the tone of the sympathetic nervous system( calcium preparations, ascorbic acid, ephedrine);
    decreased parasympathetic activity( atropine) and histamine level:

    antihistamines, including the 2nd and 3rd generation - is
    Desloratadine( trade names: Eridez, Eden, Erius, Loratec);
    Cetirizine( trade names: Cetrin, Alerza, Allertec, Zetrinal, Zincet, Zirtek, Zodak, Letizen, Parlazin, Cetirinax, Allercaps, Aleron);
    Fexofenadine( trade names: Telfast, Fexofast, Fexadin).

    Vitaminotherapy is needed - prescribe ascarutin to reduce vascular permeability;
    Desensitizing therapy( ACTH, cortisone, prednisolone) is indicated for treatment with Group B vitamins and gamma globulin
    . Hormone treatment should be performed in a hospital in the absence of contraindications to hormone therapy.

    The only reasonable prevention is avoiding contact with allergens, you must know your allergen and if the allergen has served as a medicine, do not forget to inform about it at subsequent calls to the doctor.